CIY Clothing Guidelines

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July 14—18th, 2008

Cincinnati Ohio
Cant wait to see you at Know

Jr. High Summer Know Swear Service Project

Registration Magazine
A Word From Christ In Youth
Christ in Youth specializes in connecting young people with Jesus Christ. We believe that God is opening the door to
some incredible opportunities for CIY to minister to this generation. It is our vision that one million teenagers will
have a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ through CIY during this decade, as they stand at the crossroads of
their lives. A CIY conference or event is a special place where young people can come and experience God and his
Word in a way that can transform their lives! We are committed to providing life changing experiences that will ef-
fect hundreds of thousands of teenagers during the next few years. Christ in Youth exist to connect young people
with Jesus Christ. Our mission at Christ in Youth is dedicated to providing opportunities for young people to experi-
ence God and his Word in a way that transforms their lives! Our purpose and mission is accomplished through offer-
ing conferences, service projects, and mission trips for young people for young people as they stand at the cross-
roads of their lives; and by providing training and resources for the adults who work with them. We believe that the
Bible is fully inspired Word of God. Faith in Jesus and obedience to his teachings are essential for salvation. Jesus is
fully God. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a death of atonement on the cross, was bodily resur-
rected, and is coming again in judgment of all men. Heaven and hell are literal, as taught in the Bible. CIY is com-
mitted to the restoration of New Testament teaching, principles and practices.

What is Know Sweat Service Projects?

Know Sweat Service Projects began in 1995 with a single week in Eminence, MO. At that time it was called Jr.
High Service Projects and was a program designed only for middle school students.
Many things have changed about the program since those early days but the core principles remain. Know
Sweat has and always will be a program which enables students to put their faith in action. Our vision is to
teach students about being a servant and helping them understand that service is a foundational part of being a
Christian. We believe that no matter who you are or what you do with your life, you are called to serve as Christ
would. When we humble ourselves and serve those around us we demonstrate the love of God in a practical
Today Know Sweat has 16 weeks in 9 cities in the U.S. as well as one location in Mexico. Most weeks are open
to both junior high and senior high students and provide a chance for your church to serve those in difficult posi-
In an attempt to best serve those in need, we have developed these general guidelines for project selection:
*Widows or widowers in need. Those who live on fixed incomes and have no outside help.
*Elderly couples. Those ages 65 or older that live on fixed incomes and have no outside help.
*People with disabilities that do not have access to outside government help.
*Single parent families on fixed incomes.
*Families with an income under $12,000 a year.
These services are offered free of charge to the recipient with no strings attached. Our projects come from part-
nerships with community organizations, referrals and from the local churches. Each recipient goes through a
simple interview process to ensure that the work and experience are as good as possible for each youth group.
Know Sweat gives junior and senior high students an opportunity to take their love for Christ and translate it into
love for a neighbor. CIY service projects are entry-level service trips that include tasks like repairing, painting
and general cleaning up of property owned by the elderly, single parents, or low-income families. During the
evening, students come together for a time of worship and teaching to biblically solidify the principles they prac-
ticed during the day. Individual youth groups are also given time to debrief. Know Sweat is an opportunity for
students to give the gospel hands and feet of service.
Dates & Location
July 14thth - 18th

Cincinnati Ohio
Home to a very diverse people group, Cincinnati is a unique blend of
old and new culture. The city is famous for its chili, sports teams,
and industrial facilities, and yet, the houses are among the oldest in
the state, and the inner city neigborhoods are deteriorating. It's in
areas like these that you will be making repairs to homes of the
elderly and poor and working to meet the many needs within the city.


This is my first year of Know Sweat. We have

painted, cleaned up the yard & cleared trash. I have
learned to trust and love other people more. My
view of service has changed by being with other
people & helping them. I had thought about getting
baptized before, but now I have talked with my
youth minister, and now I will, because Jesus has
become more real to me."-- Student,
$75 Deposit Due by April 27th (non-refundable)

June29th Full Payment is Due

(If full payment is not received you will be charged a late fee of $25)

$215 (Know Sweat Total Cost is )

Cost Includes:
• 14 Meals Monday Lunch - Friday Dinner
• 4 nights lodging on Cincinnati Christian University Campus
• The Beach one day Pass (Friday Fun Event)
• Evening program and devotional material
• Transportation

Bring Your Food $

• Monday Lunch (Fast Food)
• Tuesday - Friday Morning = Provided by Cincinnati Christian
University Cafeteria (Hot Breakfast, Sack Lunch, Hot Dinner)
• Friday Lunch @ the Beach
• Friday Dinner on the way home (Fast Food)
Cincinnati Christian University Campus Dorms

