Vocabulary Chart

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Sorrowfully Adverb in a very sad way
Loftily Adverb in a way that shows a belief that you are worth more than other people
Nonchalantly Adverb in a calm and relaxed way, showing no sign of worry
Devouring devour something to eat all of something quickly, especially because you
are very hungry
Absorbing Adjective interesting and fun and holding your attention completely
Process Noun a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result
Consumed Verb consume something to use something, especially fuel, energy or time
Digesting [transitive, intransitive] digest (something) when you digest food, or it
digests, it is changed into substances that your body can use
Microchips a very small piece of a material that is a semiconductor, used to carry a
complicated electronic circuit
Trigonometry the type of mathematics that deals with the relationship between the
sides and angles of triangles
Pixels any of the small individual areas on a computer screen, which together
form the whole image
Pathetically Adverb in a way that makes you feel sad
Distressed Adjective very upset and anxious
Mournfully Adverb in a very sad way
Apologetically in a way that shows that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for
causing a problem
Lamented (of somebody/something that has died or disappeared) missed very
Milled mill something to grind something (= break or press it into very small
pieces) in a mill
Skittered Verb + adv./prep. to run or move very quickly and lightly
Quivering Verb to shake slightly; to make a slight movement
Purist a person who thinks things should be done in the traditional way and
who has strong opinions on what is correct in language, art, etc.
Aesthetic Adjective connected with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things
Abstract based on general ideas and not on any particular real person, thing or
Cultivate Verb cultivate something to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops
Wild Adjective living or growing in natural conditions; not kept in a house or on a farm
Domesticated Adjective (of a wild animal) used to living with or working for humans
Shyly in a way that shows that you are nervous or embarrassed about meeting
and speaking to other people
Loneliness a feeling of being unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk
Blossom Noun a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a fruit tree or bush

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