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Vol. 10, No. 2, October, pp. 202–209, 1998


Molecular Phylogeny of Dipetrocarpaceae in Southeast Asia Based

on Nucleotide Sequences of matK, trnL Intron, and trnL-trnF
Intergenic Spacer Region in Chloroplast DNA
Tadashi Kajita,* Koichi Kamiya,* Kaho Nakamura,* Hidenori Tachida,*
Ratnam Wickneswari,† Yoshihiko Tsumura,‡ Hiroshi Yoshimaru,‡ and Tsuneyuki Yamazaki*
*Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; †Forest Research Institute of Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and ‡Bio-Resources Technology Division, Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan

Received September 4, 1997; revised December 16, 1997

species are also major timbers in the hardwood mar-

To obtain a refined molecular phylogeny of diptero- kets in Asia (Ashton, 1982, 1988).
carp species in Southeast Asia, nucleotide sequences of The phylogenetic relationships of Dipterocarpaceae
matK, the intron of trnL, and intergenic spacer region have been discussed using distribution, fossil, and
between trnL and trnF in chloroplast DNA were deter- morphological data (Ashton, 1982). He inferred that
mined in 16 species throughout 10 genera. In the the origin of Dipterocarpaceae was in Gondwana conti-
resultant trees Southeast Asian dipterocarp species
nent, and that ancestors of the three subfamilies were
were divided into two clusters. One cluster consisted
produced when the continent was split. He also dis-
of Anisoptera, Vatica, Cotylelobium, and Upuna, all
with the base chromosome number of x 5 11. The
cussed that the origin of Dipterocarpoideae was in
second cluster consisted of Hopea, Shorea, Neobalano- Africa, and it spread its distribution to the Malesian
carpus, Dryobalanops, Parashorea, and Dipterocar- area (the Malay Peninsula and Malay Archipelago,
pus, mostly with the base chromosome number of x 5 7. including New Guinea and the Philippines) producing
Dipterocarpus was the only genus that had the base relict genera, Stemonoporus, Vateria, and Vateriopsis,
chromosome number x 5 11 in the latter cluster. This that distribute in Ceylon and Seychelles.
result suggests that the chromosome number changed The generic relationships in the most successful
from x 5 11 to x 5 7 after Dipterocarpus branched in subfamily Dipterocarpoideae were discussed in Ashton
the latter cluster. Other evolutionary changes of mor- (1982) based on morphology, wood-anatomy, palinology,
phological characters are also discussed. r 1998 Academic and fossil record. The cytological data for the family are
Press still limited but provide important information to the
understanding of the generic relationships in this
subfamily (see review in Ashton, 1982). Two tribes are
INTRODUCTION recognized according to these characters. One is tribe
Dipterocarpeae which has valvate fruit calyx lobe,
The family Dipterocarpaceae consists of three sub- scattered resin canals, and the base chromosome num-
families distributed widely in tropics in the world. ber x 5 11; members of this tribe are Vateria, Vateriop-
According to the recent classification of this family sis, Stemonoporus, Vatica, Cotylelobium, Upuna, Anisop-
(Ashton, 1982; Londoño et al., 1995), approximately tera, and Dipterocarpus. The other is tribe Shoreae
470 species in 13 genera are recognized in the Asian which has imbricate fruit calyx lobe, resin canals in
subfamily Dipterocarpoideae, 39 species in two African tangential bands, and base chromosome number x 5 7;
genera and a monotypic South American genus in the members of this tribe are Dryobalanops, Parashorea,
subfamily Monotoideae, and one species of one genus in Hopea, Neobalanocarpus, and Shorea. The genus Upuna
the South American subfamily Pakaraimoideae. The which is endemic in Borneo was thought to be the most
disjunctive pattern of distribution of the three subfami- primitive genus in Malesian genera (Ashton, 1982).
lies is considered to be the result of the geographical The genus is most closely allied to Anisoptera, but
change in the Tertiary (Ashton, 1982). Although the superficially resembles the genus Monotes of Monotoi-
African and South American subfamilies include both deae, and shares a putative aril with Stemonoporus
savanna and closed forest trees, the Asian subfamily is and Vateriopsis.
mostly of closed forest where they dominate the emer- The first to study the molecular phylogeny of Diptero-
gent canopy of most lowland rain forests. Many of these carpaceae was Tsumura et al. (1996), using RFLP

