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Notes from Jimmy

One of the most important things a student can do is establish specific guidelines in their dating
life. Students need to learn how to protect their body and their emotions by honoring God’s Team Extreme Coaches
plan for sex and morality. One of the seven checkpoints that we communicate during Extreme 2007-2008 The Heart of Hazel Dell Student Ministry is to build relational
talks about this very issue. The critical question we ask students in the Moral Boundary check- Ted Branam bridges with students that will stand the weight of God’s truth. This
point is, “Are you establishing and maintaining godly moral boundaries?” Lisa Bergstrom ministry serves 7th grade through High School. The Student Minis-
Erich Borden try has a team of youth coaches who are committed to
It is extremely difficult to stay current with the ever-changing student culture. I believe that Sandy Borden developing this relational bridge to help students honor God
the depth of students’ intimacy with God is directly linked to the moral boundaries they have. Kim Brown with their whole life.
So in effort to be aware of rising trends in the student world, I have been researching teenage Terry Brown One way in which we build these relational bridges is through our
dating and sexuality. Last November at the Youth Specialties conference, I attended all the Kathy Crane student worship service, Extreme. We are very intentional in what
seminar sessions and purchased all the books dealing with this very topic. Through all my re- Heather Dickerson and how we communicate to students and have put together a
search and listening to God I have sensed that He is preparing my heart and mind for the next Randy Dickerson curriculum plan for 2007-2008 school year. We will begin the New
Moral Boundary series. I also have sensed that God is giving me solid biblical advise to help Paul Duke Year with the check point “Others First” and conclude WAVE 2
students filter these very issues in their lives. Charity Duke with the check point “Spiritual Disciplines”.
Kyle Hilgendorf
The first takeaway from my research has been to establish a habit of praying for my daughter, Krista Hilgendorf
Rowan and my son, Carston, to establish godly moral boundaries as they enter adolescence. Jeremy Hyde
But I have also felt convicted to begin praying for their future spouses, and their parents to help Gwen Hyde
them establish godly moral boundaries. Brad Long
Heather Long Authentic Faith: You have to believe and trust in Jesus Christ as your
The second takeaways that I have found were a few cultural lies. Here are some of them: Angela Miller personal Savior if you want to go to Heaven. But faith in Christ also
• Everybody is having sex. Kathy McCord allows you to live on earth in a daily relationship with a Heavenly
• You can’t live without sex. Jay McCord Father who loves you unconditionally. As an all-knowing and
• Sex is a natural part of a loving relationship. Marty Miller all-powerful Father you can trust Him to lead you the right way and help
Jimmy Scott you focus on a correct understanding of faith. Confusion in this one area
• Sex is a natural part of growing up. and the primary reason so many students abandon Christianity. True
• Sex outside of marriage would cease to be a problem if teens would just wear condoms. Shelly Scott
faith is confidence that God is who He says he is and that He will do
• Sex makes life better. Mark Skipper what He has promised to do. Critical Question? Are you trusting God
Teresa Skipper with the critical areas of your life?
I would like to invite you to visit where I take each of Lloyd Spencer
these cultural lies and identify them further. Vanessa Spencer Ultimate Authority: To have authority you must be under authority.
Keith Stockberger The parents, teachers, and leaders whom God has placed in your life are
Blessings, Debbie Stockberger there to guide and guard your potential and life. The greatest lesson you
Sarah Wright can learn is how to respect and honor those who are in authority over
you. Freedom and authority are often viewed as opposing concepts. But
the Bible teaches that true freedom is found under authority.
This principle focuses on your need to recognize God’s ultimate
Jimmy Scott, authority and to respect the earthly authorities He has placed over you.
Youth Minister Critical Question:Are you submitting to the authorities God has
placed over you?
June 15th-20th: High School Mission Trip to Wisconsin.
(Cost is $90 plus money for food, due May 4th).
Sunday School Sunday School June 22-
22-27th: Students help with VBS.
Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. the High School Every Sunday morning the Jr. Higher’s meet
Students meet for Cross-training which is a at 9:30 a.m. for Cross-training which is a June 30th-
30th-July 5th: CIY MOVE Summer Conference
combination of Bible Study and discussion. combination of Bible Study and discussion. (Total Cost is $245 which includes a $75 reg. fee due May 4th).
Extreme Celebration
Every Sunday night during the school year
Extreme Celebration “MOVE” is the theme: God MOVES. He has
Every Sunday night during the school year
High School meets from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We get
Jr. High meets at 6:00-8:00 p.m. We get the chosen to MOVE by a pillar of fire by night and a
the night kicked-off with high energy praise pillar of cloud by day. He allowed his children to
night kicked-off with high energy praise and
and worship with a message, followed by
worship with a message, followed by food MOVE into a better land. When we were dead in
food and fellowship.
and fellowship.
Life Groups
our sins, it was His MOVE that brought us Life.
Almost every Wednesday night during the Life Groups Because of Him, we MOVE.
school year, High School will meet from Almost every Wednesday night during the
6:30-7:30 p.m. Life Groups are gender school year, Jr. High will meet from 6:30-7:30
specific small accountability groups that meet p.m. Life Groups are small accountability
to encourage and strengthen the students’ groups that meet to encourage and strengthen July 8th: Kings island
spiritual life. Get connected! the students’ spiritual life. All life groups are (Cost is $50 plus cash for food).
gender specific. Get connected!
Rock Solid
On hold while we seek a Director. Rock Solid
Student led worship and singing group. On hold while we seek a Director. Jr. High School Summer Trips 2008
Student led worship and singing group.
The Unit
Periodically the students are given the
June 22-
22-27th: Students help with VBS.
The Unit
opportunity to engage in an activity of service.
We volunteer around the community in Periodically the students are given the July 14-
14-18th Know Sweat & The Beach.
various ways to be the Hands & Feet that Jesus opportunity to engage in an activity of service. (Total cost is $215 which includes a $75 reg. fee due by April 25th.)
has called us to be. We volunteer around the community in
various ways to be the Hands & Feet that Jesus
Dash has called us to be.
For those students who are willing to take a
Leadership role in the Youth Ministry. Various Activities & Trips
Meetings are held once a month. Activities include Battle of the Classes,
Various Activities & Trips Extreme Wide Open, House Parties, etc. Trips
Activities include Battle of the Classes, for Jr. High include a Fall Retreat, Believe, the
Both Jr. High and High School will also enjoy one day local trips that are being planned at this time.
Extreme Wide Open, House Parties, etc. Trips Know Sweat Mission Trip, and Holiday World.
Make sure you check out the calendar for when the Summer House Parties are scheduled for either
for High School include a Fall Retreat, Winter Jr. High or High School students. For further information on house parties and other summer
Retreat, CIY Summer Conference, a Mission events go to:
Trip, and Kings Island.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extreme Student Ministry calendar consists of four waves.
WAVE 1: September—December
8 9 10 11
Jr. High
12 13 14
WAVE 2: January—March
DASH Leadership Retreat
House Party House Party
WAVE 3: April—May
S 15 16 17 Jr. H HP 18 19 20 21
WAVE 4: June—August
High School Summer Mission Project
S HS HP 22 23 24 Jr. H HP 25 26 27 28 These brochures are updated according to the upcoming WAVE.
VBS (Students are encouraged to serve this ministry).
S 29 30
House Party High School CIY Move Summer Conference
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat This brochure contains
1 Jr. H HP 2 3 4 5

