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Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates

in chloride exposed environment
Enric Vázquez, Marilda Barra, Diego Aponte ⇑, Cristian Jiménez, Susanna Valls
Department of Construction Engineering, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Civil Engineering School), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, C/ Jordi Girona Salgado,
1-3. Módulo B1, Despacho 109, C.P. 08034 Barcelona, Spain

h i g h l i g h t s

 Similar compressive strength was obtained both recycled aggregates concretes and conventional concretes using the EMV method.
 It was verified that the EMV method for concrete mix proportioning is useful.
 Chloride diffusion test was utilized to determine the durability of concretes.
 Similar service life was obtained in both recycled aggregate concretes and conventional concretes.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recycled aggregates concrete (RAC) becomes an important participant in recycled materials although
Available online xxxx there are still questionable properties of it, like chloride penetration and diffusion. An extensive experi-
mental campaign was performed in order to evaluate the effect of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA)
Keywords: over some properties of concretes. Composition and mix design influence on the concrete were studied
Durability in mixes ranging from 0.45 to 0.60 w/c ratios, with 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% coarse aggregates replacement.
Chlorides binding Concretes were submitted to saline attack and the total chloride contents were determined as well as the
Chlorides diffusion
chloride penetration profiles. Both new cement paste and RCA from different concrete mixes were ana-
Recycled aggregate concrete
Recycled concrete aggregate
lysed by XRD and SEM in order to evaluate the chlorides binding. A chloride binding phenomenon is
Service life detected in RAC which may compensate the RCA higher permeability. According to chloride diffusion
results, high RCA content lead to an improvement of durability in RAC with sufficiently low w/c ratio,
in terms of chlorides presence.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction diffusion of this ion towards the inner part of the concrete can
cause the corrosion of the rebar.
Construction materials are the most consumed from the As it is well known, the new and old cement paste in recycled
engineering materials and the production of concrete exceeds that concrete can bind chlorides, but the presence of sulphates can ob-
of all other construction materials together. Aggregate is the pre- struct this mechanism as they are strongly bound [1], therefore,
dominant material from a volume point of view, so the replace- RCA can contribute to chlorides binding, but the stability of this
ment of natural aggregate (NA) by (RCA) can contribute to the retention is very important, so a RCA of good quality (free of chlo-
sustainability and to the conservation of natural resources, as the rides and sulphates) must be used. As a result, the chloride diffusion
natural rock reservoirs depletion, by avoiding or diminishing their and degree of chloride binding will depend from other parameters
use. But because durability and sustainability are related, the use of like the composition and mix design of the concrete, and on the
RCA in structural concrete can reduce environmental impacts. properties and relative quantity of new cement paste and RCA.
Comparing concrete with NA to a concrete with replacing of NA Some authors are pessimistic about the use of recycled struc-
particles P4 mm by RCA, some aspects of the durability condi- tural concrete in environments with chlorides, mainly because
tioned by the environment must be addressed. One of the most they consider that the high porosity of RCA will provoke high chlo-
important aspects are environments with chlorides, since the ride diffusion in RAC. Nevertheless, others obtain good diffusion
coefficients on RAC in their experiments. Otsuki [2] found that
chloride penetration in high strength RAC was slightly inferior to
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 934012542; fax: +34 934017262. an equivalent concrete with NA, using a recycled aggregate with
E-mail addresses: (E. Vázquez), diego.fernando.apon 4.5% of water absorption. (D. Aponte).

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
2 E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Phase A. Mixes proportioning summary.

ID Water (kg) Cement (kg) w/c FA (kg) CA (kg) RCA (kg) SP (kg)
BOLCON 0% 184 409 0.45 796 1085 – 1.5
BOLCON 20% 184 409 0.45 796 842 210 0.85
BOLEMV 20% 169 376 0.45 732 941 235 2.1
BOLCON 0% 184 307 0.60 958 1010 – –
BOLCON 20% 184 307 0.60 914 819 205 –
BOLEMV 20% 171 286 0.60 892 876 219 –

Table 2
Phase B. Mixes proportioning summary.

