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Names: Sara Carolina Díaz Romo and María del Cisne Córdova Valencia.

Assigment: 4 examples that explain why geography has given the United States great
power status. In each example, students also need to explain why this is geographical
feature has helped the United States become a great power.

1. Access to abundant natural resources: The United States is blessed with abundant
natural resources, including fertile agricultural land, vast energy reserves, and mineral
deposits. This has given the country a significant advantage in terms of economic
power, allowing it to become a major global exporter of goods and services.

2. Strategic location: The United States is strategically located between the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans, which has made it a major center of trade and commerce. Its proximity
to important global shipping routes has allowed the country to establish itself as a
dominant player in international trade, providing it with considerable economic and
political leverage.

3. Large territory: The United States has a vast territory that encompasses a diverse
range of environments, including mountains, plains, and coastlines. This has enabled the
country to develop a wide variety of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing,
and tourism, giving it a strong and diversified economy.

4. Military and naval power: The United States has the world's largest and most
technologically advanced military, including a powerful navy with a global reach. Its
ability to project military power across the globe has given the country significant
diplomatic and strategic influence, allowing it to protect its interests and shape the
international order. Additionally, the country's possession of numerous military bases
around the world has facilitated its ability to project force and influence in global

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