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TR5000 Series

Smart In-Circuit Test System

User Guide - Fixture Specifications

ver. 2.0.0
Jan. 31, 2008

Test Research Inc.

TR5000 Series Smart In-Circuit Test System

User Guide -- Fixture Specifications
ver. 2.0.0

Copyright © 2008 Test Research Inc. All rights reserved.

This document may be printed or photocopied only by customers or authorized agents of

Test Research Inc. (TRI) for sole use by their employees working with TRI test systems. Any
other use of this document must be approved by TRI.

Specifications and software are subject to change without notice. TRI will make all best
efforts to let existing customers know of any product upgrade, change or phase out.

All trade names and trademarks are the property of their owners.

For any comments/corrections to this guide, please address them to –
with “TR5000 SERIES USER GUIDE” in the Subject field.

  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0 
Test Research Inc.

1  Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 

2  TR5001(E) Pneumatic Type Fixture Interface ...................................................... 2 

2.1  Fixture Mechanical Specification ......................................................................2 
2.2  Fixture Interface ................................................................................................5 
2.3  Power Supply Wire Connections ......................................................................6 
2.3.1  Standard Power Supply 6 
2.3.2  Sense Pin 7 
2.3.3  Maximum Current 7 
2.3.4  Optional Power Supply 8 
2.3.5  Power Supply Wiring for the Terminal in the Fixture 9 

3  SMB Board Wire Connection .............................................................................. 10 

3.1  GPIO Connector J6 (20-pin) in TR5001(E) SMB Board .................................10 
3.2  Counter Connector JP7 (50-pin) in TR5001(E) SMB Board ...........................11 

4  Counter Buffer Board Wire Connection ............................................................. 13 

5  OBP Board Wire Connection .............................................................................. 17 

5.1  On-Board Programming Board .......................................................................17 
5.2  OBP Illustration & Guidelines ..........................................................................19 

6  TestJet Wire Connection ..................................................................................... 21 

7  ESD Wire Connection .......................................................................................... 22 

8  General Purpose Relay Board (GPR) Wire Connection .................................... 23 

8.1  Fixture Relay Card Wire Connection ..............................................................27 

9  Press Travel Adjust and Press Structure .......................................................... 28 

9.1  Press Travel Adjust .........................................................................................28 
9.2  Air Pressure Adjustment .................................................................................28 
9.3  Press Speed Adjustment ................................................................................28 
9.4  Draining the Condensate ................................................................................28 
9.5  Cylinder Sensors.............................................................................................29 
9.6  2-Stage Probe Fixture .....................................................................................29 
9.7  Press Hardware Structure ...............................................................................30 

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Figure 1: TR5001(E) Fixture Dimensions (Top View) .............................................................. 2 
Figure 2: Power Supply Wiring for Terminal in Fixture ............................................................. 9 
Figure 3: SMB Board (ver. 9 & above)GPIO Interface Definition Table ................................ 10 
Figure 4: Coaxial Cable for Frequency Measurement ............................................................ 13 
Figure 5: 100pf Capacitor for Frequency Measurement ......................................................... 14 
Figure 6: Counter Buffer Card ................................................................................................ 15 
Figure 7: Jumpers 2-4 on the Counter Buffer Card ................................................................ 15 
Figure 8: Counter Buffer Cord Jumper Settings ..................................................................... 16 
Figure 9: OBP I Connector and OBP II Connector ................................................................. 19 
Figure 10: Wiring of OBP I Connector and OBP II Connector ................................................ 19 
Figure 11: TestJet Interface Wiring ........................................................................................ 21 
Figure 12: GP Relay Board J1 Interface Definition Table .................................................... 23 
Figure 13: GP Relay Board J2 Interface Definition Table ................................................... 24 
Figure 14: GP Relay Board Relay Definition Table .............................................................. 25 
Figure 15: Relay Wiring Diagram ........................................................................................... 26 
Figure 16: Fixture Relay Card Wiring ..................................................................................... 27 
Figure 17: FixtureContact Positions ....................................................................................... 28 
Figure 18: Cylinder Sensors ................................................................................................... 29 
Figure 19: Long-Travel Probes (l.) & Carrier Plate (r.) ........................................................... 29 
Figure 20: Press Hardware Structure ..................................................................................... 30 

ii  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0 
Test Research Inc.


