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Present Simple & Present Continuous

A. Underline the correct words.

1 Angela (is living, lives) in Paris. She was born there and never

2. Mum, where are you? Quick! The dinner (is burning, burns)!

3. Russ and Katy (are planning, plan) their wedding next year.

4. Dad (usually does, does usually) the supermarket shopping

after work.

5. (It gets, It’s getting) harder and harder to have a family in the

6. Genes (determine, are determining) your hair and eye colour.

7. My brother and sister (are always arguing, are arguing always).

It really annoys me!

8. Brian, what (do you do, are you doing) this weekend? Do you
want to go fishing?

9. The Greeks and the Italians (have, are having) very large family.

10. The train to my mum’s village (leaves, is leaving) at nine

o’clock every morning.

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