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analysis based on PCR amplified fragments of chloro- formed. These genes were known to evolve faster in the
plast DNA genes to compare 30 species in 10 genera. chloroplast genome (Neuhaus and Link, 1987; Gielly
They presented two phylogenetic trees based on the and Taberlet, 1994), and often used to study relation-
maximum parsimony method and neighbor-joining ships among genera (Johnson and Soltis, 1994; Plun-
method, respectively, using the genus Upuna as an kett et al., 1997), among species (Gielly and Taberlet,
outgroup. They showed that (1) the phylogenetic trees 1994), and also within species (Fujii et al., 1995; Fujii et
clearly separate species with two different base chromo- al., 1997). We selected an outgroup from Tiliaceae
some numbers; (2) Parashorea lucida is a sister to most based on the phylogenetic analysis of Angiosperms by
Shorea species; (3) Neobalanocarpus heimii and Hopea rbcL sequences (Chase et al., 1993). Since samples from
form a clade which is the sister to two Shorea species; three genera of Dipterocarpoideae, namely, Stemonopo-
(4) and Cotylelobium and Vatica are closely related rus, Vateria, and Vateriopsis, as well as those from
species. But there were two potential problems in the members of other subfamilies were not available, we
analysis. First, since correspondence of restriction frag- could not include them in this study.
ments between species belonging to different families
was very difficult to determine in the PCR-RFLP
analysis, an apparent outgroup from other families was
not reliable in their analyses. Thus, they selected DNA Extraction
Upuna from Dipterocarpaceae as an outgroup, justifica-
tion of which was not well documented. They could not Fourteen samples of DNA materials were the same
discuss the generic relationships of Upuna to other as those used in the previous PCR-RFLP study of
genera, because they determined the position of Upuna Tsumura et al. (1996). Three additional samples were
a priori. Second, they did not give confidence levels of obtained from other sources (Table 1). Extraction of
their trees (e.g., bootstrap or decay analysis), even DNA was performed in the same way as was described
though evaluation of these is one of the advantages to in Tsumura et al. (1996).
construct phylogenetic trees using molecular markers.
Here, to obtain a more refined phylogeny among Automated Sequencing
genera of Dipterocarpaceae in Southeast Asia, phyloge- DNA fragments of the matK, trnL-trnF IGS region,
netic analysis based on the nucleotide sequences of and trnL intron were amplified by PCR using TaqI
matK, the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of trnL-trnF, polymerase (Pharmasia, Toyobo, Takara) using univer-
and the intron of trnL of chloroplast DNA was per- sal primers for matK (‘‘AF’’ and ‘‘8R’’ of Ooi et al., 1995),


Species Studied in this Study

Voucher a Accession No. b Source

mat K trnL/F trnL intron

Anisoptera laevis Dyer Yoshimaru s.n. AB006370, AB006387, AB006404 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Anisoptera oblonga Dyer Kawahara-95067* AB006371, AB006388, AB006405 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Cotylelobium lanceolatum Craib c LGF 52/95* AB006372, AB006389, AB006406 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Vatica odorata (Griff.) Sym. LGF 75/95* AB006373, AB006390, AB006407 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Upuna borneensis Sym. LGF 76/95* AB006374, AB006391, AB006408 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Dipterocarpus kerrii King LGF 71/95* AB006375, AB006392, AB006409 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Dipterocarpus baudii Korth LGF 53/95* AB006376, AB006393, AB006410 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn LGF 51/95* AB006377, AB006394, AB006411 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Dryobalanops oblongifolia Dyer Yoshimaru s.n. AB006378, AB006395, AB006412 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Shorea macroptera Dyer LGF 59/95* AB006379, AB006396, AB006413 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Shorea ovalis (Korth.) Bi. Kawahara-95025* AB006380, AB006397, AB006414 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Shorea bracteolata Dyer. LGF 77/95* AB006381, AB006398, AB006415 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Parashorea lucida (Miq.) Kurz LGF 67/95* AB006382, AB006399, AB006416 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) Ashton LGF 57/95* AB006383, AB006400, AB006417 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Hopea nervosa King LGF 74/95* AB006384, AB006401, AB006418 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Hopea odorata Roxb. LGF 61/95* AB006385, AB006402, AB006419 FRIM, Kepong, Malaysia
Tilia kiusiana Makino et Shirasawa Kamiya s.n. AB006386, AB006403, AB006420 Kyushu University, Japan

