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Dr. Kofman 2003. QUEED K2-K4 WP FINBAR 1.

Answer kit

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Answer kit* for number problems Finbar 1

Problem 1.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1 N2 = ? N1 = 10 4 = 6 N2 = 2 N1 = 12

There are two numbers. The second number is two times larger than the first one. The first number is four less than ten. What is the product of these numbers?
Solution: Answer:

Product of N1 and N2 = ? N1 is 4 less than 10 N2 is two times larger than N1

6 12 = 72 The product of N1 and N2 is 72.

Problem 2.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1+N2+N3+N4=? N1 = 20 N2 = 20 + 2 N3 = 2 20 N4 = 22 2

There are four numbers. The first number is two less than the second. The third number is twice more than the first number. The fourth number is twice as large as the second. The first number is twenty. What is the sum of all numbers?

Sum of N1, N2, N3 and N4 = ? N1 is 20 ; it is 2 less than N2 N2 is 2 more than N1 N3 is twice as large as N1 N4 is twice as large as N2

20 + 22+ 40 + 44 = 42 + 84 = 126 these numbers is 126.

Answer: Sum of

Problem 3.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1+N2+N3+N4=? Factors of 25= {1,5,25} N1 = N3 4 = N2 24 N2 > 0 +24 ; {1,5,25} N3 = N1+ 4 {1,5,25} N4 = 1

There are four positive numbers. The third number is four more than the first number, and is also the factor of twenty five. The second number is twenty four more than the first number, and is a factor of twenty five. The fourth number is the smallest of all possible factors of twenty five. What is the sum of all four numbers?
Solution: Answer:

Sum of N1, N2, N3 and N4 ? N1 is 4 less than N3 N2 is 24 more than N1; factor of 25 N3 is 4 more than N1 ; factor of 25 N4 is the least factor of 25

1 + 25 + 5 + 1 = 32

Sum of these numbers is 32.

*Everywhere in answer-kit, Transfer of Data is denoted by italic print

Dr. Kofman 2003. QUEED K2-K4 WP FINBAR 1. Answer kit

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Problem 4.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N2 - N1 = ? if N2 N1 GCF (N1,N2) = 5 N1 N2 = 75 75 = 1 3 5 5

There are two numbers. Their greatest common factor is five and their product is 75. What is the difference between these two numbers?

Difference N1 and N2 = ? N1 N2 GCF of N1 and N2 is 5 Product of N1and N2 is 75

The numbers that give the product 75 are: 1 and 75; 3 and 25; 5 and 15. GCF(1, 75) 5; GCF(3, 25) 5; GCF (5, 15) = 5, therefore our numbers are 5 and 15. 15 5 = 10
Solution: Answer: The

difference is 10.

Problem 5.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N2 = ? N1 = 14 + 6 N2 = N1 6

There are two numbers. The first number is six more than 14 and six times less than the second number. What is the second number?

N2 = ? N1 is 6 more than 14 and 6 times less than N2 N2 is 6 times more than N1

N1= 14 + 6 = 20;

N2 = 6 20 = 120

Answer: N2 = 120

Problem 6.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: (N1 + N2 + N2)3 = ? N1= N2 = N3 3 N2 = N1 = N3 3 N3 = N1 3 = 3

There are three numbers. The first and the second are the same. The third is three times less than the first one, and it is the greatest common factor of 15 and 21. What is the average of these numbers?
Solution: Answer:

Average of N1, N2 and N2 = ? N1 is same as N2 and 3 times larger than N3 N2 is same as N1 and 3 times larger than N3 N3 = 3 times less than N1, and is GCF of 15 and 21

N1= N3 3 = 3 3 = 9;

N2 = 9;

(9 + 9 + 3) 3 = 7

Average of these three numbers is 7.

Dr. Kofman 2003. QUEED K2-K4 WP FINBAR 1. Answer kit

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Problem 7.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N2=? N1= xx xx={11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99} N2= yy = 5 N1

What are these two numbers? Second number is five times larger than the first one. Both numbers are two digit numbers. And both digits of the first number are same. What is the second number?
Solution: Answer:

N2=? N1 is two digit number N2 is two digit number and it is 5 times larger than N1

N2 = {115,22 5,}; The only product that gives a two digit number, is 115. The second number is 55.

Problem 8.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1, N2, N3 - ? N1 = ?; N2 = ?; N3 = ? N1 is 14 and it is factor of 42 N2 is a factor of 42 N3 is a factor of 42 N1, N2 and N3 are numbers in ascending order. N1 = 14 N2 ={1,2,3,6,7,14,21,42} N3 ={1,2,3,6,7,14,21,42} N1 < N2 < N3

What are these three numbers? All these numbers are different factors of 42 in ascending order, and the first number is 14.