• Please bring bedding
• Please bring a pillow
Noon …………………….……………………… Students Arrive at HDCC
2:00—5:00pm………………………………….Registration at CCU
6:45pm……………………………………………….Sponsor Meeting
8:00pm………………………………………………...Welcome & Worship
9:30pm…………………………………………………...Group Time
10:30pm………………………………………………….In Rooms
11:00pm………………………………………………….Lights OUT

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

6:30am……………………………………...RISE & SHINE
7:00am……………………………………...Devotions: On your own
8:30am…………………………………………………...Work Sites
Noon………………………………….Lunch (on work site with sack lunch)
3:30pm……………………………….Clean-up, turn in tools, and free time
10:30pm………………………………….Worship, Message, Group Time
11:00pm…………………………………………..In Rooms & Lights Out

6:30am……………………………………..Get Up, devotions, and Pack Up
8:15am…………………………………….Clean-up and Depart CCU
10:00am……………………………………...Arrive @ The Beach
3:00pm………………………………………….Depart The Beach
4:00pm……………………………………...Dinner on the Road
6:30pm………………………………………...Arrive @ HDCC
Frequently Asked Questions
• What kind of projects will the students be doing? Generally, stu-
dents and their sponsors help the elderly, low-income, and disabled
by completing free home repairs. This includes scraping, painting,
building ramps, repairing porches and roofs, and cleaning
• Where will the students be staying? Students will eat, sleep,
shower, and worship at Cincinnati Christian University campus.
• What will the students do during the evening? Each evening,
following dinner, there is a program that provides an opportunity for
students to have fun, worship, and hear a challenging message. The
evening program will give students opportunity to make decisions
about their faith and also to grow as they continue their faith
journey. We want to challenge students to love and serve Christ on a
daily basis.
• Who should we make our check out to? Write all checks to
HDCC and in the memo section write your students name and the
event you are paying for. Please turn all checks into Jimmy Scott,
Sandi Borden, Youth Coach Staff, or drop off the payment at the
Student Payment Center in the Student Center. Please Do Not Put
Your Payment In The Offering!!
• Are you Serious, No Cell Phones, MP3 Players, CD Players,
Etc? Yes we are very serious. No student will be allowed to have
cell phone, mp3 player, CD Player, Hand held TV, eight track, if it
takes a battery or has buttons to push please don't bring it.
• Will my students be able to call home? If it is an emergency, or if
your student is home sick we will be able to contact you. When
your student is dropped off Monday July 16th we will provide you
with emergency numbers to contact us
What to Bring / What not to Bring

• Bible
• Notebook and pen or pencil
• Clothing for 5 days (remember we are going to be getting dirty)
• Clothing for The Beach (water park on Friday afternoon)
• Bedding or sleeping bag to fit a single bed
• Camera
• Personal toiletry items, prescription medicine
• Money for travel, offering, etc.


• Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.
• CD player, iPod, MP3 player, radio
• TV, Portable DVD player
• cell phone, blackberry, etc.
• Refrigerator
• Air-conditioner unit

1. Respect others and yourself

2. Alcohol or drugs use is absolutely prohibited
3. No guys in girls dorms beyond the front lobby and no girls in guys
dorm beyond the front lobby
4. Everyone must be in their dorms by the designated “In Dorm Time”.
Quiet Hours are to be observed after 10PM
5. Be where you are supposed to be - when you are supposed to be
there. Follow the schedule.
6. Stay in your seating area during worship.
7. Do not leave the auditorium once the speaker begins talking.
8. Respect the campus - TP, water balloons, shaving cream, sidewalk
chalk, etc.
9. No phone use after midnight (cell phones or dorm phones)
10.Please do not dial 911 unless it is an emergency
11.No food deliveries of any kind to the campus
12.Absolutely no fireworks
13.Dress guidelines are given on the following pages
The Beach

• Friday afternoon we will have some fun before returning home at

• go to for more information on
• Lunch will be provided for students
• The Beach cost was included in your registration

no Speedos or
two piece Swim
Registration Information
1. Please pay the $75 deposit on or before April 27th
• Remember to make your check payable to HDCC and note in the memo section your
students name and Know Sweat
• You can give your registration payment to Jimmy Scott, Sandy Borden, Youth Coach
Staff, or Student Payment Center.
• Please do not put your payment in the offering

2. Please turn in the CIY Discipline, Liability & Medical Release Form
• The CIY form is included in this registration magazine

3. Please turn in the Church Medical Release Form

• The Church Medical Release Form is included in this registration magazine

4. Please turn in the remaining registration balance ON or BEFORE June 29th

• If your balance was not turned in by June 29th a $25 late fee will be added to your

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