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INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE SECONDARY TO bathing them in nutrients and cushioning them from


- Pia mater – inner layer, hugs the surface of the brain
Final Dx: and follows its contours; is rich with veins and arteries
Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage Secondary to Ruptured Left
MCA Aneurysm Cerebral Circulation

Parts of the Brain - The brain receives blood from the left and right internal
Cerebrum carotid arteries, as well as the left and right vertebral
- largest part of the brain arteries, which come together to form the basilar artery.
- initiates and coordinates movement and regulates
temperature - The internal carotid arteries give rise to the left and
Cerebellum right middle cerebral arteries, which serve the lateral
- “little brain” portions of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of
- coordinate voluntary muscle movements and to the brain; and also to the anterior cerebral arteries,
maintain posture, balance and equilibrium that nourish the medial portions of the frontal and
Brainstem parietal lobes.
- connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord
- houses the midbrain, pons and medulla - The basilar artery gives off the right and left posterior
- Medulla - essential to survival. cerebral arteries, which mainly serve the occipital lobe
o Regulates heart rhythm, breathing, blood
flow, and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels - The vertebral arteries and the basilar artery also give
branches for the cerebellum and brainstem.
Four Lobes of Cerebrum
Frontal Lobe Circle of Willis
- controls eye and voluntary movement, executive
function (our ability to make decisions) The anterior cerebral arteries connect with one another
- Broca’s area – controls speech production over a short connecting blood vessel called the anterior
communicating artery, while the internal carotid and the
Temporal Lobe posterior cerebral arteries connect through the posterior
- Long-term memory formation, hearing, smell communicating artery.
- Recognition of faces, scenes, and speech
- Wernicke’s area - in charge of understanding spoken Together, the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries,
and written language along with the internal carotids, the single anterior
communicating artery and the two posterior communicating
Aphasia arteries form the Circle of Willis, which is a network of
- Expressive aphasia (Broca) – they can understand anastomoses that allow uninterrupted blood flow to the brain
you, but they cannot express themselves even when one of the vessels is obstructed.
- Receptive aphasia (Wernicke) – they cannot
understand you, and often unaware of their spoken
- Acute bleeding inside the skull or brain
Parietal Lobe
- Sensory perception (interpreting pain and touch) Epidural hematoma
- Understanding spatial relationship (where one’s body - between the skull bone and the outermost membrane
is compared with objects around the person) layer, the dura mater
- occurs after blunt trauma to the head (e.g., penetrating
Occipital Lobe head injury)
- Visual processing
Subdural hematoma
Meninges - between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane
- Protective layers that surround the brain and the spinal - most commonly occur after a blunt head injury
- Dura mater – outer layer Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Arachnoid mater – middle layer, a thin, weblike layer - between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater
of connective tissue that does not contain nerves or - head trauma, aneurysms
blood vessels - photophobia and nuchal rigidity (stiff neck caused by
- Subarachnoid space – houses the CSF (a clear, watery blood irritating the meninges)
liquid that is pumped around the spinal cord and brain, - (+) Kernig - flexes their legs at the hip and knee and
when the clinician extends them, pain is triggered
- (+) Brudzinski - gently flexes the client's neck while the - Middle cerebral artery
client is lying flat and hip and knee flexion is triggered. - Basilar artery

Intracerebral hemorrhage Aneurysms typically arise from bifurcations (branch points)

- bleeding anywhere within the brain tissue itself in the Circle of Willis because those areas of the vessels are
- Intraventricular - occurs in the brain’s ventricles, relatively weaker. (Note: Brain aneurysms develop as a result of
which are specific areas of the brain (cavities) where thinning artery walls.)
cerebrospinal fluid is produced
- Intraparenchymal - bleeding into the brain Risk Factors (present at birth)
parenchyma proper • Inherited connective tissue disorders, such as Ehlers-
Danlos syndrome, that weaken blood vessels
Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage • Polycystic kidney disease, an inherited disorder that
results in fluid-filled sacs in the kidneys and usually
Spontaneous rupture of damaged arteries account for 20% increases blood pressure
of stroke cases for intraparenchymal hemorrhage, and is • Brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM), in which the
associated with the highest mortality rates of all forms of arteries and veins in the brain are tangled, interrupting blood
stroke (Guo, 2021). flow
• Family history of brain aneurysm, particularly a first-
This kind of intracranial hemorrhage occurs within the degree relative
brain parenchyma, the functional tissue in the brain consisting
of neurons and glial cells. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

