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# Welcome to Writer!

# Writer
Welcome to Writer. This document will guide you through some of Writer's features
and give you a quick introduction to the philosophy behind it.
## What's this "philosophy" you speak of?
KEEP IT SIMPLE: That's the idea and philosophy behind Writer. Writing should not be
about the tools you use, but the ideas and thoughts you have. Writer aims to give
you a simple and enjoyable method of getting your thoughts into text.

## Give it some character

Sometimes plain text just does not cut it. Writer has support for basic markdown.
That means you can add *emphasis* or **make a bold statement** without messing
around trying to select text.

*A full list of supported markdown is at the end of this document.*

## Vital Statistics
On tablets and large screen devices (bigger than 7"), the word and character count
is displayed in the bottom right of the screen. On all devices, the information
button (top right) will give you access to information about the current document;
including word count, reading time, and file details.

# Happy Writing
If you enjoy using Writer, have a feature request, have found a bug, or simply want
to contact the author, then I'd love to hear from you. I can be contacted through
email at (or simply use the link in the Android market).

If you enjoy using Writer or have found it useful, then all I ask is that you give
it a fair rating in the Android market.

# Markdown

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
You can do *italic*, **bold** or even ***both***!
+ Writer does lists too!
+ Weee!
- They can start with a + or a -
- I like the dashes more.
1. Numbered lists too!
2. Lots of lists
> Writer also supports quotes.
> But don't quote me on that.

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