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CONTENTS Subject 1, House Building Advance Rules 2. Leave Rules 3. House Rent Allowance Rules 4. Leave Travel Concession Rules Leave Encashment Rules 6. Travelling Allowance Rules 7. Retirement Gratuity Scheme 1974 8. Conveyance Advance Rules 9. Conveyance Allowance Rules 1972 10. Conduct Discipline and Appeal Rules 1978 11. Medical Attendance Rules HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE RULES CONTENTS 1 ii 7 $ 2. Condon be Fed 2 ‘ 2, Pape WM incor yi Ged 3 7 ioe ‘ 7 5. Dien Seuty 5 fo 6 mma ‘ 3 I, Con Vilas a 7 is opal il Arce ‘ 6 ares a sea Sea ° 1 10. Apicatn Form fr pan of HBA i 2 11 Abe ot gil Ets ai ” fe penn Ells w cepa - » the uni ie fe orm 13, Amended to HBA Rakes Menai NosTt 30 14. Amended o CMAL HOA le Menor Na 17831 scenes Sear eee emncodnt HlSE 30 iin 16 Addl to CUAL HEA Re ‘ome ones Nos 17 Stein of HBA proctires fie Ota NaH 34 11 Stet Fras of te HBA me 1 19. Amendment HBA Rules omNome 8 20. Reaver oF HRA Rls Onna ai 21. Revd ai of it on HEA cams e 2. Amend o HBA Res vi Nos" 8 eee een Nas 25, Relneof it of HBA by omnes! 47 “depositing cotfed copy ofthe sale deed. 26. —do— OM. Nox 4“ 2% 2. 30. Bt eS x. 46. FY x. », 4 2. 4. 46, 47. Amendment of HBA Rules of CIL. Amendment of HBA Rules of CHL HA Amendment of HBA Rules Additonal Amount of HBA, ton the basis of revision of pay Release of Instaments of HBA, Grant of Addl HBA Amendment of HBA Rules of CL ‘bu before 12.1983, so — (40) ha Rate of Interest on HBA hancement ofthe ceiling Tint for enlargement of existing House Payment of 2a & Sed instalment {in respect of Offize's transfor from one company to anther Rates 46 of HBA Rule Interpretation thereof Title over the Land Amendments of HBA Rules Amendment of HBA Rules HDA Grant of Addl. HBA Do Clarification egarding grant of Adal. HBA OM. NO. 2900 ‘OM. NO. 951, OMNo. 196 0.0Na210 OM. NO. 46 OM. Noa2t OMNod25 OM. Na.i8! Circular No, 196 OM, No, 201 OM. No379) Circular No, 80 O.MNo281 irculae No, 77 ©. MuNo, 118 Circular No, 197 Circular No. OM No, M3 OMNe, 208 Circular No.5 si 3 5s 2 0 ot o 6s 66 0 os o w n 2 B 1 PROFORMA/FORMS, Preseribed proforma of Equitable Mortgage. Form of agreement and Surety Bond in connection with drawal of instalments of HBA on deposition of certified copy of sale deed. Proforma for Surety and Personal Bond in connection with HBA for acquiring ‘of avhouses through membership of Co-operative Group Housing Society. [Enclosure to C-S(B)S0724/1/782. 74 dated 19/25.2.1980. Circulated with CIL's letter No. C-SA(viy/S0724/11/778 dated 299.1983, Circulated with CIL's OM. No. C-SA(viyS0724/V/513 dated 22.3.1985, 81 88 i Eligibility + House Build ‘COAL MINES AUTHORITY LIMITED Rules to regulate the grant of advances to the Company's employees for building and construction of houses (Approved by CMAL Board on 26th July, 1974) Corrected upto 9.1.1990 ‘Advance may be granted tothe following categories ‘of Company's employees (a) Permanent company employees. (0) Company's employees not falling in category (a) above who have rendered Note : ‘continuous serviee as give below : (@ 7 years upto/before 31.3.80 (Gi) 8 years upto/before 31.3.81 (Git) 9 years uptofbefore 31.3.82 (vi) 10 years after 31.3.82, (i) In case where both the husband and wife happen fo be company employees and eligible forthe grant of advance, it shall be admissible to only one of them. (G1 respeat of employes of Govt OrgonisationsPuble Sector Undertaking joining CIL as a fiesh appointee after serving lien from the previous employers, the premanent status earned by them inthe organisation and/or the period of continuous services rendered by them inthe sad organisations immediately before joining CIL shall lso be counted for the purpose of this rule for grant of house building advance to them. In sich cases, no further examination of the documents pertaining to the properties against which Joan had been advanced by their ersthile employers willbe necessary. However, the employee will be required to create a fresh mortgage ofthe concerned property in favour of CIL as per HBA Rules of CIL. In such cases payment willbe made directly tothe previous employer from whom the advance was taken and not to the employes. 2. Conditions to be fulfilled — An applicant forthe grant of an advance mast satisfy the follwing conditons w He must not have availed of any loan or advance for acquisition ofa house in ‘the past from any Government source (e.g. Ministry of Rehabilitation or a Central or State Housing Scheme), or drawn an advance or made a final ‘withdrawal from his provident fund in connection with the acquisition of house, provided, however, where the loan or advance, already availed of does not excoed the amount admissible under these rus it would be open to the ‘company’s employee concered to apply for an advanee'under these rules on ‘condition that he undertakes to repay the outstanding loans, advances, together ‘with interest (if any) thereon forthwith in one lump sum to the Ministries! Departinent concesned. + Subainaed vide CICS OM. No. C-5(BYS0TI4MINOD dated 75.1980. ‘** Added vide CIL's OM. No. C-SA (vi)'50724/V/70 dated 18.6.1986, @) acy (0) 9900) [Neither the applicant nor the aplicant’s wife/husband/minor chilé must be the ‘owner of a house. However, this condition may be relaxed by the company in ‘exceptional circumstances, for example, ifthe applicant's wifefhusband/minor child owns a house in a village, and the applicant desires to settle down in a town of where an applicant happens to own a house jointly with other relatives, and he desires to build a separate house for his bonafide residential purposes. ‘The floor area of the house co he constructed or purchased must not be less than 22 9q. m.”. Purposes for which advance may be granted, ‘An advance may be granted for Constructing a new house (including acquisition of a suitable plot of land for the parpose), either at the place of duty or at the place where the Company servant proposes to settle after retirement. Application for advance for purchasing a ready built house or for rapayment of any outstanding amounts ‘on accounts of loans expressly taken From Govt. organisations/Public Sector Undertakings together with interest accrued thereon subject to the overall ceiling limit of the House Building Advance for the purpose aforesaid before the date of receipt of epplication for advance, may also be considered. Enlarging tiving accommodation in an existing house owned by the company eaployee concerned or owned by the company employee jointly with hivher wwifehusband, the total cost ofthe proposed additions and extensions does not exceed Rs, 60,000 Amount of Advance (@) __Notmore shan one advance soll be sanctioned under these res toa company servant during his entre sevice. (8) Applicants may bo granted an advance not exceeding 75 months pay (cluding Dearess Pay, Personal Pay and Special Pay, DA. VDA and FDA where admissible) or Rs. 2,50,000- whichever i less for the following purposes : 7 {@) Construction of a new house on the plot owned by the employee or the ‘employee and his/her wifeyhusband jointly provided they mortgage the house jointly. (i) Purchasing a plot and constructing a house’ thereon, (Git) Purchasing a plot under co-operative Schemes and constructing a house thereon, iv) Outright purchase of a new and unlived in ready built house/flat from Housing Board, Developement Authorities and other statutory or, semi-Govt bodies, co-operatives and also private parties. * Substituted vide CIL's OM No.C-S(BY50724/11802 dated 7.3.80, '=* Substituted vide CIL"S OM. No, C-SA(ViVSO724°V/T0 dated 18.6.86. ‘v0 Amended vide CIL’s OM, No, C-5A(vi)/SO724/V/118 dated 25.9.89 (9) Repayment of loan andlor advance taken by the applicant for constructing for purchasing a house. (vi) Acquiring of flasmhouses through membership of co-operative group housing socictics, subject to following conditions (A) ‘The applicant shal execute a Personal Bond in the preseribed {otra and also furnish two sureties in the preseribed form. The surety bond shall be executed jointly by two sureties who are permanent employees of Coal India and its subsidiaries of same status as that of the applicant or of higher status having sufficient Iength of service upto the period of recovery advance with interest From the loanee. ‘The surety should not be hushandiwife of member of the sme Joint family and should not have stood surety for any one else, Gif) The amount of advance shall not exceed 7S months pay (inituding DA) oF RS. 1,25,000/- or the cost of the flat whichever isthe least, as admissible under the rules. (B)_ The amount of house building advance sanctioned to an employee shall be disbursed in the following manner : (A sum equal 10 30% of advance sanctioned shal