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Valeria Vargas 10th grade Section B

Lab No. 3
1) Pre-Listening Exercise:
• Blanket.
• A whistle.
• A flashlight and spare batteries.
• Water.
• Canned food.
• Whistle.
• Medicines.
• Identification documents and cash.
• Communication elements.
• A first aid kit.

2) Idioms:
• A blanket to cover yourself from the cold or to wet it and use it to go through the fire.
• A whistle that in an emergency will be used to ask for help or to know your location.
• A flashlight with extra batteries so that you can illuminate what is needed when there is no light.
• Enough water to survive, stay hydrated, and be able to heal or take medicine.
• Canned food that does not need cooking or snacking, is easy to eat and sustains you until you
find real food.
• Medicines in case you need pain relievers or tranquilizers for emergencies.
• Identification documents and money so that they can locate you and money to buy something
necessary or sustain yourself for at least 72 hours.
• Communication elements such as a cell phone or a walkie-talkie to be able to communicate over
• and an emergency kit with what is necessary for not-so-serious injuries.

3) Listening Exercise:
4) Exercises:

5) Post-Listening Exercise:

• What are some ways that people can become more prepared in your local area, both individually
and as communities?

Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on potential hazards and emergency plans specific to your area.
Build an emergency kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies that can sustain you and your
family for at least 72 hours. Practice emergency drills: Regularly practice emergency drills with your
family and community.

• Can you think of a time in your life when you wished that you had been more prepared either for
a minor or major emergency?
Yes, one day when we had a car accident, we were coming down a hill and the brakes did not hold well
and the car skidded, I would have known what to do in case of having overturned, also in case of an
accident that I do, who do I call?

• What was the situation and in what ways where you prepared or unprepared for it?

My mom knew that she had to release the handbrake and grab the steering wheel, that's why we didn't
capsize or crash, but I didn't know what to do and I was just in shock until we got to our house.

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