What If There Is No Man in The World - Disavantages

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Gender equality by definition is the state of equal ease of access to resources and

opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making.

Such topic is always a hot potato. Society is making efforts to commit gender equality and
promote men and women to senior positions in equal numbers. And have you ever
envisioned a world without men? Would it be better off for women? Today, follow us to
discuss this scenario. Let's begin with Linh's opinion
So, would a world without men really be better? Would women be able to replace male
counterparts? Let's see how the only boy in our group think about this world.

The first consequence of all man disappearing is obvious, the world’s population will be
halved as male accounts for over 50% , moreover , as men no longer appear, its impossible
to have sex and thereby, impossible to reproduce the population. Furthermore, it's common
knowledge that the man is
usually the main pillar, the breadwinner in most families, now they are gone , so the financial
burden is now placed on the woman. Speaking of finance, loss of workforce is another major
consequence. Clearly, 50% of the population no longer exists ,and so does the 50% of the
world’s workforce, so women will have to fill in that gap, right? well , that bring us to another
problem. Men are usually dominant in jobs that require both mental and physical strength
such as builder, firefighter, police, pilot, etc.. And may i remind you, that only 3.5% of
firefighters are women, dealing with fire will be a bit challenging, only 5.2% of aircraft
operators are woman, thís includes pilotss and engineers , which means airline
transportation will be very expensive, another fact, only 25% of farmers are left in the world
after the ‘massive male genocide’, food will be sold out in every store so quicky that the
production cannot keep up with, famines are unevitable. In short , without the man
workforce, the remaining women on the planet will have a hard time surviving, at least for a
few years. And lastly, as all the men are gone and families are now left with only women,
daughters will be brought up without dads, sisters won’t know what is brother, the lack of
nourishment and emotional support are known to have diverse effects on their development.
Ok! I think that was enough to talk about the disadvantages.

Well, thanks for the arguments of you both. You’ve heard what would happen in a world
without men and it seems like that this scenario would be so terrible. From my point of view
in the process people look for gender equality, male and female are companions, not
enemies. When there is gender bias like men cannot stay at home to take care of their family
or women cannot undertake social positions, it would be a hindrance to the development of

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