be payble 10 the applicant on his exceuting the Bond and fu sureties in the prescribed form (il) The remaining amount of the house building advance santioned to an eimployee shall be disbursed in suitable Insalment as fix by the sanctioning authority a he time of issue of sanction, onthe basis ofthe payment schedule ofthe fat farished by the concerned co-operative group housing Society. For each disbursement the employee shall produce a demand later from the howsing society indicating. the 1xogress ofthe construction, the coreeness of which may be verified bythe sanctioning authority by arranging inspection of premises. (ii) The orignal agrgoment between the housing society and the applicant, the share cortfcate issued by the society, the letter from the society alloting the fatto te members and orginal ‘eceits for payment should be produced for verification by the loanss A certificate that the co-operative socity is registered with the Registrar of Co-operative Socities of the concerned State shall also be produced. © (On transfer of the ownership ofthe flat in favour of employee, the-employee will mortgage it to the company as surety for the loan obtained from the Company. * Added vide CIL’s OM. No, CILIC-/SA(viySO724/1V425, ated 18.1.85. ‘Subjeet to the provision that the employce (i.e. borrower) is in - ‘position to make a personal investment of not less than 5% ‘of the total estimated cost ofthe house or ofthe land and the house taken together in the cases eavered by Rule 3 (a) above. ‘The actual amount of advanes to be sanctioned will be ‘determined by the Managing Director/Functional Directors on ‘the basis of plans and the detailed specifications and estimates {to be furnished by applicants justifying the amount of advance applied for, and shall inno case exceed the estimated cost of construction/purchase and/ or redemption within the ing prescribed above. Note: Pay at the time of Competent Authority's approval and no subsequent inerease by way of promotion, transfer, increment ete. will be taken into consideration. Repaying Capacity “40 ‘The advance shall be restricted to the amount which the ‘employee may be expected {0 be in a position to repay by convenicat monthly deduction from his/her pay before the fo the carlier correspondence on the subject, The Managing Director/Funetional Director will after examining all these details, inform the Head of Department of the maximum amount of advance that could be granied to the applicant concerned. On reciept of the recommendations of the Managing DirectorFunctional Direcior, the Head of 9 Department will accord formal sanction to the grant of the advance, or if necessary, ‘amend the original sanctions issued in cases where the advance is requited partly for purchasing a plot of land (see sub-tules (e) (i) and (d) (i) above). The Head of Department shall also attend fo all formalities as explained in sub-rule (4) (i) above, and then authorise disbursement of the firs instalment of advance for construction purposes to the applicant, The payment of remaining, two instalments of advance may be authorised by the applicants as prescribed in Rule,7 (a) and such inspeetions as may be ‘decmed necessary. It should also be verified before disbursing the last instalment of the advance, that the devolopment ofthe site has been completed (vide Rule 5 (a) above). (1) The Head of Department shall also ensure that the transaction/eonstruetion of the house is completed within the period prescribed in the Rules. and that— (]) the prescribed mortgage deed is executed immediately on completion! redemption/purchase of the house, and the document kept in safe custody after registration : Gi) the house is insured in the manner indicated in Rule 7 (b) above immediately ‘on its purchase/completion/redemption’ and that the premium receipts are regular produced for inspection (ii) the house is maintained in good repair and the necessary insurance prema and municipal rates and taxes are paid regularly, and the requistion certificate furnished annually, until the advance has been repaid in full: (Gv) monthly recovery of instalment of repayment ofthe advance commences from the due date and is made regularly from the pay/leave salary bill of the Company cemployce concerned thereafter. (¥) in the ease of the Company employees likely to retire within I8 months of the date of their application for the advance (see rule 5 (b) above) the amount of their Provident Fund and Gratuity will be adequate to cover the balanee of the advance outstanding against them just before the date oftheir retirement and that in such eases ‘any application for advance/withdrawal from their Provdent Eund subsequent to the grant of hounse-building advances under these rules should not be ordinarily entertained. (vi) any amount drawn in excess of the expenditure incurred, is refunded by the ‘Company employee concemed to the Company forthwith, together with the interest, if any, due thereon and (vii) The property mortgaged to the Company is released immedi repayment of the advance and the interest thereon in fi Ay on the (g) To enable the Managing Director/Functional Director to watch the disbustement of the funds and the progress on the construction of houses, Heads of Department will send to him a consolidated quarterly progress report in respect of all the Department to which it relates, in the prescribed proforma. In order to enable the ead of Department to Furnish the progress report tothe Managing Directo Functional Director in time, all the Companys Adiministrative Departments including the attached and subordinte offices to the Company will end them a consolidated quately progress report (in respect ofall departments and offices under i) by the 15th of the month following the quarter to which it relates inthe prescribed proforma CMAL Buailding/Ad./Application | Application form for use by CMAL Employees for the Grant of am advance under the Rules Regulating the Grant Advances to the Company Employees for Building ele. of Houses. (a) Name (in block letters). (b) Designatio.. 1 seal EE ersten ect (a) Present Pay (excluding of allowances but including Dearness Pay if any). 2. (a) Department of office in which employed (b) Station where posted. 3 Please state :- Whether you area] (a) Your pema:]Date oF [Date on which]Is your witerhur] permanent or non | nent post if any &fbith —& | you will atainJoand a Compar permanent Com- | the name of offic!|present] the age of re-femployee? If so, pany employee | Deptt. concemed. age. _|tirement. give her/his nam and the length of |) Do you hold a lécsignation, of service rendered fee ete. permanent apointment under} Central or a State Govt? IF s0, give| Particulars. 2 5 4 Do you or does your wifeshusband/minor child already ‘own a house ? See Rule 2(b) if so, please state Satation where 1] Toor area (i ] lis approximate ] Reasons for desiring 1 is situated with} Sq. FL valuation Jown another house. exact address. enlarging living acco- Jmmodation in an oxis+| ing house: as the case may be CMAL/Building/Adv./Application 2 5. Do your require the advaiice for building a new house ? 1's, please indicate = TRpprox Tora] ESTIMATED cos [AMBURE of] No. oF Years Ta whic] of the house pro- jadvance|the advance with posed to be cone] Cof} Cost of | Total required! Jinterest is proposed to] structed (insq.ft.)| and | building be repaid Note: Entries in columns 2 to 4 will have to be supported by specifications «estimates (in enclosed form) and plan atthe appropriate state (b) Whether you are already in possession of land ? IF $0, please state Waite of the ely | Wheiheryou wish [Area of the plot [Name of the mua] for town’ where it} to! settle there’} (in sq.ds.)feipality or other local is locate. L authority. (if any) in| whose jurisdiction ii located: (c) If no, plot of land is already in your possession, how and when do you propose to acquire one ? State. the approximate plot area (in sq. yds.) proposed io be acquired. Do you require the advance for enlarging living accommodation in an existing house. if so, please state = Particulars of additional desired (exoluding lavatory, bath room & kitehen) ‘additional : advance with storey is proposed to No.of yrs in which Wor oF room Tn the house Total floor arca of 7 floor area in Tunount oF advance the CMAL/Building/Adv Application 3 Not House should accompany the aplication, 7, Do you equrs the vance fr paying lars ak crit for purchaslag? constructing a house ? I so plese sate — 2 PS [Ef [Sg [smwsssainsor] ye fee 2 | i hes 3 |ea| sale p'lomie tom whom) [Es J g = | STE S ftoans were wena me |S |S & & | BE] ES] ES Jamun ousaniing in| |§ 2 2, ii sg gla te feo Be pica 53 é2le3 2 | 6 gry erpmeatee 2g\z25 3 ae a A 4 7 Note A Plan of te house and spocifction used n constuction