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BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Instruction for assessment

This assessment consists of 2 parts:
 Part A requires you identify and analyse legal requirements and initiatives that relate to your
industry and workplace. You are required to measure current resource usage, analyse
purchasing strategies and current work practices in order to identify opportunities for
improvement of resource usage and set new targets.
 Part B requires you to implement resource efficiency improvement plans by using techniques
and tools to assist in achieving efficiency targets and monitor the performance of these.
All written work must be your own.
Any sources of information you access and use for this assessment must be clearly referenced.
You may use the templates attached at the end of this assessment or amend these to suit your

Part A

A. Legislation and sources of information for resources and initiatives

1. Identify the environmental regulations which apply in your local government area relevant to your
workplace activities and provide details what is covered by these regulations and by-laws.

-protection of the environment operations ace 1997

-environment protection athority

2. Identify any resources and initiatives which are in place or available in your state to help business to
reduce their waste and use resources more efficiently.

-increased cost saving

-process efficiency

-improved occupational heslth and safety management

-enhanced shareholder relations

-improved reputation

3. List 1 initiative that is relevant to your sector within the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Industry
and list all resources which are available through these initiative(s). Outline how these would be

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reduce ambient temperature in winter and increased in summer example set air condition to 22c
instead of 18c in summer

4. Measuring current consumption and identifying existing procedures of work practices and

Conduct a practical assessment of your organisation’s resources and practices. You may use the forms

attached below to collect your data or any software available to you (for example you may create a

spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel).

For this purpose you need to complete the following activities:

1. Take the current meter reading for gas, electricity and water.

Energy categories Current Meter reading

Electricity 23975KWH
Water 1335KL

Gas 6295CF

2. Create a table or list and enter:

all equipment and appliances used in one specific department (for example Kitchen, F&B etc.), and
measure the consumption of electricity as listed on the appliance labels.

equipment type Used fpr Kw/h

blender commerical Fruit juice 0.9

microwave ommerical heater 2.13

dishwasher ommerical washer 3.129

3. Measure the flow rate for water of various taps using the formula “Flow rate = Volume/Time

Results obtained by using the fprmula “flow rate =7 l/min”

Quarterly Water Use Aver Daily Cost of Sewage Connectio Target Variance
Period kL/period Use Water per Disposal n Fees
kL Costs

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850 9.4 0.08 0.15 800 -50


Apr-jun 950 10.5 0.09 0.2 800 -150

1150 12.77 0.11 0.3 800 -300


1250 13.88 0.12 0.35 800 -450


Location Item Type Water flow (L/min) Amount/ Type

bar Dishwasher/drink standard 7 L/min 2


kitchen standard 7 L/min 6


4. Inspect the type of lighting used and determine the KW/H (1000 Watt = 1 KWH) used in that
department based on typical or given workplace practices during operation.

4 T me lighting using at kitchen is 1000 watt = 1kwh which is using for 5 hours per day with peak
hour which is 150 hours per month

5. Inspect the provisions for recycling.

 Avoid-mesns creating zero waste,products that have no waste associated with it should be chosen
first . Eg:don’t used the plastic item such as plastic bag or plastic cup insted to use the paper bagor
paper cup which is can recycled

 Reduce-use less of a product or engineer waste out of the production pathway

 Reuse-re-use containers.packaging or reuse bottle

 Reclycle-items that cannot be reused can be recycled

 Energy recovery-composting,incineration for power generation components product.

6. Determine the intervals of waste collection and determine the size of the cubicle(s) used.

Material Type of Collection Collection Average Contractor

frequency frequency annual details
container and
amount (normal) (busy

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2 week daily free Citywide
paper 1*200kg

1*150kg 2 week daily free Citywide


1*80kg 2 week daily free Citywide


7. This task is performed outside: Wearing gloves and using tongs, physically inspect the contents of
garbage bins from your department and inspect the approximate waste for each category (Glass,
paper, card board, green waste etc) and express these in percent (approximately).

