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Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic

Fever in Singapore
Tan Boon Teng
Vector Control & Research Department,
Ministry of the Environment, Singapore

The control of dengue fever/dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) in Singapore is
largely through source reduction, health education and law enforcement.
Adulticiding is carried out when the house index exceeds 2%, and when there is a
reported case or a localized outbreak. Regular Aedes surveillance is conducted in
areas identified as dengue-sensitive. The national annual Aedes house index has
been kept below 2% since 1979; however, the number of cases has seen an
increase since 1986. Data for the first four months of 1997 showed that landed
properties, schools, construction sites and vacant premises were the main
premises-types breeding Aedes mosquitoes. The commonest habitats indoors were
ornamental containers, domestic containers, receptacles exposed to rain, canvas
sheets and roof gutters. In the public areas, discarded water-bearing receptacles
were the major culprit. The Ministry of the Environment, Singapore, which is
responsible for dengue control, is constantly looking for permanent ways of
eliminating potential breeding habitats. It is also educating householders,
construction contractors, estate managements and schools on measures to prevent
mosquito breeding in their premises through the mass media, seminars and
exhibitions. Enforcement action is stringently carried out. Research to explore new
tools to monitor the Aedes population and forewarn about an outbreak is under
way. There is a need to establish a reliable population indicator for Aedes breeding
found in the open areas outside of premises, as the present premises indices do
not include these.

cases and two deaths(3). From 1979

Introduction to 1985, the number of cases
DHF was first reported in Singapore remained low at less than 300
in 1960(1). Since then, it has become cases per year with deaths of two or
endemic. Large epidemics occurred less per year. However, the number
in the years 1966-1968. The largest, of DF/DHF cases started to rise in
with 1187 cases and 27 deaths, 1986 and reached a peak in 1992,
occurred in 1973 . Another with 2878 cases reported. The 1992
epidemic occurred in 1978 with 384 epidemic was brought under control

30 Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997

Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Singapore

and a dramatic drop to 946 cases in Besides the emergency vector

1993 was seen. However, DF/DHF control response to cases, there is
cases again crept up since 1993. also a preventive, routine Aedes
The national annual Aedes house surveillance programme in areas
index has remained below 2% since which are identified as dengue-
1979. sensitive based on the history of
cases, Aedes population densities,
presence of conducive housing
Aedes control strategy types, development
construction activities, and human

The control of dengue fever/dengue population density to support

haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) in transmission in these areas. This
Singapore is the responsibility of the routine Aedes surveillance
Vector Control & Research programme in which a dengue-
Department (VCRD), Ministry of the sensitive area is completely
Environment (ENV). It plans and surveyed within a 1 - 3 months
carries out vector control cycle, has successfully reduced the
operations, analyses trends and number of DF/ DHF cases in these
conducts research on vectors. The sensitive areas.
Quarantine and Epidemiology
Department (QED) investigates and
monitors vector-borne diseases. DF/DHF situation (1993 –
Control of the vectors, Aedes June 1997)
aegypti and Aedes albopictus, is
In the last five years since 1993,
largely through source reduction,
DF/DHF has been continually on an
health education and law
upward trend. The number of cases
enforcement. As far as possible,
were 946 in 1993, 1239 in 1994,
permanent measures to eliminate
2008 in 1995, 3128 in 1996, and
potential habitats are carried out.
1700 as at June 1997. Over 70% of
Adulticiding with thermal fogging
the cases were sporadic ones
machines and cold foggers using
scattered all over the island. The
Actellic (a.i. : pirimiphos-methyl) is
remaining 30% occurred in localized
carried out whenever the Aedes
outbreaks. The morbidity and
house index exceeds 2%, and when
mortality rates are shown in the
there is a case reported or a
table below.
localized outbreak. A localized
outbreak is defined as two or more
Table. DF/DHF morbidity and mortality
cases reported within a 200 m rates (per 100 000 population), 1993-
radius. 1996
Vector control operations to No. of Morbi- No. of Morta-
disrupt disease transmission are Year DF/DHF dity Death lity
carried out upon notification of cases Rate s Rate
suspected DF/DHF cases, without 1993 946 (152) 32.9 0 0
waiting for laboratory confirmation.

Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997 31

Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Singapore

1994 1239 (155) 42.3 1 0.03 A large number of Aedes

1995 2008 (252) 67.2 1 0.03
mosquito breedings have also been
found outside of premises in the
1996 3128 (251) 102.7 3 0.1 public areas. The majority of such

Note: Figures given in brackets refer to imported habitats were discarded receptacles
cases which are included in the total. (46.3%), closed perimeter drains
(9.6%), domestic containers left by
residents in the public areas (5.6%)
Aedes situation (1993 – and infrequently-used gully traps
Apr 1997)* (4.8%). The problem of discarded
receptacles in public areas breeding
The national annual Aedes House Aedes is increasing as manpower
Index (HI) remained low at 1.3% in for public cleansing work is difficult
1993, 1.07% in 1994, 1.16% in to come by in manpower-scarce
1995, 0.69% in 1996 and 1.92% in Singapore. Closed perimeter drains
1997 (up to April 97). However, in are difficult to maintain, and there is
some neighbourhoods, the Aedes now a move towards removing the
HI for the estates can reach as high covers so that these drains can be
as 10% - 20%. maintained properly by the Town
Councils. The infrequently-used
The main premises types found gully traps on the void decks of flats
breeding Aedes mosquitoes were in public housing estates used to be
landed properties (H.I. 2.1%), flats the second highest outdoor habitats.
(0.6%), shophouses (1.14%), In 1996, the Government embarked
schools (27.0%), construction sites on a project to install anti-mosquito
(8.3%), factories (7.8%) and vacant valves into these gully traps, and
premises (14.6%). The main since then, there has been a
breeding habitats in premises were significant drop in the number of
ornamental containers (29.6%), these gully traps breeding Aedes
domestic containers (30.4%), mosquitoes, from 13.2% in 1995 to
receptacles placed in the compound 7.5% in 1996 and 4.5% in 1997. The
exposed to rain (12.9%), canvas project is expected to be completed
sheets (5.0%) and roof gutters in early 1998.
(2.6%). Although breeding found in
roof gutters was only 2.6%, there
might be many more which were Source reduction
breeding or had the potential to
breed but were not detected Source reduction is still the main
because of the difficulty in emphasis in the control of DF/DHF.
accessing roof gutters. Householders are advised to
remove potential habitats as much
as they can (e.g. flower pot plates,
roof gutters, ground depressions),
* Percentages given in brackets are for Jan-
or else treat these habitats with
Apr 1997. temephos sand granules or