Note. Asterisks indicate the same materials as were used in Tsumura et al. (1996).
a Voucher specimens collected in Malaysia are stored in Frim Herbarium (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
Voucher of Tilia kiusiana is stored in the herbarium of Tohoku University (TUS).
b Accession numbers of DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) for nucleotide sequences are shown in order of matK, trnL-trnF intergenic spacer

region, and trnL intron, respectively.

c Referred as Cotylelobium malayanum in Tsumura et al. (1996).

trnL-trnF spacer region, and trnL intron (‘‘e,’’ ‘‘f,’’ ‘‘c,’’ will appear in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ),
and ‘‘d’’ of Taberlet et al., 1991). Amplified products EMBL, and GenBank with the accession numbers
were purified by GeneCleanIII (Bio 101, La Jolla, CA) given in Table 1.
following the manufacturer’s specifications. DNA se-
quencing was performed using an Applied BioSystems RESULTS
377 automated sequencer with ABI PRISM Dye Termi-
nator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit following Characteristics of matK, trnL-trnF IGS Region, and
the supplier’s instructions. Sequencing primers for the trnL Intron
trnL-trnF spacer region and trnL intron were the same matK is about 1.5 kb in length and located in the
ones as those used as PCR primers. Although the 58 2.5-kb intron of the trnK gene (Neuhaus and Link,
PCR primer for matK could be used as a sequence 1987). The matK fragments of Neobalanocarpus and
primer, the 38 PCR primer did not produce good results Cotylelobium first determined in our study were 1265
in some samples. Internal sequencing primers were bp and correspond to the 55 to 1316 region of the matK
designed to complement matK sequences of N. heimii gene (1530 bp) of Nicotiana tabacum (in the complete
and Cotylelobium lanceolatum. To obtain matK se- chloroplast genome; Shinozaki et al., 1986) when aligned
quences of these two species, PCR-amplified products together. There were three indels between the Neobala-
were purified as described above and ligated to pGEM-T nocarpus and Nicotiana matK fragments, and the
vector (Promega) following the manufacturer’s specifi- identity was 79.1%. For other dipterocarp species,
cations, and the resultant plasmid was amplified and 915-bp fragments of matK were obtained using one of
purified in XL1-Blue (Stratagene) following standard the universal primers designed by Ooi et al. (1995) and
protocols (Sambrook et al., 1989). Nucleotide sequences a primer (1125R) designed in this study. There were no
of plasmid inserts were determined using both the T7 indels among sequences of Dipterocarpaceae, but a
and reverse primers. The obtained sequences were 6-base indel was found between dipterocarp species
manually aligned and four internal primers (392R: and Tilia kiusiana. This 915-bp fragment corresponds
GATGGATGGGATGAGGTATTAGT; 602F: CCATTTTC- to the 136 to 1062 region of the N. tabacum matK gene.
CTTTTTCTCCGT; 892R:ATCCTTCCTTGATTGAGACCA; Because some of the species of Dipterocarpaceae had a
and 1125R: TCCAGATCGGCTTACTAATG) were designed long adenine (or thymine in the complementary strand)
from conserved regions. A pair of 8R and 1125R was repeat which troubled direct sequencing sometimes, at
used to amplify the matK fragments of other species. position 1273 relative to the N. tabacum matK, we
could not use the 8R primer of Ooi et al. (1995) properly
Phylogenetic Analyses in our study.
Alignments of obtained sequences were performed by The average nucleotide compositions of the matK
Clustal W (Thompson et al., Higgins, and Gibson, fragments were 0.30 (A), 0.38 (T), 0.15 (G), and 0.18 (C).
1994). The trnL-trnF IGS region and trnL intron con- Of the variable sites, 30.4% were at the first, 24.5%
tained numerous insertion/deletions (indels) between were at the second, and 55.1% were at the third codon
dipterocarp species and the outgroup taxon. Align- positions. The transition/transversion ratio was 1.55.
ments were visually corrected. Phylogenetic analyses This value was slightly higher than those reported in
were performed by the maximum parsimony method Hilu and Liang (1997) which compared 11 complete
and neighbor-joining (NJ) method (Saitou and Nei, matK sequences obtained from Genbank. They re-
1987). In the parsimony method, we performed branch- ported that the ratios between genera in the same
and-bound search using PAUP v. 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). family were 1.25 (Poaceae), 0.61 (Solanaceae), and 1.15
In the NJ method, we used Clustal W (Thompson et al., (Saxifragaceae) (Table 2 in Hilu and Liang, 1997).
1994). Those ratios varied from 0.39 between the two pine
Genetic distances were calculated using Kimura’s species to 1.35 between Pinus contorta and Sullavantia
two-parameter method (Kimura, 1980) for all pairs of sullivantii (Saxifragaceae). The average nucleotide sub-
sequences. Nucleotide diversities were calculated in stitutions within the family was 0.0278 (60.0031) in
each region of chloroplast DNA. In the matK, nucleo- the total sequence, 0.0202 (60.0028) in nonsynony-
tide substitutions at synonymous and nonsynonymous mous sites, and 0.0545 (60.0102) in synonymous sites.
sites are computed separately using the method of Nei As shown below, Dipterocarpaceae species studied here
and Gojobori (1986). Estimates of the average numbers are divided into two major clades each consisting of 5
of substitutions within and between groups with their and 10 species, respectively. The estimated number of
variances were obtained using the method of Nei and net nucleotide substitutions (see p. 276 of Nei, 1987)
Jin (1989). For these analyses, computer software between the two clades and the average number of
ODEN (Ina, 1994) and SEnj (kindly provided by Dr. Y. substitutions within each clade are shown in Table 2.
Ina, Biomolecular Engineering Research Institute, The ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitu-
Suita, 565, Japan; were used. tions is also tabulated. The ratio of nonsynonymous to
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper synonymous substitutions between the two clades is


