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Chia Mian Oi


Is Social Media Addictive?

In today's digital era, almost everyone uses social media. Everyone uses social media
every time every hour, millions of information are exchanged every minute through this
social media. Our discussion this time is, is social media addictive? Let's discuss the following
According to research by the Minister of Communication and Information and
Unicef, statistically two out of three people who have access to gadget technology, such as
smartphones, spend seven hours or more every day on social networks. Research shows
that those who are addicted to social media tend to be abnormally tolerant and dependent
on the outcomes of social media use. This includes people who want to access their
Facebook or Twitter accounts before going to bed or immediately after waking up. This
shows how addictive social media is. People can't get away from social media even for a
minute, because most of them are afraid to miss the news that goes by so fast.
Those who are addicted to social media may experience withdrawal symptoms,
feeling lonely, bored or lacking in focus if social media privileges are revoked. They become
less sociable, because they are engrossed in their respective gadgets.
Despite the arguments against talking about usefulness rather than addiction as the
goal of the persistent desire to want to use social media among people, there is a need to
determine the behavioral character and time limit of something that can be described as
useful or addictive as is the case with social media.
In essence, social media is very useful for us humans, but remember it is also very
important for individuals to effectively evaluate their use of social media to avoid being
controlled by new technology. Thus, they can protect their personal lives and health
conditions from being affected by the negative effects of social media. And social media can
turn into something more positive

Outline :
A. Introduction :
a) Talking about the widespread use of social media in this digital era
b) Explain the topic we want to discuss, namely the negative impact of social media
B. Providing data and statistics :
a) Provide data on how many people are addicted to social media according to valid
b) Knowing the habits that arise from people who are addicted to social media

C. Symptoms suffered by people who are addicted to social media :

a) Describe the symptoms and behavior of people who are addicted to social media
D. Solution for people who are addicted to social media
a) Explanation of solutions for people who are addicted to social media
E. Conclusion :

a) Conclusion of all the discussion above

b) Solutions and final opinions on the use of social media
c) The final conclusion of whether or not the use of social media is good or bad

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