ID Water (kg) Cement (kg) w/c FA (kg) CA (kg) MA (kg) RCA (kg) SP (kg)
H00.45 173 385 0.45 814 871 168 – 3.85
H200.45 173 385 0.45 698 748 144 223 3.85
H500.45 173 385 0.45 742 432 83 515 3.85
H1000.45 173 385 0.45 746 – – 963 3.85
H00.55 179 325 0.55 875 755 254 – 3.25
H200.55 179 325 0.55 799 628 211 210 3.25
H500.55 179 325 0.55 831 367 123 491 3.25
H1000.55 179 325 0.55 825 – – 923 3.25

it has a density of 2.30 g/cm3, 4.68% of water absorption and the classification test
for constituents (UNE-EN 933-11) [3] result is 56% of concrete, 30% of stone, 13% of
bituminous material and 1% of ceramic. The RCA for phase B comes from a plant lo-
cated in Madrid, it has a density of 2.33 g/cm3, 4.60% of water absorption, and the
classification test results in a 56% of concrete, 35% of stone, 8% of bituminous mate-
rial and 1% of ceramic.
The chloride attack is performed through the immersion of the samples in a
chloride–sodium solution over 35, 60 and 90 days. Such solution is made with a
14.2% of NaCl per litter of distilled water, thus following the Nordtest Method NT
BUILD 443 (Accelerated Chloride Penetration) [4]. The procedure for the total chlo-
rides determination was done following the ASTM C 1152 standard (Standard Test
Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete) [5].

Fig. 1. Phase A. Mixes compressive strengths. 2.1. Phase A

Six different concrete mixes were produced. Two designated BOLCON 0% using
only NA in order to obtain a reference concrete, two designated BOLCON 20% using
Table 3 a 20% replacement of NA by RCA, elaborated with common design practices, and
Phase A. Mixes chlorides results: superficial chloride concentration and chloride two called BOLEMV 20% using a 20% replacement of NA but being designed with
diffusion coefficient at 30, 60 and 90 days. a novel method applied to BOLOMEY [6] methodology. Two water/cement (w/c) ra-
ID Time (days) w/c = 0.45 w/c = 0.60 tios were used, 0.45 and 0.6. The 20% replacement was chosen in order to comply
with Spanish recommendations for structural concrete [7].
Cs (%) D (cm2/s) Cs (%) D (cm2/s) The novel method, known as Equivalent Mortar Volume [8], is based in the fact
BOLCON 0% 35 0.50 3.28E7 0.53 1.41E6 that NA and RA are different, since the latter is a two phase material with NA on one
60 0.68 2.31e7 0.80 1.27E6 side and the old mortar attached to it on the other, which is determined and taken
90 0.75 1.81E7 0.83 1.24E6 into account when calculating the mix proportion as a part of the total amount of
mortar in the mix. With this, a mix with nearly the same amount of materials to
BOLCON 20% 35 0.72 3.41E7 0.59 1.14E6 that of a natural aggregates concrete (NAC) is obtained, in addition to a reduction
60 1.18 1.54E7 0.71 9.61E7 in cement, water and fine aggregates that the old mortar consideration provokes.
90 0.95 1.89E7 0.83 4.17E7 These aspects should improve some properties of this type of concrete compared
BOLEMV 20% 35 0.59 4.01E7 0.54 9.05E7 to those of a normal RAC and make them comparable to those of a NAC. The method
60 0.77 2.13E7 0.84 6.76E7 originally works with the American Concrete Institute methodology for mix design
90 0.70 1.92E7 0.89 6.56E7 [9] but it has been adapted to Bolomey methodology.
The adaptation of the novel method concluded in mix proportions with cement
content reductions of about 8% for both 0.45 and 0.6 w/c ratios [8,10]. Table 1 shows
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of different the different mix proportions of the concretes.
relative proportions of RCA used in concretes, over the chloride dif-
fusion behaviour in order to facilitate the possibility of a more ex- 2.2. Phase B
tended use of RCA in structural concretes subjected to chloride
environments, thus improving the sustainability of the construc- The mix proportioning was based on a simple 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% volume
replacement of NA by RCA. To evaluate the influence of the new cement matrix
tions. Finally, a hypothesis on the interactions between chlorides on the results, two w/c ratios were used: 0.45 and 0.55. As shown in Table 2, a total
and recycled aggregates are presented. of eight mix proportions were produced considering all variables mentioned
2. Materials and methodology
2.3. Sample preparation
The present investigation is divided in two phases, in which different aspects of
chloride diffusion are analysed: the influence of the composition and mix propor- The RCA was used in saturated surface-dry condition in both A and B phases. In
tioning method of the concrete (A); the influence of the cement paste and RCA pro- order to achieve the latter condition, the aggregates were placed inside plastic
portions (B). Phase A used cement type CEM I 42.5 R and Phase B used CEM I 52.5 R, drums with an hermetic lid, then they were sprayed with water and agitated until
coarse RCA, calcareous NA, both fines (FA) and coarse (CA), and superplastizicer an amount of water equal to the absorption of the aggregates was consumed, finish-
(SP). The RCA for phase A was obtained from a recycled plant from Barcelona and ing by putting the lid and storing them for a period of time of 24 h prior to mixing.