sould accompany the applica Do you require me vance Tor purchasing « eady-ull house? (Hs and in cave yon abel fae lute View, plea ae 2 2 B [2 Te TET g Te Po srvean al a ere fos adp a g B12 fwnien en 3 sone heehty bla) vate bat ee fo pad i PP eait Baleilee eee 2 So sl a |e 813 Bl eee ite gal seleg} Eels Spe spEe [2 [es aalde| £2[ 2212 a]e a2 [2 am es ceca ee ae eneny ® (i) Have you satisfied yourself that the transaction would result of your acquiring an undisputable title to the house ? Note: A plan for the house should accompany’ the application, (b) If you do not already have a house in view, how when and where do you propose to sequire one indicate : 1S approximate amount] The approximate amount Of|No. Of yeans Iw which th ipfo which you will prepare advance required \dvatice with “interest i buy 2 house sed to Be repaid. CMAL/Building/Ad/Apptication 3 Note: ~ Details specified against item 8 (a) above should be furnished in this ease also {a soon as possible and in any case before the full amount of advance ean be drawn, 9. Ifthe land on which the house stands, or is proposed to be constructed, FREE HOLD oF lease hold ? If lease hold, state ‘The tem of he] How much of the] Whether condi. [Promiun: paid | Annval’ rental] lease term has already}tions of the ffor the plot | of the plot expired lease permit the land being mortgaged 10 the company Note: A copy of the lease/sale deed should accompany the application. 10, _ (a) Is your stl to landshouse undisputed and free from encumbrances ? (b) Can you produce, if required, original documents (sale or lease deed) in suport of your title ? If not, state reason therefore indicating what other documentary proof, if any, can you furnish in support of your claim ? (See items $(b) 6 and 7 above.) In case you have, Does the locality in which the plot of land/ouse is situated, possess essential services like roads, water supply. drainage. swerage, street lighting ete (Please Furnish a site plan with complete address) u In ease you happen to be due to retire from service within 20 vrs. ofthe date of this application, do you undertake to repay the outstanding balance of the advace by making @ final (House building) withdrawal from your Provident Fund and/or authorise the Company to adjust the remaining balance against any gratuity that may be admissible to you. 2. Is Rule 5 (b) applicable to your esac. If so state = 4) the name, designation, scale of pay, Office/Department, ce. of the permanent company employce who is willing to stand surety for you, and the date on which the proposed surety is due to attain the age of retirement. “DECLARATION’ [SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT the information furnished by me in reply to the various items above is tue tothe best of my knowledge and belie 21 | HAVE READ THE RULES REGULATING the grant of advances to ‘Company servants for building et. of houses, and agree to abide by the terms nd conditions stipulated therein, © 2s I. CERTIFY THAT My wife/husband is not » Company employee ‘my wifeshusband who is Company employee has not applied for and / or objained an advance under these Rules, and (Gi) neither {nor my wife/husband has applied for and/or obtained an advance or Joan from any other Government source for the acquistion of a house. (Signature ofthe applicant) Station : Designation Date : Department Office in which employed Strike out the alternative (s) not applicable. (To be completed by the Applicant's Head of Department) No. StAt0N onsen DAME Forwarded to the Managing Diroctor/Functional Director. The faets stated in the application have been verified and found correct, tis recommended that an advance Of RS....rn sven May be granted {0 the applicant. I have satisfied my self, on the basis of monthly deduetions, etc. made from the applicant's salary this amount is well within his/her repaying capacity (Signature). Designation. [Name of the Department Name of the signing Officer should also be indicated in Block Letters below his signature ‘CMAL/Building/Adv./Form 1 Abstract of cost of original estimates and detailed specifiealions (based on otails in Form No. 2) for grant of advance to CMAL employers for the building of House, Amount Rs. Name. Designation. Locality and address in. which the house is proposed to be cconstnucted Up-heads of tems of work | Quantity ‘Amount | Total OR No, 1 ihwork (Earthwork excavation for foundations 1000 and disposing of surplus earth ete.) Cr, ML VL Vil vill Conerete work (Foundation concrete with cement or lime using Stone or brick ballast citer Below 100 floors or for footing) cr Damp Proof Course (Conerete on rich cement morta bitu- rmipustic compound.) Roofing Work (RCC Asbestos or any other tyne of suitable root) Reinforced Cement Concrete, Masonry. (Brick, stone, Conerete blocks walls, ete.) Woop WORK (Eor Doors and Windows, Wooden scan= ling for roofs & ete.) (€or reinforcements, holdfast, Window bars, etc.) FLOORING: (Conerete, Stone or marble Chip & ete.) n 5 Up-heads of tems of work ] Quantity | Rate per | Amount | Total OR. No. XI, XI XII XIV. (Plastering, pointing colour or Whitwas- hing, Painting ete). (Like Rain water pipes, Shovels jalis, ‘Chulas, Pogs, Hooks for Fans & ete:) SANITARY INSTALATION (Closets Connections, Pipes, manholes, drains & etc) WATER SUPPLY (Tap water meters, Water tanks G.LPipe & etc) ELECTRICITY. (Electric points, meters, connection, lines & otc) TOTAL Cost (Signature of applicant) Date 8 (CMAL/House/Ads:/Form If Detailed estimate for advance to CMAL, ‘employees for the building of a house (Detailed estimate sheet to support the quantities given in Form—I) Name Designation. Office to which attached, Locality and address in which the house is proposed. S.No Details of work No Measurement Quantities Length [ Breadth | Height LEARTHWORK, Earthwork in excavation inall soils for foundation ‘and other trenches and depositing the same within ‘one chain bed and upto 510" lif FRONT WALL Rear Vara esining wall ‘Out side Wall ‘Common walls between W.C. front and rear W.C front and side ‘Steps in front and rear Total earthwork Refilling the excavated earth & ete, Continue details for all items as given in sample Form No. | (Signature of applicant) Date. ‘The entries made in columns 3 to 7 against Item I above are just to explain hhow the entry form is to be prepared. » COAL INDIA LIMITED No. C-5 (BY 50724678 Dated, the 20th, Oc.78 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subs Amendment to House Building Advance Roles House Building Advance Rules of Coal Mines Authority Limited/ Coat India Limited will stand modified with effect from 28th, July, 1978 to the extent as mentioned below:— Rule 4 (b) : The words "Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) shall be substituted by "Rs. 70,000/4Rupecs Seventy thousand only)" Rule 6 : The lst sentence "The rate will be the Governnent lending rate &s prevalent at the time of giving the advances” shall be deleted and the following shall be added — "The interest to be charged on the advances given on 28th. July 1978 to ‘thereafter shall be atthe rates mentioned below :— (60) Yfor he Fist Rs, 25,000/- Gi) BY ForAhe RENE enn RS, 25,000/- (Gi) 10% for the MeL Rs, 20,000/- Total:— Rs 70,000 In the provess of recovery of advance, the portion of the advance carry! higher rate of interest shall be treated as having been refunded first.” ‘This modification to the existing House Building Advance Rules issues with ‘competent approval sa (SD.CHANDRA) CHIEF OF PERSONNEL DIVISION 30 ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED. “COAL BHAWAN” 10, Netaji Subhas Rosd CALCUTTA—700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. C-5 (AYSOT24/I75 Dated. the 19th. July, 1977 OFFICE MEMORANDUM, smenidment to CMAL House Building Advance Rules Sub: In rule 4(b) of CMAL House Building Advance Rules after the words "75 months pay (including dearness pay where admissible)” add the words “personal pay and special pay.” 2 ‘Add the following note at the end of Rule 4(b) ibid — “Note: Pay at the time of Competent Authority's approval and no subsequent increase by way of promotion, transfer, increment te, wll be taken into consideration.” sd For CHIEF OF PERSONNEL DIVISION a (COAL INDIA LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) “COAL BHAWAN” 10, Netaji Subhas Road CALCUTTA—100 001 No. C-5 (AV50724 Dated, 2nd April’ 76 ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM ‘Sub: — “*Continuous Service” for the Purpose of house building advance in respect of taken over employees. ‘Under the CMAL House Building advance rules, the advance inay be granted oi (a) Permanent employees of the Company, (©) employees not falling under (a), who have rendered atleast 10. years ‘continuous service. ‘A question has been raised about