Chapter - 3

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KNR3513 Power System Analysis

Chapter 3
Types of Buses for Power Flow Solution
Types of buses in load flow analysis
• The system buses are generally classified into three types; reference
bus (known as swing/slack bus), load bus and generator bus.
• In solving the power flow problem, the system is assumed to be
operating under balanced conditions.
• Each bus is associated with four quantities which are magnitude
voltage |V|, phase angle “θ”, real power “P” and reactive power “Q”.
Table: Classifications of Buses
Buses Specified Parameter Unknown Parameter
Reference (swing / slack) V, δ PG, QG
Generator or PV PG, V, PL, QL δ, QG
Load or PQ PL, QL V, δ
Power flow problem

• In a generator or PV busbars, the active power is controlled by the

speed governor and the voltage magnitude is controlled by the
voltage regulator. Therefore, real power “P” and voltage magnitude
“V” are treated as known parameters.
• At load busbars, a reasonable approximation is that the active and
reactive power demand is considered a known parameter.
• At one generator busbar, the bus is treated as slack or reference in
which the active power and reactive power are variables to make
up system losses.
Power flow equations
Consider a typical bus of a power
system network as shown in the
figure. The transmission lines are
represented by the equivalent π
model, where impedance has been
converted to per unit admittance on
a common MVA base.

Apply Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)

to the bus

Typical buses in power system

I i  y i 0Vi  y i1 Vi  V1   y i 2 Vi  V2     y in Vi  Vn  (1)
  y i 0  y i1  y i 2    y in Vi  y i1V1  y i 2V2    y inVn
n n
I i  Vi  yij   yijV j j i (2)
j 0 j 1
Obtaining real and reactive power at the bus “i”
Pi  jQi  Vi I i*
Pi  jQi (3)
Ii 
Vi *
Substitute (3) to (2) to get (4)
The power flow problem results in a
Pi  jQi n n system of nonlinear equations

 Vi  y ij   y ijV j j  i (4) which must be solved by using
iteration techniques.
Vi j 0 j 1
Power flow solution and power mismatches
For a typical bus of the power system in the figure, the
current entering bus “i" in the previous equation (2) can
be rewritten in terms of the bus admittance matrix as in
Ii  Y V
j 1
ij j (5)

The typical element Yij is,

Yij  Yij  ij  Yij cos  ij  j Yij sin  ij  Gij  jBij (6)

The voltage at a typical bus “i" of the system in polar
form is,

Vi  Vi  i  Vi cos  i  j sin  i (7)
Expressing Equation (5) in the polar form to get (8),

I i   Yij V j  ij   j (8)
j 1

The complex conjugate of the power injected at the bus “i" is,

Polar form of a complex number is a

Pi  jQi  Vi * I i different way of representing complex
n (9) number separately from rectangular form
 Vi *  YijV j
j 1
Substitute Equation 8 into Equation 9 to get (10),
Pi  jQi  Vi *
Y V
j 1
ij j

 Vi    i  Yij V j  ij   j (10)
j 1
  YijViV j  ij   j   i
j 1

Separating Equation (10) into real and reactive parts as in (11 and (12),
Pi   YijViV j cos ij   j   i 
j 1

Qi    YijViV j sin  ij   j   i 

j 1
Equations (11) and (12) constitute the polar forms of the power flow
equations. When “j” is set to be equal to “i” in Equations (11) and (12)
and the corresponding terms are separated from the summations, the
following can be obtained,

Pi  Vi Gii   YijViV j cos ij   j   i 

j 1
j i

Qi   Vi Bii   YijViV j sin  ij   j   i 

j 1
j i

Equations (13) and (14) constitute a set of non-linear algebraic

equations in terms of independent variables; the voltage magnitude in
per-unit, and phase angle in radians.
Let “Pgi” denotes the scheduled power being generated at bus “i” and “Pli”
denotes the scheduled power demand of the load at the bus. Then, “Pi,sch” is
the net scheduled power being injected into the network at bus “i”. The power
mismatches for the typical load bus “i” can be found using (15) and (16),

Pi  Pi , sch  Pi ,calc  Pgi  Pi   Pi ,calc (15)

Qi  Qi , sch  Qi ,calc  Qgi  Qi   Qi ,calc (16)

Mismatches occur when the calculated values “Pi,calc” and “Qi,calc” do

not coincide with the scheduled values. If the calculated values “Pi,calc”
and “Qi,calc” match the scheduled values “Pi,sch” and “Qi,sch” perfectly, then
it can be said that the mismatches ∆ and ∆ are zero at bus “i”.
Iteration techniques for power flow solution
Newton Raphson’s method is
found to be a more practical and
efficient iteration algorithm for a
large power system. The number
of iterations required to obtain a
solution is independent of the
system size, but more functional
evaluations are required at each
Iteration techniques
• Newton Raphson
• Gauss Seidel
• Fast Decoupled

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