Date time Location Bin Plastic Glass Cans Card Paper Milk Organic Other
size bottles% bottle % % carton % broken

23/12/201 Beer 250L 15% 24% 15% N/A 14% 10% 12% 3%
9 garden
23/12/201 Bar 500L 20% 21% 10% N/A 2% 6% N\A 2%

23/12/201 kitchen 500L 10% 22% 5% N\A 4% 5% 14% 4%

23/12/201 Guest 243L 20% 23% 20% N\A 1% 6% 11% 4%
9 room

8. Determine the energy consumption ratings, use and settings of air conditioners and heaters where
applicable and document the potential KWH usage for these units.

Electricity Meter 1 Current Reading:1156k wh

Meter 2 Current Reading:1350kwh

Meter 3 Current Reading:1250kwh

Meter 4 Current Reading:1450kwh

Month Invoice # Amount Peak Off Peak Total Total for Target Variance

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$ Month

Jan 1001 0.240 All usage All usage 1150 276 1000 -150
Feb 1002 0.35 All usage All usage 1350 472.5 1000 -350
Mar 1003 0.25 All usage All usage 1250 312.5 1000 -250
April 1004 0.45 All usage All usage 1350 652.5 1000 -450

Gas Current Reading:4100kj

Month Invoice # Amount $ Total Total for

Jan 1001 0.2 980 196
Feb 1002 0.2 1080 216
Mar 1003 0.2 1180 236
April 1004 0.2 1280 256

9. Determine the resources required for any plants, landscaping or outside areas as relevant.


• Use grey water on garden

• Use water according to need

• Water either late in day or early in the morning


• Install lighting on sensor its mean it’s on automatic mode

• Turn on gas when need.

• Use compact fluorescent lights

10. List the purchasing strategies which are currently in place including environmentally sustainable
approaches; carbon foot print considerations (for example use local supplies from growers etc.)

 Use construction materials with low water requirements.

 Use greywater on gardens.

 Plant drought-tolerant vegetation.

 Use rainwater tanks.

 Install half-flush toilets.

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 Insulate the building to save on heating and cooling costs
 Use recycled building products
 Design the building to take advantage of natural light and air circulation
 Install rainwater collection tanks for use on the garden
 Use timber from sustainable forests
 Install green roof and gardens to reduce water runoff
 Use natural or recycled products for insulation
 Double glaze windows to reduce heat loss.

11. Identify any workplace environmental and occupational hazards you may encounter during your
resource analysis.

Resource analysis about workplace environment and occupational hazards, found that
dishwasher machine was leaking and the floor was full of water which will be tripping hazards.
And this must be fixing as soon as possible.

Another hazard I found the wire goes for fryer was not assemble properly and I can see some
loose. needs to be done soon.

12. Identify any breaches or potential breaches for environmental practices you have encountered in
the audited area during your project and outline the issues.

There was no any allocated recycle bin for glasses. all the staffs are using wastage bin for recycle.
this must be stop need to provide a separate bin for glass recycle

B. Setting efficiency targets

1. Analyse the results you have obtained for usage of resources and compare these results against:

• Work and workflow processes: – which improvements could be made?

Manyimprovements in terms of OHS&E are needed.

• Industry Schemes: – How do your results compare?

Our waste management and recycling policies and procedures are less effective than overall
industry performance.

• Technology: – Are you using efficient technology?

In some cases, we are while in other cases we need improvement.

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• Resources: – Is there a benefit of switching e.g. from electricity to gas in some areas or using
other measures?

There is a lot of room improvement in many areas for the efficient use of resources.

Best Practice: – Are there recommendations from manufacturers or bodies that recommend
particular practices?

There a re lot of industry best practices in the TH&E industry that can be followed such a s
green globe program.

