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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS GENEVA DOTSON, FERRIS WILLIAMS, and CARLENE TUCKER, Plaintiffs, ) ) » d ) ) No, 21-MR-177 ) VILLAGE OF WASHINGTON PARK and) LEONARD MOORE, President of Board) of Trustees of Village of ) Washington Park, IL, ) ) Defendants. ) On August 20, the Court convened a hearing on Plaintiffs’ Complaint for Mandamus. In addition to the named parties and their counsel, approximately 12 other individuals attended, all of whom were either past or present elected officials, or otherwise directly involved and/or interested in the Village's governmental process. At the outset of this proceeding, the Court advised all present of the limited, prospective nature of the Mandamus remedy. The Court explained that nobody is seeking damages. For this reason, from the Court's perspective, little would be gained by calling witnesses to perpetuate testimony which looked backwards. No, 21-MR-177 Page 1 of 4 ‘The Court then asked counsel for cach Party their view. The Court made clear that if either side disagreed, the Court was more than willing to conduct a full hearing, with witnesses, But neither side did; rather, the Parties agreed that such a formal hearing would be neither necessary nor productive. Thereafter, a full airing of the respective parties occurred in open court. Nearly everyone present had an opportunity to address the Court directly, including several individuals who were not named in the Complaint. Further, the Court has fully reviewed all of the pleadings. ‘The Court is fully advised on the matter. Being fully advised, the Court Orders as follows: ‘Trustee Carelene Tucker shall be reinstated immediately, and - - consistent with the requirements of 65 ILCS 5/3.1-25-5; 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-15; 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10- 50; and 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-55 - - the appointment of Christine Jackson shall be rescinded. The Defendant shall fully comply with: + 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-50; = 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-20; ~ 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-30; ind Pen meatk.nne Act - All other non-discretionary requirements of Illinois law. 5 ILCS 120/2.01; ‘The Defendant shall fully comply with the Open Meetings Act. No. 21-MR-177 Page 2 of 4 Insofar as, pursuant to applicable law, a meeting is to be conducted via Zoom, but the Trustees are able and willing to physically attend the meeting, in person, they shall be permitted to do so. The access of the Trustees to City Hall and the Senior Citizen Building shall not be abridged; in fact, the Defendant shall install a panel with an access code by the door of each building. This code shall be distributed to cach Trustee, and other government and necessary personnel as appropriate. Packets shall be made available to the Trustees by the Friday proceding the Tuesday meetings. Actions previously taken without a quorum must be re-voted on by the full Board of Trustees, Actions previously taken that, but-for the presence of Christine Jackson, would have been taken without a quorum must be reviewed and re-voted on by the full Board of Trustees. Actions previously taken wherein Christine Jackson's vote constituted the deciding vote must be reviewed and re-voted on by the full Board of Trustees. ‘The Court cannot Order, but STRONGLY ENCOURAGES, the following: ‘The Parties are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to work together, for the betterment of the Washington Park community. The Parties are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consider team building exercises, ideally led by a trained professional, No. 21-MR-177 Page 3 of 4 The Parties are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to form subcommittees, and utilize these subcommittees in a constructive manner to more efficiently accomplish city business. The Parties are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to agree on a process whereby proposed agenda items which were not taken up at a meeting be given priority at the next meeting. ‘The Defendant has filed a Counter-Complaint for Mandamus, seeking a finding that certain Trustees have abandoned their role. For now, that action has not been called up. However, once this Order is in effect, the Parties are warned that if any clected Trustee fails to attend meetings, the Court may be willing to entertain Defendant's Counter-Complaint at a later date. ‘Therefore, all Trustees are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend all meetings. SO ORDERED. Hon. Judge Date No. 21-MR-177 Page 4 of 4

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