Test Research Inc.’s (TRI) TR5000 series of smart in-circuit test systems currently includes
the TR5001, TR5001E, TR5001V. They are high-performance, high-throughput, high fault
coverage test solutions with easy and fast test program development and a friendly user
interface design.

For purposes of convenience, this guide will use “TR5000” to refer to all models.

Each test system consists of these main components:

1. Tester: main cabinet containing power supplies, vacuum-driven test bed, control
boards, and slots for Testing Boards.
2. Testing Boards: a number of function-specific boards to perform all necessary
3. Stand-alone Computer: (with keyboard, mouse and monitor) contains the TR5000
system Testing and Diagnostics software and provides the user interface.

NOTE: computers and monitors shipped with TRI systems are not made
by TRI and may have differing specifications, depending on date shipped
and customer requirements. Any reference in this manual to computer or
monitor specifications would be to the minimum requirement.

This manual provides specifications for the fixtures required on the TR5000-series system.

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2.1 Fixture Mechanical Specification

z Top view dimensions

Pr ot ect i ve ar m

L1 L2 W1 W2
450mm 430mm 330mm 310mm

Figure 1: TR5001(E) Fixture Dimensions (Top View) 

z Front view and dimensions

Protctive plate



Mfg. code Fixture No.
TRI sticker

Figure2: TR5001(E) Fixture Dimensions (Front View) 

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z Right side dimensions

W 1
W 2

25 24


Figure3: TR5001(E) Fixture Dimensions (Right Side) 

z Rear view

64 pin connector

6 3
5 2
4 1

Connector no., ascendant from

lower right to upper left

Figure4: TR5001(E) Fixture Dimensions (Rear View) 

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z Fixture connector pin order

127th pin 125th pin 67th pin 65th pin

128th pin 126th pin 68th pin 66th pin

63th pin 61th pin 3rd pin 1st pin

64th pin 62th pin 4th pin 2nd pin

Figure5: TR5001(E) Fixture Connector Pin Order 

z Fixture connector fixing hole dimensions

9 6 .5

20 85

depend on
number of

ø 3 .5
N u m b e r o f h o le s d e p e n d s
o n n u m b e r o f c o n n e c to rs

Figure6: TR5001(E) Fixture Connector Fixing Hole Dimensions 

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2.2 Fixture Interface

Figure7: TR5001(E) Fixture Interface 


OBP I Hybrid SWB #1 Analog SWB#N
(40pin) (Pin 64) (Pin 64)
OBP II Hybrid SWB #2 .
(40pin) (Pin 64) .
TR5001 Power Hybrid SWB #3 Analog SWB#3
Transfer Card (Pin 64) (Pin 64)
Counter Buffer Card . Analog SWB#2
(50pin) . (Pin 64)
Hybrid SWB #M Analog SWB#1
(Pin 64) (Pin 64)

M : Hybrid board’s number

N : Analog board’s number

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Test Research Inc.

