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College of Business and Industry

Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Jeany Lee Cabahug

Course Code GE 3 Instructor Mary Rose E. Balili
Anna Merzalyn J. Danie, LPT
The Contemporary E-mail
Course Title
World Address
Course Credits 3 units 0977 611 2838
0948 351 3646
Course Consultation
General Education
Classification Hours
Pre-requisite(s) Faculty Room


Learning Module 12 : Global Citizenship (Part II)

Duration of Delivery : November 28-December 2, 2022
Due Date of Deliverables : December 2, 2022

Learning Module 12:

Global Citizenship (Part II)

Intended Learning Outcomes:

 Recognize the rights and responsibilities of global citizenship;

 Evaluate the importance of rights and responsibilities of being a global citizen; and
 Value the ethical obligations of global citizenship.

A global citizen is someone who sees themselves as part of an emerging sustainable

world community, and whose actions support the values and practices of that community. Being
a global citizen does not mean that you have to give up the other citizenship identities you already
have. Being a global citizen just means that you have another layer of identity added on to who
you are. And if you take that identity seriously, there are a new set of rights and responsibilities
that come with it.

Global Citizenship Rights

The rights of global citizens are imbedded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
first drafted in 1948 after World War II. The core nature of the Universal Declaration – grounded
in individual liberty, equality, and equity - has remained constant. However, the ways in human
rights are applied change over time, with changes that occur in the political, economic and social
fabric of society. Also new rights, that were not on the 1948 human rights agenda have emerged,
for example, digital access rights, LGBT rights, and environmental rights. Some people cite the
emergence of new rights and changing political systems as calling forth the need for an updated
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The main problem related to human rights has been the difficulties that the world has had
been enforcing them. There is a long shameful history of disrespect for and abuse of human rights
on the part of sovereign states, religious institutions, corporations and others. A growing number
of international mechanisms have been established for reporting human rights abuses. There are
also global, regional, and national courts that exist to adjudicate incidences of human rights
abuse. Yet, unfortunately human rights enforcement mechanisms still have limited legal
jurisdiction, many states have not agreed to participate in them. This is yet another reason for a
review and update of our current human rights policies and programs.

Global Citizenship Responsibilities

A global citizen, living in an emerging world community, has moral, ethical, political, and
economic responsibilities. These responsibilities include:
1. Responsibility to understand one’s own perspective and the perspectives of
others on global issues.

Almost every global issue has multiple ethnic, social, political, and economic perspectives
attached to it. It is the responsibility of global citizens to understand these different
perspectives and promote problem-solving consensus among different perspectives and the
building of common ground solutions.
2. Responsibility to respect the principle of cultural diversity.
In building a sustainable values-based world community, it is important to maintain respect
for the world’s different cultural traditions; to make an effort to bring together the leaders of
these different cultural traditions who often have much in common with one another; and to
help leaders bring the best elements of their cultures to the task of solving global issues and
building world community.
3. Responsibility to make connections and build relationships with people from
other countries.
Global citizens need to reach out and build relationships with people from other countries
and cultures. Otherwise we will continue to live in isolated communities with narrow conflict-
prone points of view on global issues. It is quite easy to build global relationships.

4. Responsibility to understand the ways in which the people and countries of the
world are inter-connected and inter-dependent.
Global citizens have the responsibility to understand the many ways in which their lives are
inter-connected with people and countries in different parts of the world. They need to
understand the ways in which global environment affects where they live, and how the
environmental lifestyles they choose affect the environment in other parts of the world.
5. Responsibility to understand global issues.
Global citizens have the responsibility to understand the major global issues that affect
their lives. For example, they need to understand the impact of scarcity of resources on
societies; the challenges presented by the current distribution of wealth and power in the
world; the roots of conflict and dimensions of peace-building; the challenges posed by a
growing global population.
6. Responsibility to advocate for greater international cooperation with other nations.
Global citizens need to play activist roles in urging greater international cooperation
between their nation and others. When a global issue arises, it is important for global citizens
to provide advice on how their countries can work with other nations to address this issue;
how it can work with established international organizations like the United Nations, rather
than proceed on a unilateral course of action.

7. Responsibility for advocating the implementation of international agreements,
conventions, treaties related to global issues.
Global citizens have the responsibility to advocate for having their countries ratify and
implement the global agreements, conventions, and treaties that they have signed.
8. Responsibility for advocating more effective global equity and justice in each of the
value domains of the world community.
There are a growing number of cross-sector issues that require the implementation of
global standards of justice and equity; for example, the global rise in military spending, the
unequal access by different countries to technology, and the lack of consistent national
policies on immigration. Global citizens have the responsibility to work with one another and
advocate for global equality and justice solutions to these issues.


1. From: Daisaku Ikeda

 A global citizen has the wisdom to perceive the interconnectedness of all life and living.
 The courage not fear or deny difference; but the respect and strive to understand people
of different cultures, and to grow from encounters with them.
 The compassion to maintain an imaginative empathy that reaches beyond one’s
immediate surroundings and extends to those suffering in distant places.
Thus, a global citizen has the ethical obligation of involvement and activity with the goal
of moving towards greater social justice in all dimension of his life.
2. From Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University
 If you can prevent something bad from happening at the cost of something less bad, you
ought to do it.
 People have a right to the satisfaction of their basic needs such as health, food, shelter
and education. Our obligation is to help others satisfy their needs.
 In any event, our highest duties are to those whom are closest – family, friends.

According to Janet Keeping, President of Sheldon Cheuner Foundation for Ethics in Leadership
in Calgary, Alberta, global citizenship has no legal significance at the moment. Perhaps, as such
it never will. But the words often serve as a rallying cry for ethically motivated action on global
problems such as AIDS pandemic. The concept is likely to contribute to call for more onerous
obligations in the powerful and fortunate in both international and domestic law – to share with
those who are less so.


 Albrow, Martin and Elizabeth King (eds) Globalization Knowledge and Society.
London, Sage, 1992.
 Ariola, Mariano M. The Contemporary World: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing Inc., 2018

College of Business and Industry
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Name: Section:

Date: Score: /90

Performance Task 2

Instructions: Research current news articles that reported a case regarding human rights abuse
or issue. Analyze and evaluate the article and share your opinion or realization. Don’t forget to
cite the source of information (90 pts.)


Excellent Satisfactory Poor
(20 points) (15 points) (10 points)
Article chosen is a current Article chosen is a Article chosen is related
event and topic-related and current event and to current events but is
Correct Topic
provides clear, in-depth related to the topic, but not related topic.
(20 points)
information and the very brief and not in
reporter's analysis of the depth.
Article (15 points) (12 points) (9 points)
Information Necessary information Information provided is No article information
Title, Author, Date, provided are detailed. incomplete. provided.
& Source of article
(15 points)
(20 points) (15 points) (10 points)
Excellent summarization of Very basic summary Plagiarized summary of
Summary of Facts
facts without personal bias. (no more than 1-2 facts or copied verbatim
(20 points)
sentences) from the article without
(35 points) (20 points) (15 points)
Persuasive argument of Moderately persuasive No personal reaction to
opinion and reflection is in argument of your the news article
Personal Reaction
depth with some opinion. Reaction is researched.
(35 points)
explanations and linkage to not very deep, no clear
facts in article. link to facts in article to
support reaction.
90 points Total points:

-End of Module 12-


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