Average Number of Substitutions and Variances in Three Different Parts

of Chloroplast Gene within Dipterocarpaceae

Nucleotide substitution c

Shared sites a,b Between families d Between two clades e Within cladeA (10) Within cladeB (5)

matK 915 0.1277 (6 0.0119) 0.0161 (6 0.0037) 0.0248 (6 0.0032) 0.0107 (6 0.0024)
Nonsynonymous (Ka) 708 0.0959 (6 0.0116) 0.0067 (6 0.0026) 0.0207 (6 0.0032) 0.0098 (6 0.0025)
Synonymous (Ks) 203 0.2386 (6 0.0363) 0.0497 (6 0.0148) 0.0393 (6 0.0085) 0.0138 (6 0.0059)
Ka/Ks 0.4021 0.1347 0.5256 0.7067
trnL-trnF 355 0.2234 (6 0.0279) 0.0133 (6 0.0050) 0.0289 (6 0.0049) 0.0183 (6 0.0048)
trnL intron 438 0.1487 (6 0.0192) 0.0094 (6 0.0041) 0.0193 (6 0.0037) 0.0190 (6 0.0043)
a Numbers of sites shared within Dipterocarpaceae are shown. Numbers of sites shared between families are different from these values.
b The minimum numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous sites were used to calculate variances.
c Nucleotide substitutions were calculated by Kimura’s two-parameter method (Kimura, 1980). Values of synonymous sites and

nonsynonymous sites were calculated by the method of Nei and Gojobori (1986).
d Average numbers of nucleotide substitutions [d
XY of Nei (1987), p. 276] between Dipterocarpaceae and Tiliaceae.
e Numbers of net nucleotide substitutions [d of Nei (1987), p. 276] between the two major clusters of Dipterocarpaceae.