the term "continuous service” in respect of the taken over employees of the erstwhile CMAL. This matter has been examined and it hhas been decided that "continuous service" for the purpose CMAL house Building Advance Rules will be reckoned taking into account the service rendered 0 the immediate past employers by the taken over employees ic, the employees who have put in 10 years continuous servic, inclusive of service with their immediate past employers, will be considered eligible for the house building advance. sa— (0. MAHEEPATHI) Chief of Personne! Division 2 ‘COAL MINES AUTHORITY LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) 15 Park Street, Caleutta—16 No. CMA/APEX/LD(PyHouse Building Adv./23 Dated, 16th January’ 75 = OFFICE ORDER : Amendments {o CMAL'S House Building Advance Rules. ‘Substitute Rule 8 (a) (iv) by the following >— order t0 avoid undue hardship to a Company employee who is due to ‘tie within 20 years ofthe date of application for the grant of an advance, the Head of the Department may permit him to repay the advance with interest in convenient ‘monthly instalments (the amount of which shall not be less than the amount of monthly instalments on the basis of repayment within the peirod of 20 years) during the remaining period of his service, provided he gives an undertaking authorising the Company to recover the entire outstanding amount from the gratuity that may be payable ‘and any other retirement benefit that may be sanctioned to him or in the event of his death to realise the outstanding balance from any benefit that may be payable to his estate. In any event the company will have liberty fo enforee the deed of mortgage which will be executed by the employee in favour of the company" Ps Substiute Rule 9 (f (v) by the following :— “In the case of the’ Company employees likely to retire within 18 months of the date of their application of the advance (See rule 5 (b) above), the amount of their gratuity will be adequate to cover the balance of the advance outstanding against them just before the date of their retirement” ‘This issues with the approval of Chairman, sa— (SRSankaran) ADVISER 3 BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Koyla Bhawan, Koyla Nagar Ref. No. BCCL/F. Acct/House Bldg. Adv.838 Dated, 20th January! 79 OFFICE ORDER Sub : Sanction of House Building Advance Procedures. 1 Application for House Building Advance should be made in the prescribed form in duplicate alongwith al the enclosures and submitted to the Head of Departments for their recommendation. ‘ (2) The application should be forwarded to the Personnel Department (H.Q) by the respective Heads of Departments forthe examination, The Personne! Manager (EE) ® of the Personne! Department (HQ) will verify the particulars given in the application * ‘under item nos. 1 104 and 12 (i & ii) and give a certificate that the particulars furnished by the employee concemed are correct as per the records maintained by the Personnel Department. Item No, 4 should be verified with the respective property return submitted by the employee concemed to the Personnel Department, (3) Personnel Department will forward the application to the Civil Engineering Department (HQ) for their examination. The Civil Engineering Departmient should chock the item nos. 5 to 8 of the applications and certify that the particulars given are correct and the estimate submited alongwith the application is in order and it will be possible ro construct the proposed house within the estimated amount. After examination ‘and furnishing necessary certificate the Civil Engineering Department will forward the application to the Legal Department (4) Legal Department will examine item no..9 and 10 of the application and certify thatthe ttle deeds ete. ate correct and the emplayee holds undisputable title 10 the land on which the house is proposed to be constructed to the house on which further extension is proposed to be made. (5) The departments mentioned above may if necessary for their examination, ask farther details/papers documents from the applicant. The applicant should be responsible for submitting such documents/information te. to the concerned officer. (6) The Legal Depatment should forward the application to the Finance Department for their examination and budget certification etc. Finance Department after their examination and budget certification will submit the application to Director (Commercial) for his sanction. Once the sanction is obtained, action will be taken t0 advance the instalment of loan to the applicant. The application ete. after the sanction Po will be returned to the Finance Department who will keep this in separate file and deal centrally (7) The Legal Department will finalise mortgage deeds and get the deed registored. Necessary stamp duty ete. will be paid by the applicant. ‘The saliont features ofthe House Building advance is circulated herewith for the information of the employees. sa Rajendra Singh Director (Commercial) Distribution + i) All Heads of Departments. (Gi) General Manager, Area No. 1 to XIL (Git) General Manager (C1), Sudamdi. (Gv) Area Finanee Manager, Area No. 1 to XIL (¥) Area Accounts Officer (C1), Moonidih. (vi) Personnel Manager (EE), Karmik Bhawan. (vii) Manager (Leyal), Karmik Bhawan, (vii) Dy. Chief Engneer (Civil), Koyla Nagar. (ix) PS to to All Directors. Salient features of the house building advance (A). Purchase 1), Purehase of land and construction of new house thereon, i). Construction of new house oa land already possessed ii). Enlarging living accommodation in existing house: Purchase of ready built house constructed by State Govt/Co-operative Societies. Repayment of earlier loan received for purchasé/construction of land and building Permanent employees ofthe Company ‘Non-permanent employees but rendered service for atleast 10 years’ not holding any permanent appointment in Central/State government and his serviee is likely to continue in this Company. iii) Where both husband and wife work in this Company, advance is admissible to only one of them, (©. Conditions {No loan reesived from the Government earlier for this purpose. i) No advance drawn nor final amount withdrawn ftom the Provident Fund for this purpose. Gil) Docs not own any house. In case of the owner of joint property, condition may be relaxed subject to employees, declaration to build a separate house for bonafied residential purpose. (D). Extend of advance (Not more than one time during entire service period. i), Not exceeding 75 months pay of Rs.70,000/- ii), least first Sof the expenditure to be borne by the employee concerned. (Oy). Not to exceed estimated cost, (E).__Disburshment '). For purchase of land and biuiding construction thereon (a) 20% is admisibic in executing the agreement (b) 30% is payable on morigaging the land purchased. (©) 30% is payable on completion upto plinth level. (@) Balance payable on reaching upto roof level. 2). For construction of house, (2) 30% is payable on mortgaging the lan. (b) 40% is payable on completion upto Plinth Level. (c) 30% is payable on completion upto roof level 3). Purchase of ready ult house. (a) The lump-sum amount is payable on executing the Agreement. (b) Acquistion should be completed and house mortgaged within three oaths from the date of drawal (F)._ Implied Condition = (2) Utilisation of advance drawn in some other works is liable to diseiplinery action, Gi) Construction should actually confirm from the approved plan and specification ii) Departure from plan and specification be approved by Functional Directors. Gv) On completion of construction upto plinth level and roof level, the ‘employee concerned to certify the cost of working and expenditure incurred (W) Heads ofthe department may arrange to verify the above. (vi) Normal period of completion-I8months from the drawal of first advaneesubject to extention of period in extraordinary circumstances. (vil) Insurance to be taken with National Insurance Co. fora sum not less than the advanced amount. (vii) Policy to be deposited to the office. (ix) The Insurances Company to be notified about the Company's interest (8) Proper care to be taken for repair and maintenance: (ci) Municipal and local tax to be paid in time. (sii) After completion final inspection to be made by authorised officers (i) Principal be recovered in 180 monthly instalments Gi) Interest in 60 monthly instalments, ” In case of construction, repayment will start after completion of the hhouse or after 18 months from drawal of first advance. For ready built purchases, the recovery wil start from the following ‘moath of the drawal of advance. Entire amount be recovered before retirement Employee may also authorise to recover the balance amount from Provident Fund on Yetiement