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Câu 1: Nêu những khó khăn khi thực hiện quản lý cung cấp hệ thống cho doanh nghiệp


Slide 5 trang 5, trang 6

The challenges for IT managers are to coordinate and work with the business to deliver high quality IT

IT organization must create solution such as implement an information system (hardware) or

application(software) to meet that needs

IT and business strategic planning

Intergrating and aligning IT and business goals

Implementing IT organization effectiveness and effciency

Optimizing cost

Achieving and demonstrating return on inversment

Demonstrating the business value of IT

Developing business and IT partnerships and relationships

Improving project delivery success


Using IT to gain competitive advantage

Delivering the required, business IT service

Managing constant business and IT change

Câu 2: Các CIO cần đưa ra những vấn đề gì để xây dựng giải pháp CNTT cho doanh nghiệp (xong)

Bài 2 slide 10 slide 20

- Business planning
- Response to competitive threats or opportunities
- Alignment of business and IT objectives and planing
- Use of IT to increase current business or develop new business
- Development of new products or markets that challenge the current strategy
- Reegineering core processes for growth
- Reevaluation of strategic targets

Review strategic direction of the organization

Review capabilities of the organization
Provide organization with information system solutions
Review and monitor business operations , their processes, systems and technology to ensure
business needs are met. As business changes , adjust processes accordingly, through maintenance
Propose action into comprehensive programs focused on the achievement of measureable business

Câu 3 : So sánh giữa sự cố và vấn đề gây ảnh hưởng đến hệ thống cho 5 ví dụ về sự cố hệ thống gây ảnh
hưởng sấu đến kinh doanh (xong )

Câu 4 : Nêu quy trình quản lý sự cố (xong)

Slide 14 trang 7

Detecting any alterations in IT services.

Logging and classifying these alterations.

Assigning personnel charged with restoring service, as defined in the relevant SLA.

Câu 5 : Năng lực hệ thống là gì ? Nêu 2 ví dụ về năng lực của hệ thống (xong)

Slide 8 trang 5

The capacity of a system is its maximum performance or output.

Knowing the capacity of the system will allow information system management to identify whether the
organization has the resources required to provide the services.


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