2.3 Power Supply Wire Connections

2.3.1 Standard Power Supply
z TR5001(E) Power Transfer Card

Figure8: TR5001(E)  Power Transfer Card (Front View)  

z TR5001(E) Power Transfer Card (Rear side)

Figure8: TR5001(E)  Power Transfer Card (Rear View) Connector J6 

J5 Connector Pin Pin Name

SNSPV1 (18V) 20 10 GND
PV1 (18V) 19 9 GND
SNS-ADJV (-12V) 18 8 GND
-ADJV (-12V) 17 7 GND
SNS+12V 16 6 GND
+12VA 15 5 GND
SNS+3.3V 14 4 GND
+3.3VA 13 3 GND
SNS+5V 12 2 GND
+5VA 11 1 SNSGND

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J6 Connector Pin Pin Name

+5VB 14 7 GND
GND 13 6 +12VB
+5VC 12 5 GND
GND 11 4 PV2(24V)
+3.3VB 10 3 SNSPV2
GND 9 2 ADJV(24V)
+3.3VC 8 1 SNSADJV

2.3.2 Sense Pin

There is one SENSE internal circuit in DUT power board to ensure the output voltage is the
same as the voltage which is set by the programmer. But it cannot compensate for the error
between the input voltage in Device UnderTest and the output voltage in DUT power board if
the SENSE does not connect to the location which is closed to input voltage’s test pad in the

If the programmer would like to compensate for the error between the input voltage in DUT
and the output voltage in DUT power board, then he/she needs to connect the SENSE pin in
DUT power board to the location which is closed to input voltage’s test pad in DUT. TRI
suggests this location is in the power island inside the fixture, not the testpad in PCBA. The
reason is if there is any contact problem, it is possible to cause the DUT power board to
output too large voltage due to the wrong feedback from sense pin.

The DUT power supply +3.3VA, +3.3VB, +3.3VC share with the same sense pin SNS+3.3V.

The DUT power supply +5VA, +5VB, +5VC share with the same sense pin SNS+5V.

2.3.3 Maximum Current

z The maximum current for DUT power +5V is 3A.
z The maximum current for DUT power +3.3V is 3A.
z The maximum current for DUT power +12V is 3A.
z The maximum current for DUT power –ADJV(-12V) is 1A.
z The maximum current for DUT power +ADJV(+24V) is 3A.
z The maximum current for DUT power PV1(+18V) is 3A.
z The maximum current for DUT power PV2(+24V) is 3A.

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2.3.4 Optional Power Supply

z Kepco Power Connector

Name Pin Pin Name

PS-6 24 12 PS+6
P-6 23 11 P+6
PS-5 22 10 PS+5
P-5 21 9 P+5
PS-4 20 8 PS+4
P-4 19 7 P+4
PS-3 18 6 PS+3
P-3 17 5 P+3
PS-2 16 4 PS+2
P-2 15 3 P+2
PS-1 14 2 PS+1
P-1 13 1 P+1
z Guidelines for the power supply wiring of the internal interface of the fixture -
† AWG18 to AWG22 wire should be used
† Wires should be soldered
† Thermal shrinkable sheath should be added
† Earth/ground wire should be either black or green
† Power cable should be a wire with any color other than black or green
† Different power supplies should use power cables of different colors

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2.3.5 Power Supply Wiring for the Terminal in the Fixture

Figure 2: Power Supply Wiring for Terminal in Fixture  

z Guidelines for power supply wiring for the terminal inside the fixture -
† The power cable connected from the system interface should not be connected
directly to the probes’ sockets. They must be connected through the terminals.
† AWG18 to AWG22 wire should be used for the power cable connected from the
terminal platform to the probe’s socket .
† Electric wire and terminal connector should be soldered, and not fixed by clipping.
† Ensure that the electric wire and terminal connector have no cold solder.
† The terminal platform should be labeled with power supply pin number.
† The section from power supply cable to the probe’s socket should be soldered.
† Thermal shrinkable sheath should be applied to the section from the power supply
cable to the probe’s socket.

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3.1 GPIO Connector J6 (20-pin) in TR5001(E) SMB Board

Name TYPE Pin Pin TYPE Name
(NC1) NC 20 19 NC (NC2)
Figure 3: SMB Board (ver. 9 & above)GPIO  Interface Definition Table 

z Power Pins
† Pin 18: +24VD
† Pin 17: GND
† Pins 19, 20 : NC
z Input Pins
† Pins 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15: Input current is 2.4 mA @ input voltage = 24 V.
z Output Pins
† Pins 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16: Maximum output current is 500 mA for each driver
Output current is limited by 125 mA for each driver when parallel output used.

