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Project Information

Given the necessary equipments, tools, materials, supplies and information the
candidate is expected to perform the following two projects.
Assessment place: Well equipped computer Lab
Total time allotted: 3:00 hours and 30 min
Project 1: Planning, Organizing Policy Development and Client Support Internet


Total time 2 hrs and 30 min

GUNA company wants to build a new internet infrastructure and also with their
company that includes plan, organize and policy development also includes implantatio

hanged over time, but the functions required for human organization have remained
fairly constant. However, security requirements are not the only functions that stimulate
organizations to manage their information. If the information does not enable some
further use that provides value, there is no need to secure it. Organizational information
generally carries content that enables action leading to a gain or loss of resources.
Constructing an effective Intranet infrastructure requires attention to three distinct areas:
management, technical and content. Management consists of the roles, policies,
processes and organization needed to manage the life cycle of formal Intranet content.
The technical infrastructure consists of the networks, hardware and software required to
support content development, publishing and access. Most of the attention to Intranets
has been focused on implementing the technical infrastructure and development of
special content. The unique aspects of managing the creation, design and
implementation. This project focuses on these management aspects of an Intranet and
presents an organization and information architecture to support the new environment.
This project should be required to evaluate the candidates on how to select Business
requirement with its network topology.
Competence covered:

ICT HNS4 01 0811 Plan and Organize Work

ICT HNS4 02 0811 Assist with Policy Development for Client Support
ICT HNS4 03 0811Build Internet Infrastructure

Instruction: in this project you are expected to Explain Detail about the Project
Planning Organizing, Implementation using Physical and logical Design. Also use
Microsoft Visio to draw the design

Task1. Planning organizing, design and Implementation to build Internet


1.1 Explain detail for each task Write on Ms Word and Save by your name
on Desktop
1.2 Prepare a Work plan
Work Plan
Once a project is found to be feasible, software project managers undertake
planning. Project planning consists of the following important activities:
 effort, cost, resource and project duration estimation
 risk identification, analysis and abatement procedures
 project scheduling
 staff organization and staffing plans
 Miscellaneous plans such as quality assurance plan, configuration
Management plan, etc.
1.3 Feasibility study
 An abstract definition of the problem
 Formulation of the different solution strategies
 Examination of alternative solution strategies and their benefits,
resources required, development, cost and time in respect of each of
alternative solutions.
 A cost/benefit analysis is performed to determine which solution is the
 it may also be determined whether any of the solutions is not
feasible due to high cost, resource constraints, or extraordinary
1.4 Requirement analysis and specification
 The aim of the requirements analysis and specification phase it to understand the
exact requirements of the customer and to document them properly. This phase
consists of two distinct activities: requirements analysis and requirements
 The goal of the requirements analysis is to collect and analyse all related data and
information with a view to understanding the customer requirements clearly and
weeding out inconsistencies and incompleteness in these requirements. Note that
an inconsistent requirement is one in which some part of the requirement may
contradict some other part.
1.5 Design
The goal of the design phase is to transform the requirements specification
into a
structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language.
technical terms, through the design phase we derive the software architecture
the SRS document.
1.6 Implementation
The purpose of this phase is to translate the software design into source
During the implementation phase, each component of the design is
Himplemented as
a program module, and each of these program modules is unit tested (i.e.
independently as a stand alone unit), debugged, and documented. The
purpose of
unit testing is to determine the correct working of individual modules.
1.7 Testing system
During this phase the different modules are integrated in a planned manner.
The G
different modules making up a system are almost never integrated in a single
Integration is normally carried out though a number of steps. During each
integration step, the partially integrated system is tested. Finally, when all the
modules have been successfully integrated and tested, system testing is
carried out.
The goal of system testing is to ensure that developed system functions
according to
its requirements as specified in SRS document.
1.8 Configuration identification and benefits of configuration activities
Configuration management is implemented through two principal activities:
 Configuration identification decides the part of the system which needs to
be kept track of.
 Configuration control ensures that changes to a system are implemented
Benefits of configuration activities
 Organize tasks and activities that maintain the integrity of software.
 Help manage assets
 Provide ability to track changes made during sequential or parallel
 Ensure correct configuration of software (compatible configuration)

Task 2 determines the border between a network ID, Host ID, Class Type
and Range
Given IP Address Calculate
2.1 Network Id
2.2 Host Id
2.3 Class Type
2.4 Range

Network Id Host Id Class Type Range

Project 2:- Migrating New Technology and Maintenance Strategy

ሸ Total time 1 hrs

Project Information

This project involves Migrating New technology and determining Maintenance

Strategies, the candidate is expected to maintain different networks, hardware and
software as well as migrating new technologies.

Competence covered:

ICT HNS4 04 0811Migrate to New Technology

ICT HNS4 05 0811Determine Maintenance Strategy

Instruction:- under this project the candidate is expected to maintain different

networks, to improve the performance of the network based on the given below table

Save the file name “Technology “ on the My Document

Problem Maintenance schedule Reason for Estimated Cost

Identifies Topology

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