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Music trends among

the influence of music

Like any art, music goes hand in hand with feelings,

being the perfect way to materialize all those
emotions that they carry inside, whether they are
positive or negatives.

teenagers mostly interpret

their favorite songs in
terms of love, friendship, growth, fun, religion and
other topics related to their lives.

The letters

however, the lyrics of many songs may contain violent

lyrics (drugs, suicide, death) This type of songs is quite
adopted by young people as a way of expressing feelings of
rebellion, anger, sadness
For these reasons we have to be careful with what we listen
to, since it can have a great impact on oneself.
types of music

some adolescents discard

this type of music for not classical music
identifying with it
folk music

is one that is transmitted

modern music orally, its composer is


Over time, many ways of making music have

emerged aimed at society that increasingly surfs the
internet more and watches more television.

What is music and its social effect?

Music is a very powerful medium and in some societies

attempts have even been made to control its use: it is powerful
at the social group level because it facilitates communication,
likewise it promotes the development and maintenance of

¿What influence does music have on


Strengthens memory, learning, concentration and

creativity, Help people with dyslexia problems.
Reduce stress, calm anxiety and control insomnia
and Increases the ability to learn a new language.

¿Why is music important in schools?

Listening to music in schools allows children to stimulate their
imagination and their capacity for creativity.

The psychomotricity of children improves considerably

thanks to music in schools and in other places in their usual

It improves their auditory system as they begin to discern between

more serious and more acute sounds, accustoming the eardrum to
identify them.

¿How music influences the human brain?

It helps us to concentrate, promotes memory, but also
stimulates various areas of the brain and the production
of Nitric oxide, a vasodilator substance,
release serotonin. Helps reduce cortisol levels, a hormone
responsible for stress and anxiety.

Thank you

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