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 2. Phase A. Mixes chloride profiles: (a) 35 d, 0.45 w/c ratio; (b) 35 d, 0.6 w/c ratio; (c) 60 d, 0.45 w/c ratio; (d) 60 d, 0.6 w/c ratio; (e) 90 d, 0.45 w/c ratio and (f) 90 d, 0.6 w/
c ratio.

In order to assess the concretes resistance to chloride, these

were submitted to an accelerated chloride penetration, following
what is prescribed by NORDTEST in the NT BUILD 443 standard [4].
The chloride profiles were obtained by grinding the samples at
different depths in order to obtain concrete powder, which was
then submitted to the chloride analysis by titration. After this, a
non-linear regression analysis by means of the least squares fit
method is performed in order to obtain the chloride transport coef-
ficient (D) and the chloride concentration at the surface (Cs). With
the results of the regression analysis, the behaviour of the different
concrete mixes to the chloride environment was examined. The re-
sults of this test are shown in Table 3.
It can be seen that there may be a trend indicating that at higher
age of testing, the chloride concentration on surface tends to in-
crease and the chloride transport coefficient tends to decrease. As
it was previously mentioned, because the results were obtained by
means of a non-linear regression, they represent an approximation
Fig. 3. Phase B. Mixes compressive strengths.
of the real values; moreover, the real value in surface is omitted
Concrete specimens for the mechanical tests were cast in moulds with 150 mm when performing the regression analysis as it is prescribed by
of diameter and 300 mm of height, while the ones for durability tests were cast in the adopted standard [4]. These results indicate that the deposition
mould with 100 mm of diameter and 200 mm of height. Manual compacting of the of chloride salt on the surface is higher over time, and that there
mixes was done following the instructions of the UNE-EN 12390-2 (Testing hard-
ened concrete Part 2: making and curing specimens for strength tests) [11]. The
may be a connection with the amount of chlorides penetrating
moulds were covered during the first 24 h in order to minimize the evaporation the sample which decreases due to a blocking effect. Along time,
of water. After that, the specimens were placed into a humidity and temperature chlorides are filling the concrete voids, thus obstructing the chlo-
controlled chamber (20 °C and 97 ± 2% RH) until testing. ride penetration and so lowering the diffusion coefficient.
From Fig. 2, it can be noticed that, in the case of the 0.45 w/c ra-
tio, there is a clear trend for the chlorides diffusion behaviour that
indicates the different binding capacity of the concrete mixes, a
3. Results and discussion behaviour that has been commented by Nilsson et al. [12]. BOLCON
20% is the concrete reaching the higher binding capacity. This can
3.1. Phase A be explained by the cement and RCA content of the mix. Both of
them cause chlorides binding and, in this specific case, both
Fig. 1 shows the results of the compressive strengths of the achieve the maximum quantities compared to the other mix pro-
concretes. portions. Afterward, BOLEMV 20% seems to be the mix that could
The 20% aggregates replacement did not implied major changes bind more chlorides, a behaviour that can be seen in the graphs
on this property, but an important outcome is attained due to the at 35 and 60 days of exposure, with the exception of the 90 days
cement content reduction achieved for the BOLEMV mixes. graph which indicates an almost equal behaviour than that of the

