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Full name :

1. All non-zero digits are significant 21.3 has 3 s.f

2. All zeros between non-zero digits are significant. 1003.01 has 6 s.f
3. All zeros at the left of the number are NOT significant. 0.025 has 2 s.f
4. When zeros are at the right of the number:
a) If there is no decimal, the zeros are NOT significant. 300 has 1 s.f
b) If there is a decimal, the zeros ARE significant. 0.0300 has 3 sig.

State the number of s.f in each of the following :

a) 3,500

b) 21.450

c) 0.05

d) 432,100

e) 32.0

f) 56,001

g) 53.010

h) 100

i) 6.05

j) 0.0245

Round to the number of significant figures :

a) 3,500 (1 s.f)

b) 21.450 (2 s.f)

c) 432,100 (3 s.f)

d) 32.0 (1 s.f)

e) 56,001 (2 s.f)

f) 53,217 (4 s.f)

g) 6,35 (2 s.f)

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