2. Set your targets in a table or spreadsheet based on your findings of the analysis.


• 138 litres per guest per night (apartment)

• 183liters per guest per night(hotel)

Energy benchmark

Gj/m2/year satisfactory
<0.95 Very good

0.95-1.09 Good
1.09-1.24 Satisfaction

1.24-1.38 Poor
>1.36 bad

3. Outline the provisions for communication this would require with key stakeholders relevant to your
position and workplace and how this will be achieved. Include a template for an agenda and table
for entering actions.

Many projects fail without goals before they start. Therefore,we must have a goal and it should be
communicated within a team through regular meetings, brain storming sessions, one-one discussions and
informal discussions to achieve the goal is necessary.

Using the smart principles is a common approach used in management. targets are specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant and timed.

Possible improvements for water usage:

Factors that should be considered for kitchen:

• The identification of water reuse opportunities

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• Determination of the minimum water quality needed for the given use
• Identification of wastewater sources that satisfy the water quality requirements
• Determination of how the water can be transported to the new use
Factors that should be considered for Bar:
• Identification of water reuse opportunities
• Evaluation of the minimum water quality needed for a use
• Evaluation of water quality degradation resulting from the use
• Determination of the treatment steps, if any, that might be required to prepare the water for
Possible improvements to energy usage:

Pick the right appliances for kitchen

Although they usually cost more to buy, most appliances save you money over time and are kinder to the
environment because they use less power, water and chemicals than top loaders

Choose an energy-efficient fridge for bar

Your fridge is working non-stop and the energy it consumes adds up quickly. All new fridges sold in
Australia must meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). Look for a model that uses a
hydrocarbon, such as butane or pentane, as the refrigerant and/or blowing agent for the insulation
foam. All fridges on the market are CFC-free, so don't base you purchase decision on "CFC free"

Part B

For this part of the assessment project you are required to write and environmental resource efficiency
improvement plan which details the following:

1. The purpose of the plan

The purpose of this plan is to use the resources in most effective way possible.

2. An overview what has been undertaken and why

The recent analysis was done on following things:

 Organisation’s alignment with legal compliance and industry best practices.

 The amount of waste being produced in different department of the organisation.

 The amount of gas, water & electricity which is being used within the organisation.

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 The appliances used to consume theses energies and their effectiveness.

 The recycling abilities and its effectiveness within the organisation.

 The OHS&E hazards within the different departments of organisation.

Why it was done: This was a gap analysis to find out what is required in terms of using energy in
efficient manner, waste reduction and increased capacity of recycling.

3. The resource areas and targets you have established based on Section 3, Part A;
Resources: New electrical and water appliances.

• 138 litres per guest per night (apartment)

• 183liters per guest per night(hotel)

Energy benchmark

Gj/m2/year satisfactory
<0.95 Very good

0.95-1.09 Good
1.09-1.24 Satisfaction

1.24-1.38 Poor
>1.36 bad

4. The measures and tools you will implement to achieve these targets;
Possible improvements for water usage:

Factors that should be considered for kitchen:

• The identification of water reuse opportunities
• Determination of the minimum water quality needed for the given use
• Identification of wastewater sources that satisfy the water quality requirements
• Determination of how the water can be transported to the new use
Factors that should be considered for Bar:
• Identification of water reuse opportunities
• Evaluation of the minimum water quality needed for a use
• Evaluation of water quality degradation resulting from the use

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• Determination of the treatment steps, if any, that might be required to prepare the water for
Possible improvements to energy usage:

Pick the right appliances for kitchen

Although they usually cost more to buy, most appliances save you money over time and are kinder to the
environment because they use less power, water and chemicals than top loaders

Choose an energy-efficient fridge for bar

Your fridge is working non-stop and the energy it consumes adds up quickly. All new fridges sold in
Australia must meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). Look for a model that uses a
hydrocarbon, such as butane or pentane, as the refrigerant and/or blowing agent for the insulation
foam. All fridges on the market are CFC-free, so don't base you purchase decision on "CFC free"

5. Strategies that can be used to ensure staff compliance with environmental requirements and to
achieve new targets;
Without targets many projects fail before they start. Therefore, having a target and communicating
that particular goal within a team through regular meetings, brain storming sessions, one-one
discussions and informal discussions to achieve the goal is necessary.
6. Using the smart principles is a common approach used in management. targets are specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant and timed.
goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly
motivated to achieve it.
It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated.
Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of
getting closer to achieving your goal.
goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your
abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify
previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.
Relevant is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other
relevant goals.