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
4 E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Phase B. Mixes chloride profiles: (a) 35 d, 0.45 w/c ratio; (b) 90 d, 0.45 w/c ratio; (c) 35 d, 0.55 w/c ratio and (d) 90 d, 0.55 w/c ratio.

Table 4
Phase B. Chloride diffusion coefficient measured for different mixes at 35 and 90 days. The 0.6 w/c ratio mixes do not show a clear tendency over all
the obtained results, thus impeding an accurate conclusion over
Concrete ID D (cm2/s)
the chloride binding behaviour. However, it can be said that for a
35 days 90 days given w/c ratio, the porous system of the concrete matrix may be
H00.45 5.02E7 3.01E7 the governing parameter over this property, among others, thus
H200.45 5.20E7 2.08E7 leaving all of the other characteristics in a second plane. This
H500.45 2.71E7 3.11E7 assumption is of high importance, because it determines a limit
H1000.45 2.91E7 2.25E7
H00.55 7.41E7 5.41E7
for the w/c ratio of a concrete submitted to a certain chloride envi-
H200.55 7.65E7 5.00E7 ronment, since it may not be possible to avoid the deterioration of
H500.55 6.60E7 6.18E7 a given structure due to the chlorides presence.
H1000.55 6.12E7 6.20E7

3.2. Phase B

The compressive strength of concretes of Phase B is shown in

Fig. 3.
The compressive strength was calculated as the average of five
tests. It is evident that the compressive strength decrease with the
increment in the RCA content. There is an average compressive
strength drop of 13% when using a 20% replacement, of 22% for a
50% replacement, and of 32% for a 100% replacement.
Compressive strength of the RAC is influenced by different as-
pects, such as the amount of free water, the amount of cement
and the RCA characteristics. In general, the substitution of NA by
RCA is expected to reduce the compressive strength and the elas-
ticity modulus of the concrete. This may be due to the lower
strength of the RCA or the characteristics of the interfacial transi-
tion zones between the old and new mortar, which may lead to
more defects in the concrete [13–15] (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 5. Total service life for concrete mixes, phase A and phase B, according EHE
model. The diffusion coefficient of mixes with the same w/c ratio and
low RCA content (0% and 20%) show very similar diffusion coeffi-
BOLCON 0% mix. This seems to indicate that the 20% aggregate cients. The same is observed between mixes with high RCA content
replacement has a higher influence, over the 8% cement content (50% and 100%). Furthermore, it is observed that the substitution of
difference, on the chloride binding capacity. NA in a percentage superior to 20% produces a decrease of 12% and

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 6. (a) XRD of RCA from exposed RAC in NaCl solution at 90 days and (b) XRD of cement paste from exposed RAC in NaCl solution at 90 days.