Neurons generate and propagate electrical and chemical Predisposing Factors:

signals, whereas glia function mainly to modulate neuron • Age – weakens the vessel wall
function and signaling. o Postmenopausal age group – risk is more
than twice as high
It disrupts normal blood flow and subsequently deprives • Female –
the brain of oxygen. As a result, the brain cells can die, which o One study shows that women have
damages the affected nerves and the related functions they measurably smaller diameters of brain blood
control as well. vessels
o As a result, blood flow is faster and stress is
Clinical manifestations depend on the part of the brain that higher at the forks (bifurcation) of the middle
is affected. For instance, middle cerebral artery (MCA) cerebral artery.
aneurysms account for 20% of intracranial hemorrhage, and
affects the hands, arms, face, and the language centers in the Blood Vessel Parts
dominant hemisphere of the patient. All arterial vessels have three layers: from outside in, there’s
tunica externa or the adventitia layer, which has loose
Left MCA – can cause numbness and sudden muscle weakness connective tissue, and sometimes, vasa vasorum or vessels
on the right side of the body (hemiparesis), accompanied by that supply the artery;
disorientation and personality changes.
Some huge vessels have tunica externa that is so thick that it needs
- Hemiparesis is a mild or partial weakness or loss of strength its own blood supply! So, there are tiny blood vessels, called the vasa
on one side of the body. vasorum, which means “vessels of the vessels,” that creep along the
- Hemiplegia is a severe or complete loss of strength or tunica externa to bring nutrients to that layer of the blood vessel wall.
paralysis on one side of the body.
Tunica media or the media layer, which contains some
Additional clinical features can include signs of increased elastic tissue and smooth muscle that allow the arteriole to dilate
intracranial pressure, such as decreased level of or constrict in response to local conditions;
consciousness, papilledema, increased blood pressure,
bradycardia, irregular breathing, as well as nausea and Endothelium, which consists of a single layer of endothelial
vomiting. cells on top of a layer of connective tissue, called lamina propria.

ANEURSYM In hypertension, the vasa vasorum can develop hyaline

arteriolosclerosis, narrowing their lumen, and causing ischemia.
Ballooning of an artery in the brain that can rupture and bleed This leads to atrophy of the smooth muscle of the tunica media,
into the space between the brain and the skull due to weakened and overall, weakening in the aortic wall.
areas of the blood vessel walls.
The pathology of intracranial aneurysms starts when there’s
Most Common Sites: too much stress on the tunica media of the artery, which
- Anterior communicating artery weakens the vessel wall and allows blood flow to get turbulent.
- Posterior communicating artery
This stretches the elastic lamina, as well as tunica externa, At GCS 8, we intubate
causing the blood vessel wall to weaken. And when this – endotracheal tube
happens, the blood vessel wall struggles to contain the pressure (ET tube)
of the blood pushing against the walls so the diameter of the
blood vessel lumen increases. Indications:
- To avoid aspiration
Intracerebral hemorrhage is more likely to cause sudden onset due to theoretical
headaches along with stroke-like symptoms with focal loss of protective
neurological defects depending on the location of the ruptured airway reflexes
aneurysm and the resulting ischemia.
- They cannot protect
their airway due to
Normal ICP: 5-15 mmHg
loss of gag reflex
- To avoid hypoxia
Glasgow Coma Scale
- used to objectively describe the extent of impaired
consciousness in all types of acute medical and trauma
Hypoxia – low O2 in tissues
- GCS 9 (E2V2M5) >>> GCS 8 (E2V1M5)
Hypoxemia – low O2 in the blood

Mechanical Ventilation
A mechanical ventilator is a machine that helps a patient
breathe (ventilate) when he or she cannot breathe on his or her
own for any reason.


Prior to Operation (GCS 9):

• Ampicillin-Sulbactam (Silgram) 1.5g IV loading dose
ANST then 750 mg IV q8h
o Penicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitors
o Antibiotic prophylaxis
o It works by killing the bacteria and preventing
their growth
• Omeprazole (Risek) 40 mg IV OD
o Inhibition of gastric acid secretion in humans
• Mannitol 150 cc IV q4h
o Osmotic diuretic
o reduce cerebral edema and decrease ICP in
acute intracerebral hemorrhage
• Levetiracetam 500 mg IV q12h
o Anticonvulsant
o Prophylactic anticonvulsant use
o Decreases abnormal excitement in the brain

A sudden abnormal burst of electrical activity in the brain can lead

to the signals to the nerves being disrupted, causing a seizure. This
electrical disturbance can happen because of stroke damage in the

• Nicardipine drip 10 mg + 90 cc PNSS x 10 ugtts/min

= SBP: 130-140 mmHg
o Calcium channel blockers
o Acts by blocking the influx of calcium ions into
vascular smooth muscle and cardiac cells
during depolarization. This inhibition of calcium
flux results in a vasodilation and decrease in
cardiac work and oxygen consumption
o Lowers blood pressure (HTN)
Intubated (GCS 8): Tracheostomy (Sept. 10)
• Citicoline 1 gm IV q12h - A surgical procedure to create an opening in the
o pyrimidine ribonucleoside diphosphates anterior trachea to facilitate respiration
o psychostimulants and nootropics - Most common: ventilator weaning for patients who are
o Prevent neuronal loss in the hippocampus, unable to be liberated from mechanical ventilation.
decreased cortical contusion, and improved - Prolonged ventilator dependence: Classic teaching
neurological recovery dictates tracheostomy be carried out 5-7 days after
• Lactulose 30 cc ODHS endotracheal intubation in order to minimize the risk of
o Laxative complications associated with long-term intubation,
o Constipation; reduce strain when defecating most notable subglottic stenosis.

