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Daily Guidance from God


Whereas you do not know what will happen

tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a
vapor that appears for a little time and then
vanishes away. James 4:14

Do you want to see your loved ones again in

heaven one day? How important is seeing your
loved ones again in heaven to you? The thought
of knowing you can and will see your loved ones
again for all of eternity in heaven because of a
choice you made to accept the free gift of
salvation should be the most important choice
you ever make. Stop and think about being
separated for all of eternity forever from all your
family and loved ones who made a choice to
accept the free gift of salvation. If seeing your
loved ones again for all of eternity is important
to you there should be absolutely no reason
why you have not already accepted the free gift
of salvation. There should be absolutely no
reason why you have not already made the
choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and

There will come a day when each and every

human being on this Earth will face their final
day, their final hour, their final moment, and take
their final breath. Their life here on this Earth
will come to a sudden end at the appointed time
according to God. And no matter if their soul is
saved or unsaved it will reside in one place or
another for all of eternity based on their choice
while they were still alive, still able to breath,
still able to think, and still able to choose. In this
life here on earth we are given two choices and
our choice will determine where we spend the
next life for all of eternity. Once you come to
your appointed time of death everything is final,
in the same way the death of Jesus Christ on
the cross was final. When that day comes you
will no longer have the opportunity to make a
choice to accept the free gift of salvation by the
One who sacrificed His own life for all our past
sins, current sins, and our future sins. Time is
running short, the window of opportunity is
getting smaller with each passing moment,
hour, and day, and soon it will be too late. When
making this decision don't be selfish and only
think about yourself and your life, what's best
for you, and the here and now, think about
others like Jesus did when He gave His life for
all of us. Think about how your decision to
accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior will
affect and impact those you love and care
about and those who are important to you and
those who truly matter. And think about being
separated for all of eternity from those you love
and care about who are already in heaven and
those who will go to heaven in the future if you
choose to not take the free gift of salvation and
accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Don't wait another day, don't wait another hour,
don't wait another moment, take the
opportunity of a lifetime today right now this
very moment and secure your place in heaven
and make sure your name is written in the
Lamb's book of life forever.

Just as in the days of Noah when he was trying

to warn people that the time was short and
most of them did not take him serious but once
the water got up to their chins and it was rising
quickly they realized how serious the situation
was and realized how foolish they had been and
decided to enter the ark but it was too late. We
are in a very similar situation today. Look at our
world and all the chaos, confusion, corruption,
deception, pride, greed, lawlessness, and
selfishness and how it aligns with the truth of
scripture regarding the end times. Let me say it
again; there is a place prepared for you in
heaven, and you can and will be forgiven for all
your sins and have the opportunity to spend all
of eternity in heaven forever. Let me say it
again; don't wait until it's too late take the
opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord
and Savior TODAY. Let me say it again; the time
is drawing VERY near we are actually much
closer to the end times than most people want
to believe. Let me say it again; once the time
comes and the Lord comes back for His people
the opportunity will be gone FOREVER! Only the
wise will live in Heaven for all of eternity with
God. The fools will be left behind, and they will
spend all of eternity in the lake of fire
experiencing non-stop pain, suffering, torment
and torture.

The time we are living in now is a very precious

and priceless time of preparation and initiation
for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. So many lost and hopeless people in the
world need a Savior, so they can find their real
identity, and so they can redeem their free gift
of salvation before it's too late. And our Savior
Jesus Christ needs followers through whom He
can accomplish His great work of salvation.

The first commandment of God is to accept

Christ as your Lord and Savior that's the first
step. If you haven't taken the first step Jesus
says you're not even in My family, you have no
association with Me and you have no leader,
you're a Shepherdless sheep wondering in the
wilderness on your own. The only will God has
for you apart from Him is eternal hell.

I would like to invite you to take the opportunity

to obey God's command to accept His Son
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today
while you still have a chance (1 John 3:23). By
accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
today you will be investing in your future by
securing your place in eternity and in the lambs
book of life forever!

This is how you do it:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his

only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting
life." John 3:16

"For all have sinned, and come short of the

glory of God." Romans 3:23

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is

Lord, and believe in your heart that God has
raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
Romans 10:9

"Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through
Me." John 14:6

This is how you can accept Jesus Christ as your

Lord and Savior today!


Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe that You died

and rose from the dead to save me from my
sins. I know that I am a sinner and there is
nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess
my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin
or to work my way to heaven. I want to be with
you in heaven forever. Today I trust Christ alone
as the One who bore my sin when He died on
the cross. I open my heart to You now and ask
You to come into my heart as my personal Lord
and Savior. Jesus forgive me of all my sins that I
have committed against You. Thank You for the
assurance that You will walk with me through
the deep valley. Thank You for hearing this
prayer, thank You for cleansing me and forgiving
my sins, and thank You for allowing me to be a
new creation through Your love, mercy and
grace. Amen. In Jesus name, Amen

Trevor Winchell
Daily Wisdom from God
Tijdlijnfoto's · 23 aug. 2020 ·

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Connie Beach en 244 anderen vinden dit leuk.

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Amalia Bacay
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Bernice Montgomery
Tank God I Made Jesus My Choice And
Holding On to His Unchanging Hand I love
you In Jesus Name stay safe. The Strom Is
on it Way.Laura.take Heed love
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Alice Wallen
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Jaime Pingul Lingat

In Jesus name! Amen
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Joyce Russell
Amen Thank You Lord for Forgiveness of my
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Connie Quintana
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Norma Michael Qreitem

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Rhonda Rucker
Thank you Jesus Amen blessed
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Ricky Santico
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Luisa Langer
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Eileen MacNiven
Amen thank you God
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Cherrie Fink
Amen thank you Jesus
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Rene Philander
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Mark Burgess
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Jacqueline Simpson
Amen amen amen thank you Lord Jesus
Christ glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah glory praise God
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William Massey
Thank you Lord for saving my Life n
Forgotten my all Sins. Yes u r True n Living
Lord. AMEN
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Evelyn M. Mar
Wholeheartedly accepted. Praise the Lord!!!!
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Boyet Miraflor Ytienza Jr

Amen and Amen
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Aileen Avila Etabis

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Scott Schweikl
Amen! Praise Jesus!
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