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Shortened Dental Arch: A Review of Current

Treatment Concepts
Vladimir de Sa e Frias, DDS, MS;1 Randy Toothaker, DDS;2
and Robert F. Wright, DDS3

It is generally assumed that dentition has ceased to be a predominant selection factor in the process
of human evolution. With differentiation and reintegration of the human species, gross differences
in the morphology and physiology of the stomatognathic system have become apparent. Variability
and adaptation of this system have proven that deviations from what may be considered ideal are not
pathologic but may, in fact, prove to be a range of normality in this general pattern of evolution. The
treatment of patients according to inflexible postulates may be detrimental to the individual patient
and the concept of a variable and patient-specific optimal dentition should be considered, especially
in the context of the shortened dental arch.
J Prosthodont 2004;13:104-110. Copyright 
C 2004 by The American College of Prosthodontists.

INDEX WORDS: evolution, adaptation, shortened arch

W ITH SIGNIFICANT advances in materi-

als science and the refinement of clinical
techniques, the major challenge for prosthodon-
in this segment of the population.3 As we move
into a new millennium, a new class of partially
edentulous patients presents a unique challenge
tics today becomes not the creation of dental to the treating dentist. In the past half cen-
restorations, but the successful physiologic inte- tury, advances in endodontics, periodontics, and
gration of these artificial replacements into a dy- prosthodontics have allowed us to treat and uti-
namic oral system. lize teeth formerly considered non-restorable and
Demographic data indicate that the relative allowed us to replace edentulous spans with fixed
incidence of the edentulous state is falling.1 It prostheses. The partially edentulous patient is less
is believed that the percentage of edentulous likely to consider removable partial dentures as an
persons in the 75+ age group will decrease by ideal option for rehabilitation of their dentition.
about 50% over the 35-year period from 1990 However, financial concerns and dependence on
to 2025.2 Nevertheless, the absolute number of limited dental insurance coverage may render
edentulous and partially edentulous patients is on these patients untreatable with current fixed and
the rise due to a significant numerical increase implant-treatment modalities.
A significant number of these patients will
present with shortened dental arches (SDA) in
1 Nobel BioCare Implant Fellow, Assistant Professor of Clinical
either the maxilla or the mandible. A shortened
Dentistry, the Columbia University, School of Dental and Oral Surgery,
dental arch is defined as a dentition where most of
New York, NY. the posterior teeth are missing.4 Sound treatment
2 Associate Professor of Dentistry, Director, Postgraduate Prosthodon- philosophies must be developed to provide appro-
tics Program, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Den- priate treatment for this subgroup of prosthodon-
tistry, Lincoln, NE. tic patients.
3 Professor of Clinical Dentistry, Director, Division of Prosthodontics,

the Columbia University, School of Dental and Oral Surgery, New York,
NY. Evolution of the Masticatory System
Accepted November 31, 2003.
Correspondence to: Vladimir de Sa e Frias, Division of Prosthodon- An overview of the evolution of the mammalian
tics, VC8-216, Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery,
stomatognathic system and its relation to cur-
630 W 168th St., New York, NY 10032. E-mail:
Copyright  C 2004 by The American College of Prosthodontists
rent concepts in occlusion provide insights into
1059-941X/04 the requirements for harmonious stomatognathic
doi: 10.1111/j.1532-849X.2004.04016.x function in human beings.

104 Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol 13, ( June) No 2, 2004: pp 104-110