where the remaining period of service is less than 15 years Right of the Company on Mortgage Property : In case the entire amount is not recovered before retitement the company ean recover by salary otherwise. Property morigaged by re-covered alter recovery of principal and interest in full. For fumishing false certificate, concerned employes is liable to suitable disciplinary aetion apart from refund the amount. COAL INDIA LIMITED “COAL BHAWAN” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, CALCUTTA — 700 001 No. C-S (By $0724/11/802 ated 7th Match, 1980, ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub; Amendment to House Building Advanee Rules In continuation of this Office O. M. No. C-5 (BYS0724/1 L/dated 21-1-1980 issued on the above subject, the House Building Advance Rule of CMAL/Coal India Limited is further modified to the extent as indicated below :- 1. Clause (b) of Rule 1 will be replaced by := Company's employees not falling in category (a) above who have rendered continuous service as given below :- 1) 7 years up torbefore 31.3:1980 ii) B years uptorbefore 31.3.1981 iii) 9 years uptorbefore 31.3.1982 iv) 10 years after 31.3.1982 2. In Rule 2(¢) — the figures and words "380 Sqjft.” be replaced by the figures and words ‘22 Sq.M"* 3. In Rule 3(b) the figures “Rs. 10,000/-" be replaced by ““Rs.25,000/ 4. Rule 4 (b) should be replaced by the following :- Applicants may be granted an advance not exceeding 75 months pay (including deamess pay where admissible) or Rs. 70,000/- (Rupees seventy thousand only) whichever is less, for construction of a new house or for purchase of readybuilt house constructed by State Government /Co-operative Societies specifically forthe purpose of sale to intending purchasers, oF For purchase of ready built house/flat from private individuaVindividuals the valuation of which is certified by Resgistered Valuer, the cost of which will be borne by the employee ‘concerned, subject to the provision that the employee (i.e. borrower) is in a position to make @ personal investment of not less than 5% of the total estimated cost of the house or of the land and the house taken » together in cases covered by Rule 3(a) above. The actal amount of advance to be sanctiond will be determind by the Managing Director! Functional Director on the basis of plans and detailed specifications and estimates to be furnished by applicants justfying the amount of advance applied for, and shall in no case exceed the estimated cost of ‘construction / purchase redemption within the ceiling prescribed above” ‘This will take immediate effect. “This issues with the approval of the competent authority. sa (®-K. Ghosh Chief of Personnel Division (Act) Distributation The Chairman-cum-Managing Director, BCCL & others Endt. No, BCCL/EE/HBA/80/1 1587-667 (A) Dated 14th Narch, 1980. Copy 10 2, 3 4 5 All General Managers [All Heads of Departments All Area Finance Managers Shri T. K: Bera, Sr. F. 0. , Koyla Bhawan. Sr. Finance Officer (pay), Vikas Bhawan, (A.P. Sinha) Dy. Chief Personnel Masiager (EE) Karmik Bhawan, BCCL COAL INDIA LIMITED COAL BHAWAN 10, Netajé Subhas Road, CALCUTTA — 700 001 No. €-5 (By som24nV271 17th December, 1980, OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Recovery of House Buling Advance, Ws come othe noice that some ofthe Subsidiary Compaine re expericcing OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Reconveyance of the property mortgaged through a registered deed to Coal India Lid. for House Building Advance. A point has arisen as tthe procedure to be adopted for reconveyance of the property ‘mortgaged through a registered deed / document to Coal India Limited, It has since been decided that the following peocedure should be adopted for reconveyance of such deed / document = (1) Aer the advance together with interest thereon has been repaid in fll, the propery ‘mortgaged tthe Coal Inia Limited willbe re-conveyed to the lance (2) The reconveyance deed stall be exeeuted by the Head ofthe Department who generally sccepts the mortage deed on behalf ofthe Coa India Limited (@) Regisration of reconveyace deed is compulsory. (A) The expensess in connection with the exceution and registration of the rvonveryance ‘ded shall be borne by the loane concern. (3) After the reconveyance deed has been execwed and registered, it shall be made over to the Toanee along with the morgage deed, original sale deed and other documenis Aepositad by the loanee. A receipt therefore shall be taken from the loanee and kept on record along witha copy of recoveyance dec 2, In respect of equitable mortgage by deposit of tile deeds etc, registered reeonveynce ‘eed isnot compulsory. The same may be done by mere endorsement ofthe memoradum, while retuming the tle dood ete. after obtaining receipt from the (ance (ACRAY) Chit Executive (Est. & Adm) Disriton — Director (Ph, BCCLICCLIWCL (vith 20 eta copies.) Director (7, CMPDIL (with 20 ex copies) (Chet of Adminstration, ECL (wit 20 ex copes) (GM NEC, Assam (wth 5 ext epopies) ‘Chiet CMO, CHL Caeuta (with 20 extra copes) Regional Manager (Lingo Offs), CIL, New Dei (wth $ext copies) “Manager (Lega, IL, Caleta PM (AW, CIL, Caleuta All Divisional Heads, Ci, Caouts Scorary o CL. Bour,CIL, Caleta, Peronnal Manager, Monitoring Cll, CHL, Caleuts, (GM, Daun Coal Complex, Danni (With 10 ear opis) 13, Guard Fle, 6 (COAL INDIA LIMITED. “Coal Bhawan” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. C=SA(viys0724/111/473 Dated, 17-3-1983 OFFICE ORDER Sub : House building advance. We'ace ce restiigitiniad ametaililry coopeaice Sxvindiog applications of the employees working under them for house building advance for parla of ioutefas hn een HounngBoani/DevelopmentAutocies.I isle tht since the Sudsiiry Companies are competent to sanction the house bailing edanee othe employees woning under them, such eases need notbe fered to leo Tecan temp be pss ty he eompanen in ineatante with the provision ofthe Howse Bilin Advance Rules of Goal India iit andthe payment inode tamy ela talent ate Ubon bade is Boer Development Autboie rom whom the omits ae roped tobe perchated: tn case however, here i any difical or processing the aplication, the Same may be sent 0 this offi for ssn of nsesstycaricaton, (P,P. AGARWAL) (Chief Executive (Establishes) Direction :— 1. Director (Personnel), CCL/BBCLIWCL. 2. Director (1), CMPDIL, Ranchi. 3. Chief of Administration, ECL Sanctoria 4, General Manager, NEC, Assam, ‘5. General Manager, Dankuni Coal Complex, Dakuni. 6. Chief, CMO, CIL, Calcutta, ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED. “Coal Bhawan” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. CSA(viy/S0724/111/661 Dated 18th July, 1983 (OFFICE MEMORANDUM. Sub : House building advance - release of instalments of House Building Advance by depositing certified copy of the Sale Deed. In aceordance with the existing practice, forthe purpose of creation of equitable ‘mortgage ofthe land and the building for which HBA is taken, the Orilginal Sale Deed 's required to be deposited by the employee with the Company. Ithas been found that it takes considerable long time to obtain the original Title Deed from the Registrar's office, [As a result of this, the employees have represented that they are unable to deposit the Original Title Deed for creation of eqitable mortgage within the stipulated period and ‘consequently chey do not get the subsequent instalment payment, The postion has been reviewed in this regard 2. In view of the difficulties thus experienced by the employees in obtaining the ‘Original Sale Deed from the Registrar's office for creation of equitable mortgage and ‘obtaining instalment payment of the House Building Advance, and in order to give relief ‘o the employees in this regard it has been decided, asa special case that the following procedure may be adopted for releasing Sccond and Tied instalment of HBA sanctioned to the employee concerned, when the original Sale Deed cannot be submitted within the stipulated time, with the Company -— |) The concemed employee should submit to the Company the Origi ranted by the Registrar for registering the Salé Deed; 31 receipt ii) The employee should submit a copy of the Sale Deed, duly cettfied by the Registrar which will be kept with the company. iii) An undertaking should be given by the applicant to the effect that the Original Sale Deed will be deposited with the company for creating equitable mortgage as carly as possible but not later than 18 (Eighteen) months ffom ihe date of registration or within further period of the time, as may be allowed by the company not exceeding 6 (Six) months in exceptional/dificult cases. iv) Applicant has to furnish Sureties ftom 2 (two) permanent Company employees rot below the status of the applicant. Such sureties should not be from such a ‘employees who have obtained HBA loan or there is any doubt about their financial solvency. The fablty of these Suetes will comtive, until equitable ‘mortgage is crated by the applicant, orl the entire amount of advance is Filly repaid by the applicant, whichever i earlier. The last instalment of the advance shall not be paid unless the equitable ‘mortgage is created by depositing the Original sale Deed.” 4. This issues with the approval ofthe competent authority (G.R. Bhandari) General Manager (EF) Distriution — Director (P), BCCLICCL/WCL (with 20 extra copies) . Director (T), CMPDIL (with 20 extra copies.) Chief of Administration, ECL (with 20 extra copies) GM, NEC, Assam (with 5 extra copies) Chief CMO, CIL, Cateutta (with 20 extra copies) |. Regional Manager (Liaison Office), CIL, New Delhi (with 5 extra copies.) 