smaller than those within clade and between families, the branches were not high compared to the tree from
suggesting stronger constraints on nonsynonymous the combined data. We show only the phylogenetic
substitutions in the period corresponding to the diversi- trees obtained from the combined data set in this paper.
fication of the two clades. Between Dipterocarpaceae The maximum parsimony analysis resulted in two
and T. kiusiana, the average nucleotide substitutions equally parsimonious trees with tree length 408 (Con-
was 0.1277 (60.0119), and the transition/transversion sistency Index 5 0.895). The majority rule consensus
ratio was 1.55 in the total sequence, 0.2386 (60.0363) tree of 1000 bootstrap replications is shown in Fig. 1. In
in synonymous sites, and 0.0959 (60.0116) in nonsyn- the consensus tree, we could recognize two groups of
onymous sites (Table 2). genera: one consisted of Anisoptera, Cotylelobium,
For the trnL-trnF IGS region and trnL intron, we Vatica, and Upuna, and the other consisted of Diptero-
used the universal primers designed by Taberlet et al. carpus, Dryobalanops, Shorea, Parashorea, Neobalano-
(1991). The nucleotide sequences obtained from Diptero- carpus, and Hopea. The bootstrap probabilities for the
carpaceae were easy to align, but some difficulties were two groups were 98 and 82%, respectively. The topology
encountered when we compared Dipterocarpaceae and of the NJ tree was consistent with the parsimony tree.
Tiliaceae because nucleotide divergence was high The bootstrap probabilities were 99% for the Anisop-
(0.1280). The lengths of the trnL-trnF IGS region and tera to Vatica cluster, and 97% for the Dipterocarpus to
trnL intron determined in this study varied from 379 to Hopea cluster.
401 bp and 458 to 509 bp, respectively. The base
composition was 0.30 (A), 0.37 (T), 0.12 (G), and 0.21 (C)
in the spacer region, and 0.40 (A), 0.27 (T), 0.17 (G), and
0.15 (C) in the intron. The spacer region included 14 bp Generic Relationships of Dipterocarpaceae
of the flanking coding region of trnF. Numbers of sites
shared by all sequences were 355 bp in the spacer We could obtain phylogenetic trees based on nucleo-
region and 438 bp in the intron. The average nucleotide tide sequences of the matK, trnL-trnF IGS region, and
substitutions within family were 0.030 (60.005) in the trnL intron by the maximum parsimony method and
spacer region, and 0.024 (60.004) in the intron. There NJ method. The topologies of these trees were almost
was a 37-bp inversion in the trnL intron of Cotylelo- identical, except for the resolution within Anisoptera-
bium. The nucleotide sequence of the region correspond- Upuna-Cotylelobium-Vatica clade. This clade was sup-
ing to this inversion was conserved in all dipterocarp ported by high values of bootstrap probability (98% in
species. In the calculation of nucleotide distance, we Fig. 1 and 99% in Fig. 2). The monophyly of Cotylelo-
corrected the sequence of the inversion to allow proper bium and Vatica was also supported relatively well
alignment with other species. (bootstrap probability 82% in Fig. 1, and 77% in Fig. 2),
but the relationships among four genera were not well
Molecular Phylogeny Constructed from Combined resolved. This result might suggest that these genera
Data Set diverged in a rather short time. The close relationships
Phylogenetic analyses were done using sequence between Cotylelobium and Vatica was also reported in
data of each region, but the confidence levels to support Tsumura et al. (1996), but the clear segregation of these

FIG. 1. Majority rule bootstrap consensus tree for Southeast Asian genera of Dipterocarpaceae constructed by the maximum parsimony
method based on nucleotide sequences of the matK, trnL-trnF IGS region, and trnL intron. Numbers on each branch are numbers of steps
separating each node in the tree. Numbers below branches are bootstrap values of 1000 bootstrap replicates. This tree is rooted with Tilia
kiusiana. Tree length is 418. Consistency index is 0.892 (0.749 excluding uninformative characters). Retention index is 0.839 (0.748 excluding
uninformative characters).