High School CIY Move Summer Conference

S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
HS HS to Jr. High
House Party Kings Island House Party
S 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
HS Both the Jr. High and High School Students will continue
House Party Jr. H to Know Sweat & The Beach with their Life Groups through May 21 when we will break
S 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
HS Jr. High
for the summer. Extreme also runs through April and May
House Party House Party with the exception of April 6th and April 13th when the
S 27 28 29 30 31 students will have those nights off for Spring Break. There
Jr. High
Tubing Trip? will also be no Extreme on May 11th (Mother’s Day). This is
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
a day where the students can stay home and appreciate
their Mothers!
1 2
We will be honoring our graduating Seniors at the annual
S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 banquet on April 24th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please
encourage your undergraduate high school students to help
S 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
serve during this event.
We have a Parent Gathering on Saturday, April 26th from
S 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the home of Wayne & Kathy Crane. Please
Battle of the
call the office and confirm your reservation as there is
S 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
limited space for these informational meetings. To
S 31
Annual Parent
confirm availability call Sandy at 846-9828.
April 2008 May 2008
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
Life Groups

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sunday . Sunday Life Groups
School School

Spring Break!

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Sunday Life Groups Sunday Life Groups
School School


20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Sunday Life Groups Senior Parent Sunday Life Groups
School Banquet Gathering School
6:30 p.m. 7-8:30 p.m.
Extreme Crane’s Extreme

27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Sunday Life Groups Sunday
School School
Indy 500

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