7. Manager (Legal), IL, Caleutta, PM (AW), CHL, Calcutta. All Divisional Heads, CIL, Calcutta Secretary to CIL Board, CIL, Caleuta OSD Parliamentary Cell, CIL, Caleuta, GM, Dankuni Coal Complex, Dankuni (with 10 extra copies). Guard File COAL INDIA LIMITED “Coal Bhawan’ 10, Netaji Subhas Road, ‘CALCUTTA 700 001 No, C—SA(viy/S0724/111/748, Dated, the 13th September, 1983 To ‘The Director (Personnel), BCCLICCL/WCL, ‘The Chief of Administration, ECL, Sanctoria, ‘The Manager (Admn.) CMPDIL, Ranchi, The General Manager (S&M), CMO, Calcutta, The General Manager. NEC, Assam, ADDL. Chief Legal Manager, CIL Calcutta, Personnel Manager (AW), CIL, Caleutta, ‘General Manager, Dankuni Coal Complex, Dankuni Sub : House building advance - release of instalments, of House Building Advance by depositing certified copy of the Sale Deed. Dear Sir. Please refer to this Office Order No. C-SA (vi)/S0724/11/661 dated 18.7.83 on the above subject. The form of agreement to be executed by the employees and the Surety Bond to be signed by the Surctes in connection with drawal of instalments of House Building Advance on deposition of certified copy of the sale deed, have since been approved. A copy of each of them are forwarded herewith for your necessary action, ‘Yours faithfully, sa. (G.R. Bhandari) ‘General Manager (EE) Enel, As stated above, ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED “Coal Bhawan" 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No, C—SAtviy/S0724v/2900 Dated, 8th December 1983 extent indicated below Rule 4(b) Rule 4(c) (OFFICE MEMORANDUM. Sub : Amendment of House Building Advance rrules of Coal India Limited. House Building Advace Rules of Coal India Limited are amended to the ‘The figure and words "Rs, 70,000/- (Rupees Serventy Thousand)" shatl be substituted by "Rs. 1,25,0001- (Rupees one lakh twenty five thousand only)" Further it has been decided to add Rule 4(c) below Rule 4(b) of the House Building Advance Rules, as under — "The advance shall be restricted to the amount which the employee may be expected to be in a position to repay by convenient monthly deductions from hivher pay before the date of his/her superannuation under the rules ‘of the company and partly if necessary from the gratuity that the employee _may be eligible for under the service niles of the Company, For this purpose, it shall be taken that an employee shall commence repayment of advance 18 months after the payment of the advance by the ‘Competent Authority and that instalment calculated upto 334, % oF pay will be within his paying capacity This issues with the approval ofthe competent authority (GR. BHANDARD ‘General Manager (EE) (COAL INDIA LIMITED. **Coal Bhawan” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. CIL: C—SA(viy/so7241V/951 Dated, January 12,1984 OFFICE MEMORANDUM, ‘Sub Amendment to House Building Advance Rules of Coal India Limited. Ref. : This office OM No, CIL : C-5A (vi) ‘50724 : TV : 900 dated 8-12-1983 A point has been raised’ as to the date ftom which the aforesaid Office Meomorandutn shall be effective. It is clarified that the provision contained in the said Office Memorandusn shall be effective from the date of its issue ie. 8th December 1983 and not from any ante date. I is further clarified that the eases of house building advance already sanctioned prior to 8-12-83 shall not be re-opened, (G.R. Bhadariy General Mnager (EE) Distribtion :— ‘Chairman-cum-Managing Diretor, ECLWCL/BCCLICCLICMPDIL, Director (Personnel), BCCL Dhanbad. Director (Finance)Direetor (Technical), CIL Calcutta, Executive Director (P&M), CIL Calcutta ‘Addl Director CIL Calcutta. ‘AdL. Chief Personnel Manager, WCL Nagpur. Dy. Chief Personel Maager, (A), CCL, Ranch Manager (Admn.) CMPDIL, Ranchi 9. Chief of Administration, ECL, Sanctoria, 10. General Manager, NEC, Assam. 11, General Manager, Dankuni Coal Complex, Dankuni, 12, General Manager (S&M), CMO CIL, Calcutta. 13, Chief of Vigilance, CIL, Calcutta, 14, Addl. Chief Legal Manager, CIL, Calcutta 15. All Divisional Heads, CIL, Calcutta. 16, Secretary to CIL Board, Calcutta, 17. OSD, Chairman's Secretariat, CIL, Caleuta 18, Regional Manager (Liaison Orice), CIL, New Dethi 19, Personnel Manager (AW). CIL Calcutta, 20. Sr. Accounts Officer (Bill/Cash), CTL, Calcutta, 21. Guard file 5 ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD, CALCUTTA — 700 001 PHONE : 23-9101 (10 LINES) TELEX : CA 7180 GRAMS : COAL INIDA, No. C—SA¢vin/S07241V/67 Dated, 23rd May, 1984 To ‘The Adal, Chief Pesonnel Manager (Estb.) Bharat Coking Coal Limited. Karmik Bhawan, P.O. Saraidhella, Dist. Dhanbad, (Bihar) Sub : House Building Advance Dear Sir, Kindly refer to your letter No. BCCL : EE : 84 13689 (A) dated 5/Tthe April, 1984 on the above subject. 1 have to inform that it had already been clarified in CIL's OM No. C-SA/S0724/ 175 dated 19-7-77 that the word Pay’ in rule 4(b) of our H.B, Advance Rules, will only include Basie Pay, Personal pay and Special Pay. As such neither DA nor NPA shall foem pact of computing the amount of H.B, Advance to be sactioned to an employee. ‘Yours faithfully, sal: (RL. Sharma) Dy. Chief Personnel Manager ‘ COAL INDIA LIMITED “Coal Bhawan” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. C—SA(viyS0724/1V/196 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Amendment of House Building Advance Rules : Rule 4 (b) of House Building Advance Rutes has been amended so as to read as under Rule 4¢6) ‘The provision of existing Rule 4) shal be substituted by the fllowing Applicants may be granted an advance not exceeding 75 months pay (including Dearnss pay, Personal pay and Special pay, DA, VDA and FDA whore admissible) or RS, 125,000! whichever is less for the folowing purposes Construction of new Howse on the plot owned by the employee or the employee and hisherwifehusband jointly provided they mortgage the toe jon, Parchasing a plo and constricting house threo, Purchasing 2 plot under Co-operative Schemes and constructing & hose thereon, Outright purchase of a now and unlived in ready built house/Mat from Housing Boards, Development Authority and other statutory or semi- Government bodies, Co-operative and also from private parties. Repayment of loan and/or advance taken by the applicant for constructing ‘or purchasing a house. Subject to the provisions that the employee (i.e. ‘porrower) is in a position 10 make a personal investment of not less than 5% of the total estimated cost of the house or of the land and the house taken together in case covered by Rule 3 (a) above. The actual amount or advance to be sanctioned will be determined by the Managing Director/ Functional Director On the basis of plans and detailed specifications and estimates 10 be famished by applicants justifying the amount of advance applied for and shall in no case exceed the estimated cost of construction/purchase and/or redemption with the ceiling prescribed above, 1 ‘This amendment shall be effective from 8, 12. 83 2 “This issues with the apporval of the competent authority. sar. (G.R. Bhandari) General Manager (Personne!) Distribution 1. Director (P), CCL, BCCL, WCL, and athers BHARAT COOKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Personnel Directorate Koyla Bhawan, Dhanbad Endt. No BCCL : EE : 84/99884-084 (A) Dated 13-8-84 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action. 