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Using adverbs and adjectives

Name: ..................................................... Date: .......................................

Learning objective: To use adverbs and adjectives for description

Fill in the gaps using descriptive words. Put one word in each
space. When you have finished, continue the story using
descriptive language.

One cold ____________ night when the snow was

____________ on the ground an old man walked ____________
towards a ____________ cottage. He sneezed ____________ as
the wind ____________ through the ____________ trees and the
cottage gate creaked ____________ . The old man’s coat was
____________ and his shoes were ____________ .

When he reached the cottage he heard a ____________ sound,

while in the background he could hear a dog ____________
____________ . He felt ____________ . However, he stepped
____________ towards the cottage listening ____________ all of
the time to see whether he heard the sound again.

Extension task
Compare your choice of words with a friend’s work. Who has
chosen the most interesting word for each gap?

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