32 Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997

Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Singapore

insecticide paint. In the case of estate of DF/DHF as fully the

management, construction sites, Government’s responsibility.
schools and factories, ENV shows
them the types of potential habitats ENV has also started to highlight
in their premises, and requires them to the population that litter thrown into
to engage pest control operators to public places can breed the Aedes
do mosquito control in their mosquito which transmits DF/DHF. It
premises. is hoped that when people realize that
their littering behaviour poses a
ENV is also constantly looking health hazard to themselves, they will
for permanent measures to then refrain from littering.
eliminate Aedes breeding habitats.
Besides retrofitting gully traps with
anti-mosquito valves and opening up Enforcement
closed perimeter drains as
The legislation to prohibit the
mentioned in the preceding
breeding of mosquitoes is the
paragraph, it is also studying the
Destruction of Disease-Bearing
designs of sewers, drainage
Insects Act (Cap. 79). The maximum
systems and roof gutters to make
fine under this legislation is S$2000.
them mosquito-proof.
Enforcement action is taken
stringently against anyone who
breeds vector mosquitoes in their
Public education premises. With effect from 1
Public education is an ongoing October 1997, the compound fine
process through the media, for householders, schools, factories,
pamphlets and posters, house-to- commercial premises, etc., has
house visits, talks, seminars and been increased from S$50 to S$100
exhibitions. The education for the first offence, and from S$100
programmes are tailored for the to S$200 for subsequent offences at
different target groups: the same premises. In the case of
householders, schools, estate construction site contractors, the
management, construction contrac- compound fine which is offered for
tors and architects. In the surveys the first offence at a site only has
conducted by ENV over the past few been increased from S$200 to
years, it has been shown that S$500; for subsequent offences at
people generally have high the same site, the contractors will
knowledge of dengue fever and the be required to attend court. In
Aedes mosquitoes. However, this addition, if a construction site is
knowledge has not been translated constantly unkempt or breeding
into action in checking and mosquitoes repeatedly, ENV will
removing stagnant water in their serve a stop-work order under the
premises. This is especially so when Environmental Public Health Act
the public generally sees the control (Cap. 95) to stop all construction
activities until the site is spruced up

Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997 33

Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Singapore

and mosquito control measures are dengue viruses in adult Aedes

properly carried out. mosquitoes using reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) has been
Chemical control established jointly with the National
University of Singapore. Field
Temephos (sand granules and studies are now being carried out to
emulsifiable concentrate) and anti- determine if the proportion of
mosquito oils are the main infected mosquitoes in a locality
chemicals used for larviciding. would be a better indicator of an
However, wherever possible, the outbreak than the traditional Aedes
potential habitats will be HI.
permanently eliminated. Pirimiphos-
methyl is used for adulticiding. As there are many Aedes
Thermal fogging is carried out for habitats in open areas, there is a
adult mosquito control in open areas need to look into the possibility of
and in the compounds of landed
establishing an index for Aedes
properties. Because of resistance
breeding in open areas, which
from the public to thermal fogging
within the house, houses are should be reliable and preferably be
sprayed with water-based mixture of easy to determine. An outdoors
Actellic using an electrical cold index, together with the premises
fogger. The use of cold fogger for indices, would give a more complete
spraying within houses has picture of the population densities
increased the accessibility into and distribution of both the Aedes
houses to spray up to 70% from vector species and help us to
below 30% when thermal fogging understand more of each of their
machines were used. roles in disease transmission.

ENV is currently exploring several
new tools to help in the monitoring There has been a resurgence in
of the Aedes population and DF/DHF in the region in recent
forewarning of an outbreak in a years, despite much efforts and
locality. The Geographic Information resources pouring into dengue
System (GIS) is being developed to control programmes. More research
enable us to view the breeding sites to understand the Aedes
in a locality and also the whole of mosquitoes and how they manage
Singapore over time and space. to overcome our efforts to stamp
This will enable us to analyse the them out is urgently needed. There
Aedes population trends spatially is also a need for a greater sharing
and to determine control priority and exchange of information and
areas. A method to detect and type ideas amongst the countries

34 Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997

Control of Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Singapore

affected by the disease. This could References

be done through information
technologies (e.g. Internet, 1. Chew A, Ho Y, Lee YK, Gwee AL, Khoo
OT, Lim CH & Wells R. A haemorrhagic
electronic mails) which have sped fever in Singapore. Lancet, 1961, 1:307-
up communications by leaps and 310.
bounds. With such exchanges of
information and expertise, we could 2. Chan KL, Ng SK & Chew LM. The 1973
dengue haemorrhagic fever outbreak in
learn from each other’s experience Singapore and its control. Singapore
and expertise, with the hope that we Medical Journal, 1977, 18(2) : 81-93.
will be able to control the disease
more effectively in the future. 3. Goh KT. Epidemiological surveillance of
communicable diseases in Singapore.
SEAMIC Publication, 1983, 35:40-55.

Dengue Bulletin – Vol 21, 1997 35

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