36% on the average diffusion coefficient for mixes with w/c ratios coefficient. Such increase is approximately of 47% in mixes with
equal to 0.55 and 0.45, respectively. low RCA content (0% and 20%), and 127% in mixes with high RCA
Such results show a tendency that once more goes against what content (50% and 100%), measured at 35 days. At 90 days, there
it was expected, due to the permeability of concrete. Indeed, if the is an increase of 110% in mixes with low RCA content, and 137%
diffusion process would be just affected by the permeability, the in mixes with high RCA content. Consequently, the latter behaviour
mixes with higher RCA content should present higher chloride appears to be more sensible to variations in the w/c ratio.
diffusion coefficients since they tend to be more permeable. There-
fore, it is clear that another phenomenon, acting parallel to the
simple diffusion of chlorides, is responsible for the results. This 4. Service life assessment
phenomenon might be the chloride binding, which should be
higher in the mixes with more RCA. Therefore, according to the An estimation of the service life was done for the tested mixes
performed estimation, the use of a high RCA content had a positive using the model proposed by EHE (Spanish structural concrete
effect, leading to a less susceptible concrete to chlorides ingress. code) [7].
As expected, it was also observed that the change on the w/c The EHE-08 estimates the initiation period ti (time required
ratio from 0.45 to 0.55 produces an increase on the diffusion for the chloride concentration to reach critical values around

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
6 E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. (a) SEM, calcium chloride in new cement paste at 90 days, (b) SEM, Friedeĺs salt in new cement paste at 90 days and (c) SEM, chlorides binding in CSH gel from RCA at
90 days.

the steel bar) through Eq. (1). In this equation, d is the concrete d
cover in mm and KCl is the coefficient of chlorides penetration ti ¼ ð1Þ
K Cl
calculated in mm/year0.5 according to Eq. (2). The constant a is
equal to 56157 and Dt,Cl is the effective diffusion coefficient in sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C cr  C i
cm2/s, while Ccr, Cs and Ci are the critical, the superficial, and K Cl ¼ a 12Dt;Cl 1  ð2Þ
the internal chloride content in% by weight of cement, respec- Cs  Ci
tively. The value of Dt,Cl is obtained in Eq. (3) for a time tCl, as  
a function of the diffusion coefficient assessed experimentally t0
Dt;Cl ¼ Dt0 ð3Þ
(Dt,0) for a time t0. t Cl

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),
E. Vázquez et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7

The propagation period tp (time for the corrosion process to com- The use of the novel method for recycled aggregate concrete
promise the reinforcement) is calculated with Eq. (4) depending mix proportioning, results in similar compressive strengths and
on the diameter of the steel bar (u) in mm and on the corrosion rate chlorides diffusion performances to those of a natural aggregates
(vcor) in lm/year. concrete and a conventional recycled aggregate concrete, with sig-
nificant reductions on the cement contents of the mixes, thus rep-
80 d
tp ¼ ð4Þ resenting an important improvement in terms of sustainability.
u mcor The chloride binding is a complex process and it is affected by
In this work, the induction and the propagation time were summed to many factors, such as quantity and type of cement, w/c ratio, de-
obtain the total life of a standardized structure. The considered struc- gree of hydration and age of curing. Furthermore, experimental
ture is constructed with reinforced concrete that presents conven- evidence has been found on the effect of recycled aggregate in
tional steel bars with 16 mm of diameter and 35 mm of concrete chlorides binding.
cover. The superficial (Cs), the internal (Ci), and the critical (Ccr) chloride The chloride binding is principally dominated by the C3A and
contents are 0.25%, 0.03% and 0.20% by weight of cement, respectively. C4AF, but the CSH gel has an important role thus, the use of recy-
A vcor equal to 3 was adopted. For each concrete mix, the diffusion cled aggregate might increase the chloride binding mechanism as
coefficient from Tables 3 and 4 for an age of 35 days was used. it provides an extra quantity of CSH gel that helps the chloride
Fig. 5 shows the predicted service life of each concrete mix sorption. It has also been observed that the calcium hydroxide
tested. It is evident that, for the same w/c ratio, the service life is can combine with chlorides, forming calcium chloride, but signifi-
similar for mixes with higher RA content. Nevertheless, in some cant quantities have not been observed.
cases, there is a positive difference in mixes with higher RA content
of approximately 4.75% according to the EHE-08 model. References

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6. Conclusions

The experimental work has shown the possibility of used of

recycled aggregate concrete in a safe and sustainable way.

Please cite this article in press as: Vázquez E et al. Improvement of the durability of concrete with recycled aggregates in chloride exposed environment.
Constr Build Mater (2013),

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