There are only two numbers larger than 14 in the set of factors of 42. Therefore, N2 = 21, and N3 = 21.
Solution: Answer:

Numbers are 14, 21, 42.

Problem 9*.
Straightforward Solution

There are 50 consequent numbers. The first number is 25. a) What is the sum of these numbers? b) What is the product of these numbers?

These are 50 consequent numbers: -25, -24, -23, -2. -1, 0, 1, 2 , 3, , 22, 23 , 24 -25 + (-24) + (-2) + (-1) + 0 + 1 + 2 + + 23 + 24 = = -25 + [(-24)+24] + [(-23)+23] +.+ [(-1)+1] + 0= -25 (-25) (-24) 0 . 22 23 24 = 0, since any number times zero equals zero.

Solution by looking for a pattern. Create a similar problem with smaller numbers. These are 6 consequent numbers starting at -3: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. One can immediately see that multiplication gives zero and addition leaves -3 and cancels all other numbers. It gives us the pattern to be used in all the problems of this type.

Answer: a) The sum of these numbers is -25;

b) The product of these numbers is 0.

Dr. Kofman 2003. QUEED K2-K4 WP FINBAR 1. Answer kit

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Problem 10.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1 N2 = ? N1 = 5 7 = -2 N2 = N1 + 5

There are two numbers. The second number is 5 more than the first one. The first number is seven less than five. What is the product of these numbers?
Solution: Answer:

Product of N1 and N2 = ? N1 is 7 less than 5 N2 is 5 more than N1

N1= -2; N2 = -2 + 5 = 3; The product of N1 and N2 is -6.

N1 N2 = -2 3 = -6

Problem 11.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1+N2+N3+N4=? N1 = -5 N2 = N1 + 3 = -5+3 N3 = -3 N2 N4 = 3 N3

There are four numbers. The first number is three less than the second. The third number is the product of 3 and the second number. The fourth number is three times larger than the third number. The first number is negative 5. What is the sum of all numbers?

Sum of N1, N2, N3 and N4 ? N1 is -5; 3 less than N2 N2 is 3 more than N1 N3 is product of (-3) and N2 N4 is 3 times larger than N3

N1= -5; N2= -2; N3= -3 (-2) = 6; Sum = -5 2 + 6 + 18 = 17

N4= 36 = 18


Sum of these numbers is 17.

Problem 12.
Graphic organizer: Algebraic organizer: N1+N2+N3+N4=?

There are four numbers. The second number is twenty four and it is the multiple of all other numbers. The third number is eight times larger than the first number. The fourth number is not multiple of 3, and it is not square root of sixteen. All four numbers are different and positives. What is the sum of all four numbers? Solution1: (N =8n)(N {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24})=( N {8,24});

Sum of N1, N2, N3 and N4 ?

N1 multiplied times eight is N3 N1,N3,N4{1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24} N2 is 24, it is multiple of N1= N3/8; N1 {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24} N1,N3,N4 N2 = 24 N3 is 8 times of N1 N3 = 8n; N3 {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24} N3 is a multiple of 8 N4 3k; N {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24} 4 N4 is not a multiple of 3, N4 16 N4 16 N1 N2 N3 N4 Numbers are different positives. [(N3 N2), ( N3{8,24}) ] (N3=8) 3 3 3 (N1= N3/8 = 8/8) (N1=1); (N4 16) (N4 4); (N4 3k,) (N4 3, 6, 12, 24), therefore N {1,2,8} 4 Moreover, since N4 N1 N3, N4=2. N1+N2+N3+N4=1+24+8+2=35 Solution2: Since it is known that the second number is 24 and it is a multiple of the first, third and the fourth numbers, we can conclude that all our unknown numbers are factors of 24. Therefore, the list of possible numbers includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12. The list does not include 24 because it is given that all the numbers have to be different. N3 is 8 times larger than N1, therefore, it has to be a multiple of 8. In our list there is only one number that fulfils that condition. It is 8. Since N3 is 8 times larger than N1, N1 is 8 times smaller than N3. It gives us N1=8/8=1. For the fourth number, we have to exclude 8 and 1 from the list of possible numbers. The resulting list consists of 2, 3, 4 and 6. It is known that N4 not equals to 16, and it leaves us with 2, 3 and 6 only. The condition, N4 is not multiple of 3, puts more strict limits on our set, we are finishing with only one number, N4=2. Now, all numbers are known and we can add them to find their sum: 1+24+8+2=35. The sum of these numbers is 35.

Answer: The

sum of these numbers is 35.

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