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3.2 Counter Connector JP7 (50-pin) in TR5001(E) SMB Board

z Pin definition:


Buf.49(nc) 49 50 Buf.50(nc)
Buf.47(nc) 47 48 Buf.48(nc)
Buf.45(CH9) 45 46 Buf.46(CH10)
Buf.43(CH7) 43 44 Buf.44(CH8)
Buf.41(CH5) 41 42 Buf.42(CH6)
Buf.39(CH3) 39 40 Buf.40(CH4)
Buf.37(CH1) 37 38 Buf.38(CH2)
Buf.35(SDG) 35 36 Buf.36(SDG)
Buf.33(BAMP) 33 34 Buf.34(BBAT)
Buf.31(BDUTY) 31 32 Buf.32(BFEQ)
Buf.29(MV3) 29 30 Buf.30(MV3)
Buf.27(MV2) 27 28 Buf.28(MV2)
Buf.25(MV1) 25 26 Buf.26(MV1)
Buf.23(+5Vs) 23 24 Buf.24(+5Vs)
Buf.21(ODUTY) 21 22 Buf.22(nc)
Buf.19(TGATE) 19 20 Buf.20(TCLR)
Buf.17(INQC) 17 18 Buf.18(INQD)
Buf.15(INQA) 15 16 Buf.16(INQB)
Buf.13(SDG) 13 14 Buf.14(SDG)
Buf.11(+12Vs) 11 12 Buf.12(+12Vs)
Buf.9(SAG) 9 10 Buf.10(SAG)
Buf.7(-15Vs) 7 8 Buf.8(-15Vs)
Buf.5(+15Vs) 5 6 Buf.6(+15Vs)
Buf.3(MDCI) 3 4 Buf.4(nc)
Buf.1(SAG) 1 2 Buf.2(SAG)

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z Pin Description:

Pin Description
Internal control signal in built-in counter
1 ~ 46 buffer card
47 +12V
48 +5V
49 +3.3V
50 GND

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„ Specification:
z Frequency range: 10hz to 100Mhz
z Minimum source level during frequency measurement: 500 mV
z Channels per counter buffer board: 8
z Maximum Channels: 64

Figure 4: Coaxial Cable for Frequency Measurement 

„ Guidelines for the wiring from the buffer card inside the fixture to the point of
measuring frequency:
z The 50-pin cable should be used to connect the interface to the buffer card.
z The 50-pin cable should have a keyed connector preventing incorrect connection.
z Coaxial cable should be used to connect the channel of the buffer card to the probe’s
socket for measuring the frequency.
z Diagram of wiring between the buffer card of the fixture to the probe’s socket to the pin
socket end.

  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0  13 
Test Research Inc.

Figure 5: 100pf Capacitor for Frequency Measurement 

„ Guidelines for wiring from the buffer card inside the fixture to the point of
measuring frequency:
z Coaxial cable must be used to connect the channel of the buffer card to the probe’s
socket of measuring frequency.
z The probe’s socket of measuring frequency must remove the signal wire of the
AWG26 or the AWG28 connected to the probe’s socket.
z After soldering a pin of one 100pf capacitor, another pin of the 100pf capacity is
soldered from the buffer card to the signal line of the coaxial cable.
z Solder a ground pin next to the pin socket to facilitate the connection of the ground line
to the coaxial cable.
z Connect the ground line of the coaxial cable of the buffer card to the ground pin of the
probe’s socket or metal board. The closer to the probe’s socket, the better is the

„ How to set the counter buffer card for more than 8 measurement channels
z Each counter buffer card has a jumper labeled JP2, JP3, and JP4. The buffer card and
the jumpers are shown in the following figures.

