Grade - 11 - Eoy - May - 2023 - P2 MS

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grade 11 eoy may 2023 P2 [42


The rate of change of the height (h) of a ball above horizontal ground, measured
in metres, t seconds after it has been thrown and until it hits the ground, can be
modelled by the equation
dh = 11. 4 − 9. 8t
The height of the ball when t = 0 is 1. 2 m.

1a. Find an expression for the height h of the ball at time t. [6 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
h = ∫(11. 4 − 9. 8t)dt M1

h = 11. 4t − 4. 9t2 (+c) A1A1

When t = 0, h = 1. 2 (M1)
c = 1. 2 (A1)
(h =)1. 2 + 11. 4t − 4. 9t2 A1

[6 marks]

1b. Find the value of t at which the ball hits the ground. [2 marks]

2. 43 (2. 42741 …) seconds (M1)A1

[2 marks]
1c. Hence write down the domain of h . [1 mark]

0 ≤ t ≤ 2. 43 A1

Note: Accept 0 ≤ t < 2. 43.

[1 mark]

1d. Find the range of h . [3 marks]

Maximum value is 7. 83061 … (M1)
Range is 0 ≤ h ≤ 7. 83 A1A1

Note: Accept 0 ≤ h < 7. 83.

[3 marks]

Urvashi wants to model the height of a moving object. She collects the following
data showing the height, h metres, of the object at time t seconds.

She believes the height can be modeled by a quadratic function,

h (t) = at2 + bt + c, where a, b, c ∈ R.

2a. Show that 4a + 2b + c = 34. [1 mark]

t = 2, h = 34 ⇒ 34 = a22 + 2b + c M1
⇒ 34 = 4a + 2b + c AG
[1 mark]

2b. Write down two more equations for a , b and c. [3 marks]

attempt to substitute either (5, 38) or (7, 24) M1
25a + 5b + c = 38 A1
49a + 7b + c = 24 A1
[3 marks]

2c. Solve this system of three equations to find the value of a , b and c. [4 marks]

a = − 53 , b = 13, c = 44
[3 marks]

Hence find

2d. when the height of the object is zero. [3 marks]

− 53 t2 + 13t + 44
=0 M1
t = 8.8 seconds M1A1
[3 marks]
2e. the maximum height of the object. [2 marks]

attempt to find maximum height, e.g. sketch of graph M1
h = 40.0 metres A1
[2 marks]

A teacher is concerned about the amount of lesson time lost by 8 students

through arriving late at school. Over a period of 2 weeks he records the total
number of minutes they are late. He also asks them how far they live from school.
The results are shown in the table below.

3. Which of the correlation coefficients would you recommend is used to [2 marks]

assess whether or not there is an association between total number of
minutes late and distance from school? Fully justify your answer.

Spearman’s rank correlation should be used A1
Because the product moment correlation coefficient is distorted by an outlier.

Note: Do not award A1R0

[2 marks]

The aircraft for a particular flight has 72 seats. The airline’s records show that
historically for this flight only 90% of the people who purchase a ticket arrive to
board the flight. They assume this trend will continue and decide to sell extra
tickets and hope that no more than 72 passengers will arrive.
The number of passengers that arrive to board this flight is assumed to follow a
binomial distribution with a probability of 0. 9.

4a. The airline sells 74 tickets for this flight. Find the probability that more [3 marks]
than 72 passengers arrive to board the flight.
T be the number of passengers who arrive)
(P(T > 72)=) P(T ≥ 73) OR 1 − P(T ≤ 72) (A1)
T ~B(74, 0. 9) OR n = 74 (M1)
= 0. 00379 (0. 00379124 …) A1

Note: Using the distribution B(74, 0. 1), to work with the 10% that do not
arrive for the flight, here and throughout this question, is a valid approach.

[3 marks]

4b. Write down the expected number of passengers who will arrive to board [2 marks]
the flight if 72 tickets are sold.

72 × 0. 9 (M1)
64. 8 A1

[2 marks]

4c. Find the maximum number of tickets that could be sold if the expected [2 marks]
number of passengers who arrive to board the flight must be less than or
equal to 72.

n × 0. 9 = 72 (M1)
80 A1

[2 marks]

Each passenger pays $150 for a ticket. If too many passengers arrive, then the
airline will give $300 in compensation to each passenger that cannot board.

4d. Find, to the nearest integer, the expected increase or decrease in the [8 marks]
money made by the airline if they decide to sell 74 tickets rather than 72

when selling 74 tickets

top row A1A1

bottom row A1A1

Note: Award A1A1 for each row correct. Award A1 for one correct entry and
A1 for the remaining entries correct.

E(I)= 11100 × 0. 9962 … + 10800 × 0. 00338 … + 10500 × 0. 000411 ≈ 11099


income is 74 × 150 = 11100 (A1)
expected compensation is
0. 003380. . . ×300 + 0. 0004110. . . ×600 (= 1. 26070. . . ) (M1)A1A1
expected income when selling 74 tickets is 11100 − 1. 26070 … (M1)
= 11098. 73 … (= $11099) A1

income for72 tickets = 72 × 150 = 10800 (A1)
so expected gain ≈ 11099 − 10800 = $299 A1

74 tickets sold, let C be the compensation paid out
P(T = 73)= 0. 00338014 … , P(T = 74)= 0. 000411098 … A1A1
E(C)= 0. 003380 … × 300 + 0. 0004110 … × 600 (= 1. 26070. . . )
extra expected revenue
= 300 − 1. 01404 … − 0. 246658 … (300 − 1. 26070 …) (A1)(M1)

Note: Award A1 for the 300 and M1 for the subtraction.

= $299 (to the nearest dollar) A1

let D be the change in income when selling 74 tickets.


Note: Award A1 for one error, however award A1A1 if there is no explicit
mention that T = 73 would result in D = 0 and the other two are correct.

P(T ≤ 73)= 0. 9962 … , P(T = 74)= 0. 000411098 … A1A1

E(D)= 300 × 0. 9962 … + 0 × 0. 003380 … − 300 × 0. 0004110
= $299 A1

[8 marks]

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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