1. All General Managers, 2. All Heads of the Departments 3, All Personnel Managers 4, All Finance Managers 5. ‘The Finance Manager (Pay) Koyla Bhawan 6, Sr. Library Officer, Koyla Bhawan 7, Board Secretary, Koyla Bhawan §, Secretary to CMD/ D (P)/ D (F)/ D (0) E/ D() W & D URP) 9. PS. to GM. (P) sal. Sushila Shinha Personnel Manager (PAW) COAL INDIA LIMITED “COAL BHAWAN” 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD, CALCUTTA 700 001 POST BOX NO. 871 No. C—SA(viy/S0724/1V7210 August 9, 1984 ‘The Chairman-cum-Managing Director ECL/BCCLAWCLICCLICEMPDIL., Dear sir, ‘Request have been received for sanction of additional amount of House Building Advance on the basis of revision of pay scales of executives onthe ground of escalation ‘of construction cost. After careful consideration, it has been decided thatthe additional amount of house building advance may be sanctioned by the competent authority as per rules on the basis of revised scales of pay of executives subject to the following ‘conditions — 1) The original sanction of House Building Advance should have been issued on or after 1-8-2 Either the original estimate or the revised certified estimate for construction of the house submitted by the applicants should cover the additional amount of advance to be sanctioned, within the admissible ceiling limits Additional sanction will be subject to availability of the funds as per budget provision ‘The applications for additional advance should be considered on the basis ofthe ‘report of the concemed Civil Engineering Department Yours faithfully, (G.R BHANDARI GENERNAL MANAGER (PERSONNEL) Copy for information and necessary action to :— 1. The Direetior (Finance), CIL, Caleuta . The General Manager. NEC! Dankuni Coal Complex. |. The Chief of Marketing, CIL, Caleuta, The Chief of Finance, CIL, Calcutta The Regional Manager (Liasion Gfice), CIL, New Delhi OSD. Chairman's Secretariat, CIL, Caleutta, Secretary, CIL Board, Calcutta ‘Adal, Chief Legal Manager, CIL, Caleuta, Personnel Manager (AW), Cil Calcutta, OSD, Parliamentary Cell CILL Calcutta, Sr. Accounts officer (Bill, CU, Calcutta, 55 ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED “Coal Bhaw: 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Caleutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. C—SA(viy's0724V/246 August 29, 1984 (OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Release of instalments of House Building Advance. In terms of the rule 7 (a) () of the House Building Advance Rules the loanee has to satisfy the Head of the Department regarding correctness of the certificates produced by the loanee of construction at various stags for release of instalments of advance. 2. stances have come to notice in which carrying out of inspection ofthe premises takes considerable time particularly when employee constructs house in far off places ‘As aresultof this, the loanees experience diffcultes in drawal of subsequent instalments of house building advance. 3, The matter has been examined and in order to remove the difficulties it has been ‘decided that in such exceptional cases, the instalments ofthe house building advance at various stages of construction may be released on the basis of certificates issued by qualified and registered Engineers/Architects regarding house having reached up to plinth/roof evel sae (G.R. BHANDARD, (GENERAL MANAGER (PERSONNEL) Distribution — 1. Chariman-cum-Managing Director, ECL /WCL/BCCLICCLICMPDIL., 2. The Direetor (Finance), CIL, Calcutta, 3. Director (Finance), BCCLICCLIECLIWCL. 4. The Direetor (Personnel), BOCLICCLWCL. 5. The Manager (Admn.) CMPDIL, Ranchi. 66. The Chief of Adminsitation, ECL, Sanctoria 7. The General Manager, NEC/Dankuni Coal Complex. 8. The Chief of Marketing, CIL, Celeut 9. The Chief of Vigilance, CIL, Celeutt 10, The Addl, Chief Legal Manager, CIL, Caleuta 11, The All Divisionals Heads, CIL, Caleutta 12, The OSD, Charman's Seretriat, CIL, Caleutta 13. The Regional Manager (Liaison office) CIL, Celeutia 14, The Personnel Manager (AW), CIL, Caleta 1S, The Sr. Accounts Officer (Bill/Cash), CIL, Caleuta, 16, Guard file, (COAL INDIA LIMITED “Coal Bhawan” 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta 700 001 Post Box No. 871 No. C—SA(viy/s07241V321 Dated, the 9th November, 1984 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Grant of Addl. House Building Advance. Requens have sace heen recived. fom those employees who were saneoned house building advance prior to 8-12-83 nt exceeding RS. 70000 for grat of aida geese dine oa aches tegh ae oe tows x laces in elo reno loco. Hain Bow og ewe-pcent Authorities of te Sate Govt 2. Imorde to mtg the hardship oh employees cael 6 Si ah of consruction of house it has been deeded that applieaons for grant ofa, house Baik’ Ade i? bmi ecco Bd et MU aa RAT a SO MT prior to 12-89 but on or afer Int Angus, subj 1 the allowing conditions ee ee een) eee erred (Db ta nepal ee eon ee oe 125,00 or 75 months poy, whichever sles (Gi The completion report w contemplated ia Rule 7 (I) ofthe Howe Bullding “Advance Ree shoud not ave ben submited bythe onc, (Gil) Incase the construction of the house is delayed beyond 18 months from the date cof drawal of first instalment, the extension of time for completion ofthe house hhas been obtained from the Competent Authority, and (iv) The estimated additional cost of construction should not be Jess than the additional advanee applied for and the revised estimate should be duly certified by the authorised Civil Engineer. B. Conditions for grant of additional House Building Advance for purchase of a ‘new and unlived in house/fats from Housing Boards/Development Authorities and other Statutory or Semi-Govt. Bodies — ” (The loanee should not have paid last instalment ofthe sale price of the House/ fat to the Authority (Gi) The Total amount of advance (including the additional advance) showld not be ‘more than the total sale price of the house/fat, subject to the maximum or Rs. 1,25,000¥- or 75 months’ pay, whichever is less. ‘The entitlement to the amount of additional advance shall be determined on the pay including Dearess pay, Personal Pay, Special pay plus DA, VDA and FDA ‘where admissible) ofthe employe on the date of application for such additional advance and taking into account the clause of repaying capacity ofthe employee as provided in rule 4(c) of the House Building Advnace Rules vide CILs. OM ‘No C-5A (vi)/S0724/1V/900 dated 8-12-83, ‘This order shall apply to the House Building Advance originally sanctioned on fr after |-8-82 in all such cases, the sanction of addtional advance will depend ‘upon availabilty of funds as per approved budget. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority sal: (GR Bhandariy General Manager (P) (COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD, ‘CALCUTTA - 700 001 POST BOX NO : 871 No. C—SAtviN/S07241V/425 January 18, 1985 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Amendment of House Bullding Advance Rules ‘of Coal India Limited thas been decided fo amend rule 4(b) of the House Building Advance Rules of Coal India Limited so as to include a new, item (vi) under rule 4(b) which will ead as follows: — Rule 4(6) (vi) Acquiring of Matshouses through membership of Co-operative Group Housing Societies subject to the following conditions : — (A) (The applicant shall execute a Personal Bond in the prescribed form and. also furnish two sureties in the prescribed form. The surety Bond shall be executed jointly by two sureties who are pernament employees of Coal India and its subsidiaries of same status as that ofthe applicant or of higher status having sufficient length of service upto the period of recovery of ‘advance with interest from the loanee. (Gi) The surety should not be husband/Wife or member of the same joint family and should not have stood surety for anybody else. i) The amount of advance shall not excced 75 months pay (including DA) for Rs. 1,25,000/ or the cost ofthe flat whichever isthe admissible ‘under the Rules. (B) The amount of house building advance sanctioned to an employee shall be disbursed inthe following manner (i) A sum gqual to 30 percent ofthe advance sanctioned shall be payable to the applicant on his executing the Bond and on furnishing two sureties in the prescribed form. (i) The remaining amount ofthe House Building Advance sanctioned to an employee shall be disbursed in suitable instalments as fixed by the sanctioning authority atthe time of issue of sanction on the basis of the payment schedule of the flat furnished by the concemed Co-operative Group Housing Society. For each disbursement the employee shall produce 1 demand letter from the Housing Society indicating the progress of the construction the correctness of which may be verified by the sanetioing authority by aranging inspection ofthe premises (Gil) The original agreement between the Housing Society and the applicant, the share certificate issued by:the Societys the letter from the Society allotting the flatto the members and original receipts for payment should bbe produced for verification by the loanee ‘A certificate thatthe Cooperative Society is registered with the Registrar of Co-operative Socictis of the concerned State shall also be produced. (©) On transfer of the ownership of the fat in favour of the employees the ‘employee will mortgage it to