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Figure 6: Counter Buffer Card 

Figure 7: Jumpers 2­4 on the Counter Buffer Card 

The channel setting configuration is listed in the following figure.

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Test Research Inc.

Figure 8: Counter Buffer Cord Jumper Settings 

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5.1 On-Board Programming Board

The following table defines the On-Board-Programming (OBP) Board I Interface.
OVP1 37 38
R/C# 35 36 IC
WR# 31 32 CE#
NC 29 30 RD#
A18 27 28 A19
A16 25 26 A17
A14 23 24 A15
A12 21 22 A13
A10 19 20 A11
A8 17 18 A9
A6 15 16 A7
A4 13 14 A5
A2 11 12 A3
A0 9 10 A1
D6 7 8 D7
D4 5 6 D5
D2 3 4 D3
D0 1 2 D1

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The following table defines the On-Board-Programming (OBP) Board II Interface.

TRST 37 38 (NC 5)
UGND3 35 36 /GRST
TCLK3 33 34 TMS3
TDI3 31 32 TDO3
TMS2 29 30 UGND2
TDO2 27 28 TCLK2
UGND1 25 26 TDI2
TCLK1 23 24 TMS1
TDI1 21 22 TDO1
(NC 3) 19 20 (NC 4)
(NC 1) 17 18 (NC 2)
OREV3 15 16 OREV4
A21 13 14 A20
A23 11 12 A22
D14 7 8 D15
D12 5 6 D13
D10 3 4 D11
D8 1 2 D9

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5.2 OBP Illustration & Guidelines

The figure below illustrates OBP I connector and OBP II connector

Figure 9: OBP I Connector and OBP II Connector 

The figure below illustrates OBP I connector and OBP II connector wiring inside the fixture

Figure 10: Wiring of OBP I Connector and OBP II Connector 

  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0  19 
Test Research Inc.

„ Guidelines for the OBP/OBPE board wiring inside the fixture:

z Coaxial cable must be used for the OBP/OBPE signal R/C (OBP/OBPE pin 35), WR#
(OBP/OBPE pin 31), CE# (OBP/OBPE pin 32), RD# (OBP/OBPE pin 30), TCLK1
(OBP/OBPE pin 87), TCLK2 (OBP/OBPE pin 92), and TCLK3 (OBP/OBPE pin 97).
The other OBP/OBPE pins should use AWG26 or AWG28 twisted pair cable. All SWB
pins which are connected to OBP/OBPE should use AWG26 or AWG28 twisted
pair cable.
z The earth wire of the coaxial cable and twisted pair cable must be connected, and
then connected to the grounded metal plate by an AWG18 to AWG22 wire.
z It is recommended to add some GND pins next to the probe’s socket connected to the
OBP/OBPE to facilitate the wiring or soldering.

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The Buffer Card Interface Definition Table is shown below.

Name Pin Pin Name

Mux.10(SAG) 10 9 Mux.9(ClkB)
Mux.8(SAG) 8 7 Mux.7(ClkA)
Mux.6(+6V) 6 5 Mux.5(Data)
Mux.4(Ain) 4 3 Mux.3(Hin)
Mux.2(SAG) 2 1 Mux.1(SAG)

An example of the wiring of a TestJet Interface inside a fixture is shown below.

Figure 11: TestJet Interface Wiring 

„ Precautions on wiring of TestJet (MUX card fixed to the Press)

z 10-pin used for connecting MUX card and SMB board.
z Use 20cm of 64-pin flat cable for connecting the MUX card with the top of the TestJet

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The fixture ESD wire needs to wire to the GND pin in SMB -- pin 17. See the table below.


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The General Purpose (GP) Relay Board Interface Definition Tables are below.


