Modern International System

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brief history of the system modern international system has three main features

the first stage concerns the definition of the state as a primary tool of decision in international relations
the treaty of Westphalia in 1648 established peace in Europe after a decade of conflicts and bloody wars
national sovereignty is considered the basis of global dialogue where each country is seeking political
solutions to the religious problem a norm was established against interference in another state's affairs
these three days serve as a precedent of peace reached by diplomatic congress and a new system of
political order in Europe based on the concept of the co-existing sovereign states inner states aggression
was to be held in check by a balance of power so for the

second stage it refers to the agreements between the states this development is associated with the
congress of vienna in 1815 where european powers negotiated the end of two decades of war and
rejoined the political map of the continent the congress of vienna was the first of a series of
international meetings that came to be known as the concert of europe an attempt to forge is a peaceful
balance of power in Europe the basic tenant of the European balance of power is that no single
European power should be allowed to achieve hedge money over a substantial part of the continent and
that is the best curritailed by having a small number of ever-changing alliance content for power

so for the last stage which is the third stage it consists of the multilateral system having in its core the
united nations built largely in the period after the second world war it has antecedents in the post-war
period by creating the lag of nations and the international labor organizations conferences at britain
woods new hampshire developed plans for building a wide range of universal rules in specialized
institutions in order to promote international cooperation in economic political insecurity areas

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