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Dear student

There are students who mistakenly believe that a high year mark (20% marks obtained from
assignments)  is a guarantee for a final pass mark.

Some students often wonder how/why did I fail this module because I have done well in
assignments by obtaining a good year mark?

As indicated in your tutorial letter 101, the final mark consists of 20%-year mark (assignments
marks) and 80% exam mark.

In additional, the Unisa policy on exams states that you need to obtain 50% in the examination in
order to pass.

For example, if you obtain 10 %-year mark and 40% exam mark which added together gives you
50%, you will still fail because your exam mark is less than 50%!

This means that you need to obtain the 50% from the exam mark to pass before adding the year

So, whether you have obtained a good or low year mark is Not a guarantee for a pass mark.

A year mark is added to your final mark whether you have passed or failed the exam, but it won't
mark you pass the module. 

A year mark will improve your final score, for example, if you obtain 10%-year mark and 50% -
exam mark it gives you 60% which makes you score look good. A good year mark is an
important indication that you have a good knowledge and understanding of the syllabus which is
a confidence booster for your exam preparation.

So, your aim as a student should therefore be to prepare thoroughly for the exam and forget
about year marks for now.


Prof Hlongwane

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