EET Nov 2016

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ZIMBABWE MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND TERTIARY EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT HIGHER EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (HEXCO) NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: Electrical Engineering Technology PAPER NO: 321/13/S06 DURATION; 3 Hours MARCH / APRIL "2016 16 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE 1. Answer all ten questions. 2. All questions carry equal marks. - This paper consists of 5 printed pages. State to whict: ni 3) to: ich qua es the NGA quantities the following symbols refer Resistances of 10, 209 and 30 are connected in i) Series a) Define the following terms. i) Electric field strength ii) Electric flux iii) Electric flux density iv) Capacitance (4 marks) (6 marks) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) b) A capacitor is charged with 10mC. If the energy stored is 1.2J. Find i) The voltage across the capacitor ii) The capacitance QUESTION 3 Copy and complete ELECTRIC CIRCUIT _ MAGNETIC CIRCUIT E.M.F = E ? [? @=FLUX Vv, Ie \? | ? Boia = Goer ‘3 QUESTION 4 (4 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) ‘The winding of an electromagnet has an inductance of 3H and a resistance of 150 when it is connected to a 120V supply, Determine a) The steady state value of the current flowing in the winding. 'b) The time constant of the circuit (2 marks) (2 marks) 2 Shes Ne $21/13/806 — ELECTICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY. APER NO: 321/13 S06 - ELECTICAL ENGINEERING TECHN! c) The induced e.m.f after 0,1 seconds (3 marks) d) The value of the current after 0.3 seconds (3 marks) QUESTION 5 a) Describe how the full load efficiency of a transformer can be determined from the results of the open circuit and short circuit tests. (5 marks) b) The measurements taken from tests on a SOKVA transformer are open circuit - 430W short circuit — 525W Determine the full load efficiency of the transformer at a power factor of 0.7 lagging. (5 marks) QUESTION 6 a) _ List four methods of starting three phase a.c machines (4 marks) b) conditions. Calculate the i) Slip when the rotor current frequency is 2HZ (2 marks) ii) Rotor current frequency when the motor speed is 800rpm. (4 marks) A SOHZ six pole three phase induction motor operates under a variety of load PAPER NO: 321/13/806 = ELECTICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY QUESTION 7 a) State Thevenin’s Theory. (2 marks) b) Calculate the current flowing through the 52 resistor using Theyenin’s theorem in the Fig. Q 7 below. (8 marks) a os 50 8a 20 6Q 30 6V yL oe 10V Fig. Q7 QUESTION 8 ag Define the Q- factor of a circuit. a) i te is connected in parallel wit d resistance 609 is coni oie ed gov variable frequency supply. Calculate DHE ca ee TECH CHNOLOGY OOV and non-inducti ee line conductor The ¢ 1 line (51 he ¢ r 41 conducto: (5m ui

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