Post-op: Tracheostomy tube

• Ketorolac 300 mg IV q1 for 3 doses ANST - Suctioning <10 seconds
o NSAIDs - Suction OUT, never in.
o used to relieve moderately severe pain,
usually pain that occurs after an operation or Gastrostomy Tube (PEG)
other painful procedure - A feeding tube that is placed through the abdomen and
• Paracetamol 1g IV loading dose then 60 mg SIVP q6h into the stomach
o Analgesic and antipyretic - Indicated for long term means of nutrition/hydration
o Relieve post op pain - Preferred method of enteral feeding
• Midazolam drip 25 mg in 500 cc PNSS x 0.5 mg/hr to - Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) due to brain injury
titrate +/- 0.5 mg to achieve RASS 0-1 - Decrease risk of pneumonia, especially in patients with
o Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale mostly abnormal amounts of pooling secretions accumulation
used in the setting of mechanically ventilated
patients in the intensive care unit to avoid Secretions are a natural reaction to tracheostomy, not a
over- and under-sedation sign of a problem. A trach tube bypasses the upper airway,
o 0 alert and calm, -1 drowsy, +1 restless which normally cleans and moistens the air. This causes the
o Benzodiazepines (CNS depressant) body to produce more secretions. When tracheostomy cuffs are
o It works by slowing activity in the brain to allow kept inflated for a prolonged period, these secretions can pool
relaxation and sleep in the airway.
• Tranexamic acid 1g loading dose then 500 mg TID for
3 doses CBG – 137-139 mg/dl (9/10-9-21) **highest
o Antifibrinolytics
o inhibits fibrinolysis, promotes clot stability, **Diabetes Type 2 is associated with an increase in intracerebral
and may reduce inflammation hemorrhage. An increase in the glucose levels in the blood
o reduce bleeding and transfusion causes hypertension, which is linked to the rise of hemorrhagic
requirements stroke.
o controls bleeding, helps blood to clot
**Over time, excessive blood glucose can result in increased
SURGICAL OPERATIONS fatty deposits or clots in blood vessels. These clots can narrow
or block blood vessels in the brain or neck, cutting off the blood
Craniectomy supply, stopping oxygen from getting to the brain and causing a
- A craniectomy is a type of brain surgery in which stroke.
doctors remove a section of a person's skull.
Doctors do this surgery to ease pressure on the brain PRESENT TIMELINE
that happens because of swelling or bleeding. They
leave the skull open until the pressure goes down, at Received patient on September 20, 2022, with O2 inhalation at
which point they close the opening in the skull. 1 Lpm via tracheal mask, with gastrostomy tube, with heplock,
- *In craniotomy, the bone is immediately replaced. and with anti-embolic stockings on. GCS 11 (E4V1M6), moves
extremities mainly on the left side. Has sutured wound on the
Evacuation of hematoma left tempoparietal side of the head, both left and right extremities
- Aspiration to drain the blood have non-pitting edema, and grade 1 linear excoriation on
buttocks. Patient placed on egg crate mattress to prevent
Clipping of aneurysm pressure ulcer. Still on Nutribest 1600 kcal divided in 6 equal
- A small metal clip is used to stop blood flow into the feedings, and CBG monitoring BID.
- The clip is placed on the neck (opening) of the
aneurysm to obstruct the flow of blood, and remains
inside the brain.
Chest X-ray
→ Subsegmental atelectasis, right
o Collapse of a segment of the right lobe
happens when the lung sacs cannot inflate
properly, which means the blood may not be
able to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues
→ Magnified heart with left ventricular prominence
o Magnified or enlarged heart can cause fluid to
build up in the body and lungs, which can lead
to heart failure.
→ Atheromatous aorta
o Atheromas, or plaque buildups, in the aorta
obstructs blood flow. This is more likely to
happen if the patient have high blood
→ Osteodegenerative Changes
o Degeneration or deterioration of bone tissue
due to aging.

Implementation + Rationales
1. Turn the patient every 2 hours.
o Turning mobilizes secretions and helps
prevent aspiration
2. Suction secretions as needed.
o Suctioning helps remove mucus
accumulation and maintain patent airway
3. Instruct patient to take several deep breaths before and
after suctioning.
o Hyperoxygenation before, during, and after
suctioning prevents hypoxia
4. Provide oral care every 4 hours.
o Oral care freshens the mouth after secretions
have been expectorated
5. Position patient in Semi-Fowler’s position as tolerated.
o To improve oxygenation and prevent

1. Maintain humidified oxygen as prescribed and check
the level as ordered. Ensure that the tracheal mask is
properly fitted.
o To reduce thickness and aid in the removal of

1. Carry out pulmonologist’s orders.
o To coordinate plans of care with regards to
the patient’s oxygenation status

+Drug Study

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