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Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field

P. Ricardo Vielma

Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field!

De esta manera, los discípulos piden a su maestro, que les explique aquella
hermosa parábola

Dear brothers and sisters, in this way, the disciples ask their master to
explain to them that beautiful parable.

Desde nuestro nacimiento y bautismo, el señor ha sembrado en nuestro

corazón una semilla buena, una semilla de bien, una semilla de bondad, y
una semilla de fe. Nuestro Dios es el sembrador, y nosotros los
cultivadores. Sin embargo, a lo largo de nuestra vida, se nos olvida que
aquella divina semilla se encuentra en nuestro corazón. La vida nos hace
olvidar regarla, el pecado se convierte en la cizaña sembrada por el mal
para opacar el árbol de la vida. Muchas veces, nos quedamos sin hojas ni
ramas, aquella semilla no crece, y no tenemos frutos para dar a Dios y a
los demás.

Since our birth and baptism, the Lord has sown in our hearts a good seed, a
seed of goodness, a seed of kindness, and a seed of faith. Our God is the
sower, and we are the cultivators. However, in the course of our lives, we
forget that this divine seed is in our hearts. Life makes us forget to water it,
sin becomes the weeds sown by evil to overshadow the tree of life. Many
times, we remain without leaves or branches, that seed does not grow, and
we have no fruit to give to God and to others.

Otras veces, cuando regamos la semilla divina, ese árbol crece y crece, y
los frutos espirituales son cada vez mayores. La vida triste se transforma
en vida alegre, y el pecado irá desapareciendo día a día hasta que la
santidad ocupe su morada.

At other times, when we water the divine seed, that tree grows and grows,
and the spiritual fruits are more and more. The sad life is transformed into
a joyful life, and sin will disappear day by day until holiness takes up its

We shall reap what we have sown. So when we are called into God's
presence we might be able to go with our hands full: of acts of faith, hope
and love, which result in minor things and events that, when lived on an
everyday basis, make us better Christians, better saints and more humane.

To the Blessed Virgin Mary

I love you, most dear Lady; and for the love I bear you, I
promise to serve you willingly for ever and to do what I can
to make you loved by others also. I place in you all my
hopes for salvation; accept me as your servant and shelter
me under your mantle, you who are the Mother of mercy

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