June 2004, Volume 13, Number 2 105

The evolution of the vertebrates from filter The development of cooking methods allowed
feeding jawless fish to extant species has taken greater ease of mastication. Having good den-
almost five hundred million years.5 Evolutionary tition was no longer necessary for survival and
changes in the head, jaws, and teeth have been the freeing of human dentition from evolutionary
critical in ensuring mammals’ advantage. pressure was accentuated, a process that may have
It has been suggested that it is the evolution started with the acquiring of upright posture and
of the mammalian jaws and jaw joints, along bipedalism.12
with changes in ear structure, that is a key to Dental reduction has been so widespread
mammalian success.6 With prolonged intrauter- among human populations to render the phe-
ine growth and subsequent suckling, the period of nomenon of reduced tooth size worthy of scientific
growth when a young animal has to fend for itself explanation. One model invoked to explain struc-
is greatly reduced. Hence the need for continual tural reduction in organisms is referred to as the
changes and enlargement of a functioning den- probable mutation effect.13
tition is lessened, and fewer generations of teeth According to this model, structures no longer
are required. Thus, instead of being polyphyodont, functional due to environmental or cultural chan-
mammals are mostly diphyodont. ges will experience a relaxation of selection pres-
Fossil evidence shows that there was a gradual sure, permitting an accumulation of mutations
increase in size of the tooth-bearing surface of the in the population that will inevitably result in a
lower jaw, and reduction of the posterior segment. reduction in size or eventual loss of the affected
The mandible gradually extended posteriorly until structure.14
it came into contact with the squamosal portion Opponents of the probable mutation effect the-
of the temporal bone where a new jaw joint, the ory propose models of dental reduction based on
temporomandibular joint, was established. natural selection which, unlike the earlier the-
The tooth form gradually evolved to consist of ory, is testable in both modern and archeological
a series of cusps, initially in the mesial and distal populations.15-17
aspects of the crown, but later forming a triangle Therefore, the net effect has been a reduction in
of cusps called the trigon. The cusps were subse- direct dependence on the stomatoganthic system
quently added posteriorly to the lower molars to for survival and a resultant alteration in the size
form a heel or a talonid. Thus, primitive cuspal and function of dentition. Current concepts of
morphology was established.7 occlusion emphasize the capability of the masti-
The discovery of several specimens of a small catory system to adapt to or compensate for some
fossil hominid in the Hadar region of Ethiopia in deviations within the range of tolerance of the
the 1970s dramatically changed our concepts of system.18 Normal occlusion implies a situation
the timing and the order of changes of human commonly found in the absence of disease, and
evolution.8,9 It is believed that two branches arose normal values in a biological system are given
from the early hominids. One of these branches led within a variable physiological range. Therefore,
to the first members of the genus Homo, Homo normal occlusion should imply more than a range
habilis. The transition from the early hominid, of anatomically accepted values, and should also
Australopithecus Afarensis, to Homo Habilis has indicate physiological adaptability and the ab-
not been well documented by fossil records but sence of pathological manifestations.
appears to have resulted in a gradual evening The concept of an ideal or optimal occlusion
out of the whole dentition with diminution of its refers both to an esthetic and to a physiological
relative size,10 loss of diastemas mesial to the ideal. The emphasis has moved more and more
canines, a more parabolic dental arch, lessening from esthetic and anatomical standards to a cur-
of subnasal prognathism,11 and a decrease in the rent concern with function, health, and comfort
size and prominence of the zygomatic arch. that may include patients exhibiting SDA.
The Homo line is distinguished by encephal- Although a concept of ideal occlusion enables a
ization seen initially in Homo habilis, but much student to understand stomatognathic physiology
increased in subsequent species. Thus the relative and occlusal concepts, most patients with func-
proportion of cranium to jaws has changed in tionally sound occlusions and a healthy periodon-
humans due to both an increase in cranium size tium will not require invasive treatment to restore
and a decrease in jaw size (Fig 1). their dentition to an ideal.
106 Shortened Dental Arch r Frias, Toothaker, and Wright

Figure 1. Representation of dental arch diminution with corresponding increases in cranial capacity.

Basis of a Shortened Dental tive. The decision should be based on the aim to
Arch Concept create and maintain a healthy occlusion. A healthy
occlusion as described by Ash and Ramfjord19
Prosthodontists often approach the treatment of implies an absence of pathology not only on the
the shortened dental arch as a reconstructive or dentition but also in the periodontal, osseous, and
rehabilitative problem. These terms are intro- muscular components of the oral system. An or-
duced to differentiate between (1) rehabilitation thopedically stable centric position, axial loading
procedures aimed at restoring dental and tem- of the dentition, and guidance from centric to
poromandibular joint function and (2) reconstruc- eccentric positions are also essential. The last re-
tion that implies a more anatomically oriented quirement is adaptability of the system to changes
restoration of tooth surfaces.18 in other components in the system.
The decision to restore all the teeth in the The shortened dental arch concept includes
mouth should be made only after all intended an examination of the dentition within the func-
advantages of such treatment are carefully con- tional needs of the stomatognathic systems and
sidered and are found to outweigh the benefits of the requirements of the dentition to maintain a
a more limited yet therapeutically sound alterna- pathology-free system.
June 2004, Volume 13, Number 2 107

Figure 4. Extremely shortened dental arch with

Figure 2. Anatomically complete dental arch.

The Shortened Dental Arch The occlusal preservation target was developed
A classification for the shortened dental arch, to differentiate the dental arch into strategically
suggested by Kayser,20 groups patients according important regions.25 The anterior and premolar
to the number of teeth remaining in the arch and regions are functionally and esthetically indis-
the symmetry of the shortening (Figs 2–4). pensable throughout life and are considered a
A system considering occlusal units as premolar priority in rehabilitation. The molar regions play
equivalents was also developed in which a molar is important roles in mastication and stabilization
equivalent to two premolar units and a premolar is and are usually restored once satisfactory reha-
equivalent to a single occlusal unit. Thus a single bilitation of the anterior segments is completed.
arch of four molars and four premolars would In essence, the shortened arch concept allows
account for 12 occlusal units. for treatment and maintenance of strategically
Varying opinions regarding the influence of a important segments before segments of secondary
shortened dental arch on the masticatory system importance are restored.
have been reported.21-23 A major objection to
the replacement of bilaterally distal edentulous
spaces was poor patient acceptance of a traditional Shortened Dental Arches
removable partial denture; 24 however, the success and Oral Function
of implant-borne prostheses has provided a viable
The functional capabilities of SDA were assessed
alternative treatment modality for the shortened
by chewing tests based on the release of light-
dental arch situation.
absorbing materials when chewing raw carrots.26
The chewing tests showed a highly significant
correlation between masticatory capacity and the
number of occlusal units. With a decreasing num-
ber of occlusal units, the numbers of chewing
strokes needed before swallowing increased.
The subjects started complaining about their
masticatory function when the number of occlusal
units was less than four in symmetrically short-
ened arches and less than six in asymmetrically
shortened arches.
The preliminary conclusion was that there is
sufficient adaptive capacity in SDA when at least
four occlusal units are left, preferably in a symmet-
rical position, and this assumption has not been
Figure 3. Symmetrically shortened dental arch. disproved.
108 Shortened Dental Arch r Frias, Toothaker, and Wright