7. Performance appraisal meetings and employee reward program can be of great importance to
ensure that staff if focused to achieve targets.
once it is clear how resource-efficient (or inefficient) your organisation is,
changes can be made. Adopting more responsible practices relies not only on
technological changes but changes in work practices and the behaviour of staff
and guests.
8. Strategies you will use for purchasing and selection of supply chains;

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Following are the strategies for purchase and selection of supply chains:


 Buy appliances which have more initial cost i.e. purchase but are cheaper in long term. i.e. using
less energy to produce more output.

 Buy materials which can either be reused or recycled.

 Buy local to reduce not only waste but to reduce your supply chain cost as well.

Supply chain:

Material Type of Collection Collection Average Contractor

container and frequency frequency annual cost details
(normal) (busy periods)
General waste General waste Daily Daily monthly spotless

Recycling items Recycle bin Weekly Daily monthly spotless

Linen Linen trolley Weekly Daily monthly spotless

9. A calculation which will provide information as to the potential savings that can be achieved over
time, given the investment;
For example:

Use of e.g. 10 light bulbs rated at 0.060 KWH in Kitchen area could be replaced with 10 energy
saving bulbs rated at 0.012 KWH which would represent an energy saving of (10 * 48 = 0.480KWH)
0.480 KW per hour x $ 0.28 = $ 0. 1344 per hour or at 10 hours per day: $ 0.1344 x 10 = $1.35/ Day.

For a 7 day operation this then equates to a potential saving of $ 492.75 minus the proportion of
the cost of the energy saving bulb @ $ 7.50 /5000 hours ($1.50 per 1000 hours use)versus an
ordinary bulb @ $ 0.75 /1000 hours lifespan.

10 Showerheads in guest rooms rated A could be replaced by ones rated AAA with a potential
saving of (10 * 55 L = 550 L ) 550 Litres per day etc. (0.55 x 1.80 = $ 0.99/day x 365 = $ 361.35/year)
minus the initial cost for purchasing the more efficient showerheads (for the first year only)

Bin Plastic Glass cans Card Paper Milk organic Other

size bottles bottles cartons broken
10 L 12 13 10 12 14 10 10 3

5L 8 12 11 13 11 10 10 4
Total 20 25 21 25 25 20 20 7

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10. The provisions for communication to periodically discuss and network with colleagues to make
adjustments and identify progress;
Communication and network strategies with staff to adjust and identify progress:

 Meetings.
 Brain storming sessions.
 One-one discussions.
 Organisational gatherings such as staff parties.
 Focused group discussions.

11. A spreadsheet or set of tools which can be used to record and monitor periodic results from readings
and invoices/ statements for utilities;

Troubles Environmental issue Review Target What is Peron

achieved responsible

Bar Extra land usage 12March 400kg recycled 250 kg recycled gary
but 100kg less
New packaging
Kitchen Food Waste 14 Reduce the Used 6.5 reams dyln
February quantity of food

12. Examples how you will evaluate strategies and make adjustments to the improvement plan.

Direct supervision, Formal & informal discussion, Performance appraisal meetings and document

When abreach of complianceis observed in terms of policies & procedures, it is necessary to take
immediate action to rectify the problem.

For example; Organize training for the staff member if required, point out what they are doing wrong as
well as the implications, show them the written SOP, policy or procedure and how to follow it, ensure
they understand how to do the task effectively, take disciplinary actions if the performance is

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