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July 22

“Good morning, sir” natural. The seventh edition of COD

records ‘worldly-wise’, ‘cultured’ under
“Good morning.”
sophisticated. The use of ‘sophisticated’ in
“It is within walking distance; it is a the sense of ‘cultured’ is rather recent.
walkable distance — which is correct sir?” Perhaps one of these days it will get back
its original sense ‘wisdom’.
“Both are correct, and both are used. But
‘within walking distance’ is more No living language is static: The meaning,
frequently used than the other.” pronunciation and usage of words change.
What is considered unacceptable today
“Sir, can you use ‘sophisticated’ in the may be considered acceptable after some
sense of ‘cultured’?” years. For many years, grammarians used
“I notice that it is used in this sense these to say that you shouldn’t use ‘aggravate’ in
days. Words change their meaning with the sense of ‘annoy or exasperate’. They
the passage of time. ‘Sophisticated’ is a felt it should be used only in the sense of
very interesting word. The word is from ‘make worse’. However, ‘exasperate’ is
Greek ‘sophos’ meaning ‘wisdom’. given as one of its meanings in dictionaries
Philosophy means ‘love of wisdom’. With published recently. I have said all this so
some it means ‘love of sofas’. In Greece, that you won’t apply some old
till the middle of the fifth century B.C., the grammatical rules to contemporary English
word ‘sophist’ was used to refer to seers and conclude that contemporary English is
and sages. Later it referred to those who ungrammatical! I hope you follow.”
taught wisdom as a profession. In the “Yes, sir. How do you pronounce ‘deity’,
course of time, the teaching of the sophists sir?”
deteriorated. Instead of teaching wisdom,
they tended to teach easier things like “It is pronounced ‘deeiti’, ‘dee’ rhymes
rhetoric and subtle reasoning. They were with ‘sea’ and ‘fee’. ‘iti’ rhymes with
clever at the art of making the worse ‘city’. The stress is on the first syllable.
appear the better. Hence sophism came to Let’s call it a day. Goodbye”
mean ‘clever, subtle but false reasoning’.
This sense is retained in the word
‘sophistry’. Don’t you see the fall from
wisdom? In the middle ages, the word
‘sophisticate’ meant ‘to adulterate, to mix
some inferior substance’. A little later the
word came to mean ‘artificial or deprived
of primitive simplicity and naturalness’.
Later it came to be used in the sense in
which we use it today. The sense is
‘Wordly-wise, urbane, polished’. A
sophisticated person is a cultivated person.
The opposite of sophisticated is
unsophisticated, simple, uncomplicated,

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