The Nature and Purpose of Literature

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1. What is the relevance of the teaching of literature to you as a student of PEC?

As a PEC student, literature helps me improve in many aspect. It will promote my essential language
learning opportunities, and encourages me to expand my intellectual growth through perceiving and
appreciating the rich literary world around me. Also, discovering new idea and learning from the
experiences of famous/influential people around me is a fun thing. There is a lot of thing that I have not
experience but because of reading and watching the latest updates of what is happening around, it
made me aware and conscious of what are the consequences of such decisions and actions.

2. What types of strategy in teaching literature is your preference? Why?

I personally like Research Based allows me to discover new things and it gives me
opportunities to come upon new touch-ups. I develop more when working and I can manage my own
time and discover my own mistakes. I also want to work independently because it allows me to think

3. What is the purpose of this subject?

The purpose of this subject according to LESSON 1 is to look for alternatives or new strategies in
teaching Literature, as this course put emphasis on building and enhancing new Literature across
curriculum. And base on my understanding, this is to look for a new strategies to deliver an effective
way of teaching Literature to the student because as the world is changing, Literature is also aging. So,
we need to constantly improve the teaching Literature and make an effective ways to enhance it and
make it more interesting for the learners.

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