COM1 1 2 NO1
COM2 3 4 NO2
COM3 5 6 NO3
COM4 7 8 NO4
COM5 9 10 NO5
COM6 11 12 NO6
COM7 13 14 NO7
COM8 15 16 NO8
COM9 17 18 NO9
COM10 19 20 NO10
COM11 21 22 NO11
COM12 23 24 NO12
COM13 25 26 NO13
COM14 27 28 NO14
COM15 29 30 NO15
COM16 31 32 NO16
COM17 33 34 NO17
COM18 35 36 NO18
COM19 37 38 NO19
COM20 39 40 NO20
COM21 41 42 NO21
COM22 43 44 NO22
COM23 45 46 NO23
COM24 47 48 NO24
COM25 49 50 NO25
COM26 51 52 NO26
COM27 53 54 NO27
COM28 55 56 NO28
COM29 57 58 NO29
COM30 59 60 NO30
COM31 61 62 NO31
COM32 63 64 NO32
Figure 12: GP Relay  Board J1  Interface Definition Table 

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COM33 1 2 NO33
COM34 3 4 NO34
COM35 5 6 NO35
COM36 7 8 NO36
COM37 9 10 NO37
COM38 11 12 NO38
COM39 13 14 NO39
COM40 15 16 NO40
NC1 17 18 NC17
NC2 19 20 NC18
NC3 21 22 NC19
NC4 23 24 NC20
NC5 25 26 NC21
NC6 27 28 NC22
NC7 29 30 NC23
NC8 31 32 NC24
NC9 33 34 NC25
NC10 35 36 NC26
NC11 37 38 NC27
NC12 39 40 NC28
NC13 41 42 NC29
NC14 43 44 NC30
NC15 45 46 NC31
NC16 47 48 NC32
OCO1 49 50 OCO9
OCO2 51 52 OCO10
OCO3 53 54 OCO11
OCO4 55 56 OCO12
OCO5 57 58 OCO13
OCO6 59 60 OCO14
OCO7 61 62 OCO15
OCO8 63 64 OCO16
Figure 13: GP Relay  Board  J2  Interface Definition Table 

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The names and location of the relays on the GP Relay Board are listed in the table below.


KC28 COM28, NC28, NO28 QN16 OCO16
KC27 COM27, NC27, NO27 QN15 OCO15
KC26 COM26, NC26, NO26 QN14 OCO14
KC25 COM25, NC25, NO25 QN13 OCO13
KC24 COM24, NC24, NO24 QN12 OCO12
KC23 COM23, NC23, NO23 QN11 OCO11
KC22 COM22, NC22, NO22 QN10 OCO10
KC21 COM21, NC21, NO21 QN9 OCO9
KC20 COM20, NC20, NO20 QN8 OCO8
KC19 COM19, NC19, NO19 QN7 OCO7
KC18 COM18, NC18, NO18 QN6 OCO6
KC17 COM17, NC17, NO17 QN5 OCO5
KC16 COM16, NC16, NO16 QN4 OCO4
KC15 COM15, NC15, NO15 QN3 OCO3
KC14 COM14, NC14, NO14 QN2 OCO2
KC13 COM13, NC13, NO13 QN1 OCO1
KC12 COM12, NC12, NO12 KA8 COM40, NO40
KC11 COM11, NC11, NO11 KA7 COM39, NO39
KC10 COM10, NC10, NO10 KA6 COM38, NO38
KC9 COM9, NC9, NO9 KA5 COM37, NO37
KC8 COM8, NC8, NO8 KA4 COM36, NO36
KC7 COM7, NC7, NO7 KA3 COM35, NO35
KC6 COM6, NC6, NO6 KA2 COM34, NO34
KC5 COM5, NC5, NO5 KA1 COM33, NO33
KC4 COM4, NC4, NO4 KC32 COM32, NC32, NO32
KC3 COM3, NC3, NO3 KC31 COM31, NC31, NO31
KC2 COM2, NC2, NO2 KC30 COM30, NC30, NO30
KC1 COM1, NC1, NO1 KC29 COM29, NC29, NO29