the company as surety for the foam obtained from the company. The other conditions of granting loan will remain the ‘This amendment shall be effective from the date of issue, ‘This issues with the approval of the competent authority. (GR BHANDARI) General Manager?) COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA - 700 001 POST BOX NO : 871 No. CHL—SA(viVSO724/1V/I8L July 31, 1985, (OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Amendment of House Building Advance Rules ‘of Coal India Limited Rule 4(@) has been decided that second paragraph of Rule 4{c) of the House Building ‘Advance Rule of Coal India Limited shall be substituted by the following : — “For this purpose, it shall be taken that an employee shall commence repayment ‘ofadvance 18 months after the payment ofthe advance by the competent authority ‘and that instalment calculated up to 50% of pay will be within his paying capacity” ‘This amendment will have immediate effect. ‘This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority, sa. (GRBHANDARI) General Manager (P) et COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN” 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD, CALCUTTA - 700 001 POST BOX NO : 871 No. CILIC-SA\yi)/S0724/MP/196 August 8, 1985 ‘The Addl.Chief Personnel Manager (Admo.), Western Coalfields Limited, Coal Estate, Civil Lines [Naypur— 440 001 ‘Sub : HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE Dear Sir, Kindly refer to your letter No WCLICMD/Legal HBA/85/5481 dated 8th April '85.sccking clarification on the mortagagibility ofthe house within 3 months from the {date of drawal ofthe advance, in terms of rule 5 (A) (3) of House Building Advance Rules ‘This is to clarify thatthe condition that the house isto be morta ‘company within 3 months ofthe drawal of the advance, should be construed to mean that in the case of outright purchase of flats the period of 3 months shall be counted from the date of drawal ofthe advance in one lumnp sum, while in the case of purchase of flats under self financing scheme,cost of which being payable in a number ‘of instalments, the period of 3 months shall be counted from the date of drawal of the last instalments of the advance. god to the Yours faithfully sal (KB Sharma) Personnel Manager COAL INDIA LIMITED. “COAL BHAWAN" 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA - 700 001 POST BOX NO : 871 No. C-5A (viy'so724/¥201 ‘August 12, 1985 (OFFICE MEMORANDUM. ‘Sub : Rates of interest on House Building Advance Further to CIL's Office Memorandum No, C-5 (B)/S0724/678 dated 20-10-78, (Copy enclosed for ready reference) indicating therein the rates of interest applicable to ‘the house building advance upto Rs.70,000/, it has been decided thatthe intrest to be charged onthe portion of the house bulding advance in excess of Rs. 70,000/- and upto Rs. 1,25,000/ sanctioned on or after 8-12-1983 shall be atthe following rates : —~ Portion of the House Advance Rate of interest (9) Rs. 70,001/- to Rs. 75.000/- 10% per annum Gi) Rs. 75.001/- t0 Rs. 125,000. 12% per annum, Other conditions of Rule 6 of House Building Advance Rules will remain ‘unaltered, This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority Sale (GR Bhandari) General Manager (P) ‘COAL INDIA LIMITED “COAL BHAWAN" 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD CALCUTTA - 700 001 POST BOX NO: 871 No, C-5A (viNs0724/V/379 February 3, 1986 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Amendment of Building Advance Rules — Enchancement ofthe ceiling limit for enlargement of living accommodation of the existing house. Ithas been decided to enhance the existing limit of house building advance for enlarging the living accommodation from Rs.25,000 to Rs.40,000/. Rule 3 (b) of the House Building Advance Rules will accordingly be replaced by the following “3 (b)-onlarging living accommodation in an existing house owned by the company servant concerned, provided the total cost of the proposed additions and extensions does not exceed Rs. 40,00 This amendment will have immediate effect. ‘This issues with the approval of the competent authority, sal. (GR BAHANDARI) Goneral Manager (P) COAL INDIA LIMITED ‘COAL BHAWAN’ 10, Netaji Subhas Road Calcutta - 700 001 Post box no : 871 No. CIL = C-5A (vi) : $0724: V = 80 Dated July 1, 1986 ‘The General Manager (Adma.) Central Coalfield Limited Darbhanga House Ranchi Sub : Payment of 2nd and 3rd instalments of House Building Advance in respect of Officers transferred from one Company to another. Please refer to your letter No. CCLIGA-Geal/H{ B.Adw/P.K Sinha/R6/11039 dated the 19th May. 1986, ‘The matter has been examined in consultation with the Legal Department. On transfer of an employee who was granted house building advance the transferee ‘Company shall pay the house building advance instalments on the basis of advice from the transferer Company. The recavery of house building advance should be made by the transferer Company on the advice of the transferee company. This issues with the approval of the competent authority Yours faithfully, (K.BSHARMA) Dy.Chief Personnel Manager. COAL INDIA LIMITED "COAL BHAWAN" 10, Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta - 700 001 Post box no : 871 No. CILIC—SA(vi/50724/V/281 Feb. 4, 1987 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Rates 4{c) of the House Building Advance Rule Interpretation thereof. In torms of rule 4 (c) of House Building Advance Rules, the house building ‘advance shall be restricted to the amount which the employee may be expected to be in 8 position to repay by convenient monthly deductions from hisher pay before the date ‘of his/her superannuation under the rules of the Company and partly if necessary from ‘the gratuity that the employce may be cligible for under the service rules of the ‘Company. taking his/her maximum repaying capacity as 50% of pay per month, ‘One of the subsidiary companies has pointed out thatthe wordings “and partly ‘it necessary from the gratuity that the employee may be eligible for under the service rules oF the Company” is quite ambiguous and ean be intepreted in different wavs giving rise to unnecessary controversy Iris therefore, clarified thatthe house building advance should be restreted to amount which theemployec is in a position to repay before the date of his superannuation taking his monthly repaying capacity to be $0% of his pay. Inthe cases where the recovery of the otal advance eannot be effected within the stipulated time for unforeseen reasons such as long leave without pay, termination of service, voluntary retirement, resignation, death ete. the amount of outstanding house building advance is to be recovered from the gratuity of the employee. Sal- A. P. Sinha General Manager (P) Central Coalfields Limited “Darbhanga House : Ranchi” No. CCL/CA—Genl,LB.AdWGENL77 Dated, the September, 1977 CIRCULAR It has been observed that in many Cases the title ever the land which is purchased by the individual out of the Building Advance given to them is not free from inreyularticvincumbrances. This apart from the delay in processing the case. also causes legal complications. “This matter has been carefully examined and it has been decided that hereafter the applications for grant of House Building Advance inchiding purchase of the land will be considered by the management subject to availbilty of fund, after the title over the fand of the Vendor had been found to be free from eneumbrancesdisputes. After the title has been verified and the same has been found tobe cleared by the Legal Deptt the «question of sanctioning any advance/Loan will arise. The applicants whose applications are pending with Administrative Deptt, are therefore, requested/advised to furnish the following documents for verification of the Legal Department to enable the Management to consider their cases for grant of loan subject to availability of fund 1. Ownership documents of the vendor. 2. Certified copy of the Mutation Order together with the report trom the Halka Karmachari and Cirele Inspector. 3. Current Rent Receipt so obtained by the Vendor 4. Non-encumbrance Certificate for the last 12 years. 5. Permission from the Competent Authority if the Jan falls within the Urbon Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act "76, 6. Permission ftom the Dy Commissioner ifthe land is Raiyati Land belonging to a ‘Scheduled TribelSchedule Cast under Chotanagpur Tenancy Act.1926 Agreement so entered betweea the purchaser and the Vendor. All the applications so far received from purchase of plot of land will be kept pending unless the above document reccived at Administration or Verified by the Legal Department. (RG Singh) Dy. Chief of Admnistration 7

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