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Name : Nur Azizah Simamora

NIM : 16 202 00034
Title : “Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis
Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada Materi Perbandingan di
Kelas VII M. Ts. Swasta Darul Istiqomah, Hutapadang,
Kecamatan Padangsidimpuan Tenggara”
Year : 2021
This research is motivated by the low understanding of students'
mathematical concepts, especially on comparison material. This is due to the fact
that the existing student nothing in the school, as well as very shortage of time in
the learning process and the existing facilities do not facilitate the learning
process. Based on these problems, condustec research aimed at developing student
based worksheets problem based learning on comparison material.
Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem of this
research is How is the validity and practicality of student based worksheets on the
problem based learning on comparison material for students of class VII of Darul
Istiqomah Hutapadang Southeast Padangsidimpuan?.

This research is a Research and Development (R & D) study that uses a

model developed by ADDIE . This development is carried out through 5 stages,
namely analysis, design, development, implemention, and evaluations. Research
instruments in the form of questionnaires, validation sheet, dan observerd sheet.
Questionnaire of student responses to student worksheets (LKS) was given to 21
students of Darul Istiqomah Hutapang Southeast Padangsidimpuan.
The results showed that the quality of the Problem Based Learning Based
Student Worksheets was in the valid category with a percentage of 84% from the
three validation. Practicality Student Worksheet was in the praktis category wiyh
a percentage 71% from student response questionnaire, implementation of all
components. The Problem Based Learning Based Student Worksheets on
Comparison Material is worthy of use in learning.
Keywords: Student Worksheet (LKS), Problem Based Learning, Comparison


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