four genera from the remaining genera was not re- al. (1996) was also clearly shown in our results. The
ported because of Upuna being selected as the out- species relationships of Shorea species and allied gen-
group. era will be discussed elsewhere.
The other well-defined cluster consisted of Dipterocar-
Chromosome Number and Some Other Character
pus, Dryobalanops, Shorea, Parashorea, Neobalanocar-
pus, and Hopea (the bootstrap probability was 82% in Evolutions
Fig. 1 and 97% in Fig. 2). This clade was also recognized Tsumura et al. (1996) pointed out that the phyloge-
by Tsumura et al. (1996). Within this clade, most netic group consisting of Hopea, Neobalanocarpus,
branches were supported very well (95–100%) except Shorea, Parashorea, and Dryobalanops was character-
for the branch supporting the monophyly of tribe ized by the base chromosome number x 5 7. They
Shoreae (Dryobalanops, Shorea, Parashorea, Neobala- thought there were two groups in Dipterocarpaceae,
nocarpus, and Hopea), of which the bootstrap probabil- one with x 5 7 and the other with x 5 11, and the
ity was not so high (62% in Fig. 1. and 63% in Fig. 2). character state x 5 7 was a derived state. However, if
Tsumura et al. (1996) could not get good resolution in the character state x 5 11 was the ancestral state, there
two generic relationships: one was among Parashorea was no criterion to recognize the latter as a monophy-
and some species of Shorea, and the other among letic group. The present data showed that there were
Hopea, Neobalanocarpus, and the white meranti group clearly two monophyletic groups (Figs. 1 and 2). One
of Shorea (Shorea bracteolata in the present study). In group consisted of Anisoptera, Vatica, Cotylelobium,
our present study, we could get good resolution for and Upuna; all the members of this clade had the base
these relationships. Parashorea was the sister to the chromosome number x 5 11, valvate fruit calyx lobe,
clade consisting of two Shorea species, and Hopea and and scattered resin canals. The other group consisted of
Neobalanocarpus formed a monophyletic group which Dipterocarpus, Dryobalanops, Shorea, Parashorea, Neo-
was the sister to S. bracteolata (Fig. 1 and 2). The balanocarpus, and Hopea. Most members of this clade
polyphyly of the genus Shorea suggested by Tsumura et had the base chromosome number x 5 7, imbricate fruit

FIG. 2. Neighbor-joining tree based on Kimura’s distance, using Clustal W (Thompson et al., 1994). Branch lengths are proportional to the
scale given in nucleotide substitutions per site. Numbers below branches are bootstrap values based on 1000 replications. This tree is rooted
with Tilia kiusiana.

calyx lobe, and resin canals in tangential bands, but rus, Vateria, and Vateriopsis), classification of Diptero-
only Dipterocarpus, which is placed at the base of this carpaceae should be reconsidered.
clade, had x 5 11, valvate fruit calyx lobe, and scattered
Nucleotide Substitutions of the matK Gene, trnL-trnF
resin canals. These results showed clearly that the
change of chromosome number, calyx lobe, and resin IGS Region, and trnL Intron
canals occurred after Dipterocarpus had branched in Tsumura et al. (1996) estimated the rate of nucleotide
the latter group. Although there are many morphologi- substitution for the chloroplast loci analyzed in their
cal features which characterize the x 5 7 clade, no clear PCR-RFLP study. They concluded that suitable genes
characters were reported to characterize the clade for phylogenetic studies in Dipterocarpaceae were rpoC,
formed by Dipterocarpus and genera with the base rbcL, petB, and trnK, of which estimated nucleotide
chromosome number x 5 7. Further morphological substitutions per site were 4.21, 4.05, 6.22, and 6.83%,
studies are needed. respectively. The nucleotide substitutions obtained in
The differences of the base chromosome numbers, our study (Table 2) were lower than those of Tsumura et
calyx lobe, and resin canals were main criteria to divide al. (1996), but values obtained in PCR-RFLP studies
the Asian dipterocarp species (i.e., Dipterocarpoideae) may have higher levels of error in estimation. Tsumura
into two tribes: Dipterocarpeae and Shoreae. Our data et al. (1996) suggested that the nucleotide divergence of
showed that the classification recognizing the two the trnK gene was high; thus we chose to test useful-
tribes was not consistent with the phylogenetic relation- ness of matK for phylogenetic analysis in Dipterocar-
ships, because Dipterocarpus classified into Dipterocar- paceae. In our result, the highest value of nucleotide
peae was a genus monophyletic with Shoreae. Neverthe- substitution was obtained from the synonymous sites of
less, our data suggest that both Dipterocarpus and matK and the lowest from nonsynonymous sites of the
Dryobalanops diverged early from each other and from same gene. If we compare the nucleotide substitutions
the other Shoreae, and could be regarded as taxa of among genes used in this study, the average number of
equal standing with both the remainder of Shoreae and nucleotide substitutions of the synonymous sites of
the Anisoptera, Upuna, Cotylelobium, Vatica group. matK was significantly higher than those of the spacer
Although we could not determine the phylogenetic and the intron (P , 0.05, assuming approximate nor-
position of three genera of Dipterocarpeae (Stemonopo- mality). The nucleotide divergence of the synonymous

