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“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and to do so with some pasionaly,

some compassion, some humor, and some style” Maya Angelou. It proves to the young
generation that we should live a meaningful life. Spending a whole life for our choices and
Firstly, according to Gallup research, there are 85% americans who do not like their current
jobs.The pursuit of money almost equals with the pursuit of happiness. In fact, many people
will argue that money is happiness .However, this is inherently problematic because this
thought encourages many people to follow the path that does not suit social, it’s
hard to choose your passion or working to earn money. You work from 9 to 5 pm, from
Monday to Friday just to endure the same moments of extreme stress, boredom. This is not
the way to enjoy life. And, what is more worst ?, the feeling of tiredness does not easily end
up in the however, people who dare to chasing after dreams, they will be happier than ever.
we could not say that chasing passion is not stressful but it made us feel like challenging and result, dream chasers will know the worthy dream.
For instance, you tend to work more hours. When you do a job you are passionate about,
you will usually spend more time to complete the job objectives. For you, making use of the
extra time for your job does not make you tired or stressful because you don't have the
feeling of being forced to do it. Every field, every profession has a peak season when things
get very busy, especially at the end of the year. And, without a doubt, there will come a time
when you might need to work overtime. During this time, whether how much time you are
taking, somehow things will go easily and comfortably for you in a mysterious way.You will
not be working in a way to force. When you value money more than the health and passion,
you will find yourself in an endless spiral which you can't escape. Every day you go to work
with this mindset, you will gradually become so hated his work more and more.While many
people feel that they just work just to enjoy life during the journey of the youth. So, there's no
reason you spent your life new miserable experience the joy in the last days of his life, right?
In conclusion, I totally stand in agreement that people should chase their passion as diligent
as possible . Without love, perhaps people are in the jail of financial burdens, social
limitations, and spend a considerable amount of time to achieve their goals. From my own
opinion, young generation tends to pursue their dream job since more and more people are
being themselves.

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