Subjective Experience of Mastication Mandibular Dysfunction Syndrome

in Patients with an SDA and Posterior Edentulism
A study was carried out to evaluate the subjective Costen in the year 1935 noted that ear and sinus
experience of patients masticating with a short- symptoms manifesting as facial pain were often
ened dental arch.27 related to disturbed function of the mandibu-
The aim was to determine whether subjects lar joints, thus creating the illusion that tem-
with an SDA displayed an increased incidence of poromandibular joint disturbances could be ade-
chewing problems and whether they had a differ- quately treated by dental intervention alone. This
ent food perception and food selection leading to led to widespread alteration of occlusal vertical
changes in diet. dimension by dentists but not always with benefit
A check was made to find out if there were to the patient.
differences in texture judgments, preferences, and Sicher recognized the shortfalls of radical oc-
actual consumption of 16 different foods between clusal alteration and protested that there was
the SDA group and a control group. Foods of no anatomical support for this reasoning.32 Cur-
different consistencies were chosen to represent a rent opinion suggests that the cause of temporo-
wide range in diets and the subjects scored the ease mandibular joint dysfunction is multifactorial and
of mastication for each food group. On the whole, not solely related to occlusal imperfections.33
no significant differences were found between the In most instances the mandible functions as
groups. a Class 3 lever in the mid-saggital plane, the
Other studies have shown that patients may tripodal bracing effect of the condyles, and the
compensate for posterior tooth loss by chew- teeth being in balance around the bilateral pull
ing longer,28 by swallowing larger food particles, of the masticatory muscles. Thus a wider spread
or by selecting a softer diet.29 Although some of occlusal forces could, in essence, reinforce this
investigations have indicated improved chew- braced position. An examination of the align-
ing efficiency with a distal extension remov- ment of the major closing muscles will show that
able partial denture,27,28 a study by Gunne indi- the combined vector of forces of the masseteric
cated that no major changes in diet were to be bellies, the medial pterygoid, and the superfi-
expected.29 cial temporalis exert an anterior superior closing
force,32 which is borne mostly by the bracing of the
condyles against the anterior slope of the articular
eminence and the interlocking of cusps and ver-
Age and the Effects of the Loss
tical overlap of the anterior teeth. Theoretically,
of Teeth on Diet and Nutrition the distance of these teeth from the envelope
The practical implications of recognizing different of closing muscles places much of this closing
functional levels for individual patients before force on the condylar elements; however, research
developing and instituting treatment may be the has shown no increase in the incidence of tem-
most significant concept in the SDA rationale. poromandibular dysfunction in patients with SDA
One study reported that with appreciable tooth (Fig 5).34
loss there is a related decline in masticatory
function, resulting in a compromised nutritional
state.30 However, the theory of prosthodontic re-
habilitation improving masticatory function and Dentists’ attitudes to the SDA concept have shown
limiting the risk of severe nutritional problems that the concept is accepted; however, a rational
has not been proven. treatment planning sequence for the SDA based
Studies have indicated that the distribution of on a thorough evaluation of functional, esthetic,
opposing contacts is more important to patients and psychological needs is not widely practised.35
than the relation between missing teeth and func- Much of the opposition to complete restora-
tion. A study by Smith and Sheiham also showed tion of the shortened dental arch has focused on
that only 42% of those clinically assessed as need- the deficiencies inherently present in removable
ing treatment felt they required treatment, and partial denture prostheses. Quality-of-life assess-
only 19% had tried to obtain it.31 ments have shown that improvements in function
June 2004, Volume 13, Number 2 109

this treatment may not always be possible due to

local and systemic factors.
The cost of new technology in dentistry places
a primary burden on the patient and a widespread
recourse to managed care has placed severe limi-
tations on the number of patients that may be able
to avail themselves of the treatment. The question
of the shortened dental arch becomes less and less
one of effectiveness of treatment and more of a
financial decision.
As prosthodontists, we often spend hours
agonizing over minor variables in the execu-
tion of treatment. Equally important, as health
professionals, it is imperative that we evalu-
ate our patients as individuals, requiring more
than just a dentition but a well-functioning,
if theoretically incomplete, masticatory system
that serves to fulfill each person’s varying

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