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Call for papers Deadline 30 September! eceee 2011 Summer Study Belambra Presqule de Giens Toulon/Hyres, France
6 11 June 2011

Energy efciency rst: The foundation of a low-carbon society

eceee 2011 Summer Study 6 11 June 2011
Climate and energy security is top of the agenda of policymakers around the world. Energy efficiency has received attention like no time before, but yet many policymakers fail to appreciate its full importance. Climate change is no longer a theory in dispute: it will affect all of us. The energy systems in place in our societies are not sustainable from the supply system to the smallest end-use gadget. There is room for improvement throughout. But any road towards a low carbon society will fail unless we apply the simple message energy efficiency first! While improving energy efciency addresses many of these energy-related challenges, it is not enough. We must reduce our overall energy demand. We must better understand how we use energy and how we can change the ways we use energy on a national, regional and global scale. The Summer Study offers an opportunity for participants to work together to develop a new way forward. The collective experience embodied in this major European energy forum is a valuable guide for all those who strive to help decision-makers stop talking about saving energy and start delivering sustainable savings. The 10th eceee Summer Study will provide policymakers, researchers, activists and professionals with evidence-based knowledge and the most recent insights in energy efficiency thinking and practices. Come and learn what works and who delivers. Dont miss out on this unique opportunity to present your experience, revitalise your inspiration and build new networks. Join us!

How are abstracts selected?

How to submit your abstract?

Abstracts for refereed papers should relate to any of the eight panels. The selection committee consisting of the panel leaders will judge anonymous abstracts based on the following criteria:
clarity of thought and presentation; relevance to the focus of the Summer Study; presentation of new material; likelihood of stimulating discussion and debate.

All abstracts must be uploaded in our online submission system. Just go to the Summer Study pages on our web site and look for the submenu: Submit an abstract ( study/submission) and follow the instructions.

Abstracts are due 30 September 2010. Note: We will be strict with the deadline. Please contact the conference managers at if you have any questions.

Abstracts that deal with European countries in transition will be particularly welcome. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will be asked to prepare either a draft paper for oral presentation or a shorter paper to be presented as a poster. Both will be peerreviewed and authors of papers accepted for the conference will be asked to review another authors paper. Final papers will be printed in the proceedings and will be presented at the appropriate panel. Author(s) may submit more than one abstract; however, only one paper per first author will be accepted.

Eight panels: A comprehensive overview on energy efficiency

Panel 1. Foundations of future energy policy: Cutting the Gordian knot
The political case: People are prepared for change, but politicians are not. How can we provide them with the motivation and instruments to make the change? The social case: Energy efficiency vs. energy sufficiency; the theory and practice of (making) change. How do we deal with energy rebound in societies in which consumption is unbounded? The business case: How can we use the market as an instrument? Development of new business models that combine efficiency and renewables and that reward sustainability.

Panel 3. Energy use in industry: The road from policy to action

Highly concentrated potential and diverse technical options represent a great policy-making challenge. Experience and case studies in designing mutually reinforcing policies and measures. The role of complementary policies. What institutional frameworks are needed to ensure regular co-operation and exchanges between various stakeholders? EMS and other productivity improvement tools: how do companies currently integrate the two; is there a role for the private and/or public sector?

Panel leaders: Hans Nilsson, Fourfact, Sweden. Hal Wilhite, University of Olso, Norway.

Panel 2. Current energy efficiency policies: On stage and backstage

Description and analysis of recent national, regional or local energy efficiency policies; reasons for success or failure. Backstage processes of policy development and implementation. Policy integration: cross-sectoral and multi-level integration; comprehensive strategies and combinations of instruments. Conditions for policy learning and transfer between countries, regions, and political systems.

Panel leaders: Julia Reinaud, ClimateWorks Foundation, France. Erik Gudbjerg, Lokalenergi Handel A/S, Denmark.

Panel 4. Transport and mobility: How to deliver energy efficiency

Policies and practices which may accelerate fuel, technology and behavioural transitions in the transport sector. New business models for car ownership, use and mobility management and ways of encouraging optimal use of cars. The impact of urban and regional form on energy consumption from transport.

Panel leaders: Corinna Fischer, The Federation of German Consumer Organisations, Germany. Sophie Attali, SOWATT, France.

Panel leaders: Caroline Watson, Energy Saving Trust, United Kingdom. Jillian Anable, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

Panel 5. Saving energy in buildings: The time to act is now

The huge potential for savings in the residential and commercial sector is not fully utilized. What is needed to make the savings happen? The biggest challenge is the transformation of existing buildings to low energy buildings. What policies and measures are effective to achieve this? All new EU buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings by 2020. How are the different actors in the building industry preparing for this?

Panel 7. Monitoring and evaluation

Effectiveness and efficiency of policies, programmes, and methods. Counting energy savings and other benefits new ideas, best practice, and lean M&E. Practical appropriateness of M&E design & employment of M&E results. Multi-criteria assessment of energy efficiency policies and programmes. Meeting EU Energy Service Directive requirements.

Panel leaders: Anette Persson, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden. Pernille Schiellerup, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Belgium.

Panel leaders: Kirsten Dyhr-Mikkelsen, EA Energy Analyses, Denmark. Friedrich Seefeldt, Prognos, Germany.

Panel 8. Dynamics of consumption

Evaluation of policy interventions, energy awareness programmes and projects: What can we learn from case studies, success stories and failures? Social learning and user innovation: How and why do users of energy actively shape technologies, policy measures, or new use practices? Energy consumption as a question of complex and varying processes of co-evolution: Which new approaches improve our understanding of the dynamics of consumption in the field of energy efficiency?

Panel 6. Innovations in buildings and appliances

We invite papers that capture exciting, promising, significant and practical innovations that might be labelled designed for Zero Energy. Wed like to see clever bundles for building technologies, renewables and appliances. And, yes, these bundles should persist, be flexible & easy to operate also for the elderly or disabled, and be affordable as well as appealing!

Panel leaders: Andreas Hermelink, Ecofys, Germany. Alan Meier, University of California, USA.

Panel leaders: Sea Rotmann, Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority, New Zealand. Michael Ornetzeder, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria.

For more information on the panels, see study

Conference calendar
30 September 2010: Abstracts are due. 2 November 2010: Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted or rejected. 14 January 2011: Drafts of refereed papers are due for peer review. 11 February 2011: Reviewers comments will be distributed to the authors. 18 March 2011: Final papers for the Summer Study are due. 611 June 2011: The Summer Study takes place in Presqule de Giens, near Toulon in Southern France.

About eceee
The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) is a non-profit, membershipbased European association. The goal of eceee is to stimulate energy efficiency through information exchange and co-operation. To facilitate this, eceee provides an information service through its website and electronic newsletter, arranges workshops and conferences, and takes active part in the European energy policymaking process. One of eceees principal events is the Summer Study held every second year. Since 1993, each of the summer studies has received very positive participant evaluations. For more information, see

eceee 2011 Summer Study

eceee Secretariat Sveavgen 98 IV SE-113 50 Stockholm Sweden Phone: + 46 8 673 11 30 Fax: + 46 8 673 04 44 papers @


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