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On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Our planet, as you know, is full of life: we share it with animals
and plants. Our planet is very rich and hospitable. Unfortunately, we don´t take care of our home planet.
More and more people are destroying nature. They cut down trees, throw garbage into the rivers and
create pollution. As a result of this the climate is changing. Luckly, nowadays, there are associations
around the world that try to stop these destructive activities.
They tell people to save energy and water and to plant new trees. When we take care of the planet we
take care of ourselves.


1.- The day when Earth Day is celebrated.

2.- Who lives in our planet?

3.- Why is the climate changing?

4.- What can you do to help the Earth?


On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Our planet, as you know, is full of life: we share it with animals
and plants. Our planet is very rich and hospitable. Unfortunately, we don´t take care of our home planet.
More and more people are destroying nature. They cut down trees, throw garbage into the rivers and
create pollution. As a result of this the climate is changing. Luckly, nowadays, there are associations
around the world that try to stop these destructive activities.
They tell people to save energy and water and to plant new trees. When we take care of the planet we
take care of ourselves.


1.- The day when Earth Day is celebrated.

2.- Who lives in our planet?

3.- Why is the climate changing?

4.- What can you do to help the Earth?


On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Our planet, as you know, is full of life: we share it with animals and
plants. Our planet is very rich and hospitable. Unfortunately, we don´t take care of our home planet. More
and more people are destroying nature. They cut down trees, throw garbage into the rivers and create
pollution. As a result of this the climate is changing. Luckly, nowadays, there are associations around the
world that try to stop these destructive activities.
They tell people to save energy and water and to plant new trees. When we take care of the planet we take
care of ourselves.


El 22 de abril celebramos el Día de la Tierra. Nuestro planeta, como sabéis, está lleno de vida: la compartimos con
animales y plantas. Nuestro planeta es muy rico y hospitalario. Desafortunadamente, no cuidamos nuestro planeta
natal. Cada vez son más las personas que destruyen la naturaleza. Talan árboles, arrojan basura a los ríos y generan
contaminación. Como resultado de esto, el clima está cambiando. Por suerte, hoy en día existen asociaciones en todo
el mundo que intentan frenar estas actividades destructivas.

Le dicen a la gente que ahorre energía y agua y que plante nuevos árboles. Cuando cuidamos el planeta nos
cuidamos a nosotros mismos.


1.- The day when Earth Day is celebrated.

2.- Who lives in our planet?

3.- Why is the climate changing?

4.- What can you do to help the Earth?

1.- El día en que se celebra el Día de la Tierra.
2.- ¿Quién vive en nuestro planeta?
3.- ¿Por qué está cambiando el clima?
4.- ¿Qué puedes hacer tú para ayudar a la Tierra?

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