site of matK was also significantly higher than those of subfamily Dipterocarpoideae diversified in the Upper
the nonsynonymous site. There were no significant Tertiary.
differences between the spacer region and the intron,
and in other combinations. These results showed that CONCLUSIONS
in Dipterocarpaceae the synonymous site of the matK
gene evolved 1.79 and 2.26 times faster than the spacer The species diversity of Dipterocarpaceae has been
region and intron, respectively. The slower evolution- one of the central interests among biologists who study
ary rate of the spacer region and intron might reflect tropical forests. In this study, we presented phyloge-
some kind of constraint on these regions. netic trees to show the relationships among genera of
As shown in Table 2, the ratio of the numbers of Dipterocarpaceae in Southeast Asia, where this family
nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions between has most diversified. In the phylogenetic tree based on
the two major clades is smaller than those within three regions of chloroplast DNA, most of the relation-
clades and between families. In order to examine the ships among genera were well resolved. In the most
statistical significance, we performed a test of indepen- diversified genus Shorea, paraphyly of the genus and
dence similar to that used by McDonald and Kreitman relationships with other allied genera were resolved.
(1991). The numbers of nonsynonymous and synony- However, only a small number of substitutions was
mous changes within clades were 57 and 29, respec- found between S. ovalis and S. macroptera. Molecular
tively. The numbers of nonsynonymous and synony- markers that have higher resolution at the species level
mous substitutions between clades were 2 and 6, will be necessary to study species relationships within
respectively. The G value was 4.85, statistically signifi- genus Shorea, a genus of about 193 species. In our
cant with a probability of P 5 0.03 with William’s study, we concentrated on the Asian species excluding
correction. This suggests that the matK gene was more the three genera of Indo-Sri Lanka region, two genera
constrained in the period corresponding to the diversifi- of Africa, and two genera of South America. Relation-
cation of the two clades. Various interpretations of this ships of these other species to the Asian species are also
result are possible, as discussed by McDonald and of interest and studies including these genera are
Kreitman (1991). For example, population size might necessary.
be larger in this period, permitting a smaller number of
slightly deleterious substitutions (Ohta, 1992), or adap- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tive nonsynonymous substitutions might have occurred
in the other periods. Since no other sequence informa- We thank Dr. E. Nitasaka for helpful advice on DNA experiments,
tion is available for the species studied here at present, Dr. T. Kawahara for the DNA samples, and Dr. Y. Ina for providing
we cannot even determine whether or not synonymous computer software (SEnj). We also thank Dr. P. Ashton and anony-
substitutions are constrained; such information is im- mous reviewers for reading the manuscript and giving valuable
comments. This research was partially supported by grants-in-aid
portant for evaluating various hypotheses for the differ- from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan to H.T.
ence of the ratio and also for determining biological and T.Y.
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