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orqfdq qamiero (Rrffd)

W.{.rft.W f.'Idrn5 (u.q. )

ffiqio ..... C..:...*..S...........
(Civil) Gr. "C" 2022'23.

l. Subiecl knowledqe: -

o). Strength of Moteriols

b). Building Moteriol
c). Theory of Structures
d). Concreie TechnologY.
e). Steel Structure.
f). Soil Mechonics.
g). SurveYing.
h). Building Construction
i). Engineering Mothemotics/Mensurotion.
j). Estimoiing & Costing.
k). Hydroulics.
i). lrrigotion sYsiem.
m). Woter supply & Sonitotion Engineering.
n). Environmentol Engineering.
o). Rood/Tronsportotion Engineering.
p). Compuier APPlicotion'
q). Bosic Knowledge obout ienders'
2. MentqlAbilitv/QuontitotiveAbilitv.

Loqicol & Reqsoninq Skills.

4. Knowledge reqordinq Cl[/SEC[/Sfote.

Generol Awqreness.

SECL HQ, Bilospur.

SECL HQ, Bilospur.


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