Figure 14: GP Relay  Board  Relay Definition Table 

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Figure 15: Relay Wiring Diagram 

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8.1 Fixture Relay Card Wire Connection

Diagram of the wiring of the Fixture Relay Card

Figure 16: Fixture Relay Card Wiring 

z Guidelines for the wiring of the fixture Relay Card

† We must watch out if there is wiring from the Relay Card wiring data on Pin 61 to
Pin 64, and Pin 71 to Pin 80.
† The power used on the Relay Card wiring data on Pin 61 and Pin 62 is the +12V
power used by the Relay Card.
† Pay attention to the +12V power used for the Relay Card, and never connect the
+12V power used for the testing board.
† Pins 63 and 64 are the ground of the power supply used by the Relay Card.
† Pins 71-80 are the control pins for controlling the Relay Card switch.
† If the Relay remains constant during the Relay-On process, and there is no need to
individually control the switch, we can connect the control pin directly to the +12V.
† If all of the relays used on the Relay Card remain constant during the Relay-On
process and there is no need to individually control all switch, we can directly short
the circuit of the JP1.

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9.1 Press Travel Adjust

The distance the Press travels downward affects the contacts between PWB and the probes,
and consequently the test results. The following diagram shows how to maintain good
contact conditions.

Figure 17: Fixture Contact Positions 

Note: When Press lowers, distance between the protective plate and the
probe bed shall be 1mm. This can be achieved by adjusting the positions
of the limit switch and the stopper.

9.2 Air Pressure Adjustment

Adjust the reducing valve so that reading of the pressure gauge (or digital display) is within
4~6 kg/cm2.

9.3 Press Speed Adjustment

Press lowering speed can be adjusted by the adjusting screw of the variable-flow valve at the
lower part of the cylinder. Press rising speed can be adjusted by the adjusting screw of the
variable-flow valve at the upper part of the cylinder. In addition, the positions of the buffers
can be adjusted by the buffer adjusting screws at the upper and lower ends of the cylinder
respectively. Please note that these adjustments are properly set when installing the Press,
and they shall not be altered arbitrarily.

9.4 Draining the Condensate

Water accumulates in the strainer cup after a period of operation. This water is formed by the
strainer condensing the water content in the compressed air. The TR5000 Press uses a
valve for automatic draining, and the valve is fixed with draining pipe to the bottom of the
instrument table to avoid the trouble of manual draining.

28  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0 
Test Research Inc.

9.5 Cylinder Sensors

There are three sensors on the Press cylinder: upper limit sensor, lower limit sensor and
middle sensor. The upper and lower limit sensors are for adjusting the limit positions of the
Press travel, the middle sensor is for positioning the 2-stage probe when conducting the
function test. Refer to the following figure.

Figure 18: Cylinder Sensors 

9.6 2-Stage Probe Fixture

The 2-stage probe fixture is mainly for the function test. Long-travel probes are provided
inside the fixture. Only these long-travel probes contact the tested PCB during the function
test. At normal times, the carrier plate ensures protection of the long-travel probes. Refer to
the following figure.

Figure 19: Long­Travel Probes (l.) & Carrier Plate (r.) 

  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0  29 
Test Research Inc.

9.7 Press Hardware Structure

Figure 20: Press Hardware Structure 

A. Reducing valve
B. Pressure gauge
C. Condensate drain cock
D. Stopper
E. Electrical spring switch (Limit switch)
F1. Adjusting screw, upper limit adjustable position buffer
F2. Adjusting screw, lower limit adjustable position buffer
G1. Adjusting screw, upper limit adjustable flow valve.
G2. Adjusting screw, lower limit adjustable flow valve.
H. 5/3 direction valve
I. Stamping switch (wiring)

30  TR5000 User Guide ‐ Fixture Specifications v.2.0.0 

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