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UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA SEKOLAH VOKASI Sekip Unit 1, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281 Telp.: (0274) 541020, 582598 | Fax.: (0274) 541020 | Laman: Email : Ref. No, : 431/UNI/SV/KUIV/KM.00,00/2023 11 May 2023 Subject: Certificate of Enrollment To Whom It May Concern This letter is to certi that the following student: Name Alief Pumomo Aji Student No. 20/464235/SV/18554 Place & DOB: Semarang, 26 August 2000 is enrolled as a full-time student pursuing an undergraduate degree at the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology study program of Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. In this Even Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year, he is enrolled in his third year of study. He is going to study for one semester at Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, for he is an awardee of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Vocational Path 2023. This certificate of enrollment is issued as a complementary document to support his admission and visa application to enter Lunghwa University of Science and Technology in the designated intake. Any consideration and assistance given to him would be highly appreciated. For additional information, please contact our Office of International Affairs by email at ‘Thank you for your kind attention: gus Maryono

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