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The lithosphere's solid, semi-solid,

and liquid layers are physically and

chemically distinct. These layers
would be exposed like the layers of
an onion if someone were to cut
through Earth to its core. Loose soil
rich in nutrients, oxygen, and
silicon makes up the lithosphere's
outermost layer. A very thin, solid
crust made of silicon and oxygen
exists underneath that layer. The
next layer is a thick mantle of
oxygen, silicon, iron, and
magnesium that is semi-solid. A
Earth is a complex system of nickel and iron outer core that is
interrelating physical, liquid lies below it. An inner core The majority of the air in the
chemical and biological made of nickel and iron sits firmly Earth's system is contained within
at Earth's core. the atmosphere. It ranges from less
processes. Everything in
than 1 m below the surface of the
Earth's system can be placed
earth to more than 10,000 km
into one of four major above it. The biosphere's
subsystems: land, water, organisms are shielded from the
living things, or air. These sun's UV radiation by the upper
four subsystems are called atmosphere. It both emits and
"spheres." Specifically, they absorbs heat. Weather happens
are the "lithosphere" (land), when the air temperature in this
"hydrosphere" (water), sphere's lower region varies. Air in
"biosphere" (living things), the planet's lower atmosphere
and "atmosphere" (air). Each circulates as it is heated or cooled.
of these four spheres can be The outcome can be as
further divided into sub- straightforward as a breeze or as
intricate as a tornado.
Water on Earth is mostly salty References:
(97%) in nature. Deep valleys on Olbers, Dirk. (2012). The Earth
the Earth's surface are where System.
the salty water gathers. The
term "oceans" is used to pload/Research/Research_Divisions/
describe these enormous
assemblages of salt water. ers.pdf.
Compared to water near the DepEd TV - Official. (2021, September
equator, water near the poles is 20). SHS EARTH SCIENCE Q1 Ep2:
extremely frigid. Water changes Subsystems of the Earth [Video].
its physical properties as a YouTube.
result of temperature
fluctuations. Water freezes into
earth hydrosphere - Google Zoeken.
a solid, such as a polar icecap, a (n.d.).
The entire planet's life is glacier, or an iceberg, when
temperatures drop to extremely q=earth+hydrosphere
contained within the
low levels, such those seen at earth lithosphere - Google Zoeken.
Biosphere. All of the (n.d.).
the poles. Water vaporizes into a
microbes, plants, and animals gas when it is exposed to
on Earth are included in this extremely hot temperatures, q=earth+lithosphere
sphere. Living organisms earth’s biosphere png - Google
such as those seen at the Zoeken. (n.d.).
organize into ecological equator.
communities within the q=earth's+biosphere+png
biosphere based on the local
physical environment. The Submitted By:
term "biome" refers to these
communities. Three of the CRISTIAN GOLTIANO
several types of biomes that JESTER STA ANA
exist inside the biosphere JEHN KAYE CONDE
include deserts, grasslands,
and tropical rainforests.

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