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Can people understand WHAT YOU DO and WHO IT’S FOR in the first 3 seconds?

Three elements of a great website

1. Testimonials: reviews, social proof

2. Trust: a phone number, chat, shipping info, looks like a “real” business, updated blog post
3. A Clear Call to Action: Tell them what to do next & don’t make them think – shop now,
new arrivals, signup here

Examples… 1 2 3 4
Example of a Testimonials Page is you don’t have reviews yet – for e-commerce 5
Testimonials for a Coach or Consultant
Example from The Life Coach School

Notes for a Service Based Business

What do you want them to do as soon as they land on your site?

Often the goal is to get someone to sign up on your email list, rather than going for the sale ASAP.

Some good examples… 6
Example from Marie Forleo

Example #1 from BadBad Jewelry – free download as a Lead Magnet 7
Example #2 from BadBad Jewelry – free 5-Day Challenge as a Lead Magnet

This ONE Lead Magnet was responsible for 70% of my email subscribers for 8 years on a row! 8
Example from Jenna Kutcher – free Webinar in the top bar

Your Turn! Your Assignment

Can people understand WHAT YOU DO and WHO IT’S FOR in the first 3 seconds?
Yes or no?

If the answer is NO, what needs to be changed to fix that?

Next, revisit the three elements of a great website

1. Testimonials: reviews, social proof

2. Trust: a phone number, chat, shipping info, looks like a “real” business, updated blog post
3. A Clear Call to Action: Tell them what to do next & don’t make them think – shop now,
new arrivals, signup here

What updates and/or tweaks can YOU make to your website in one hour to make it clearer
for your ideal customer?

Tweak 1)

Tweak 2)

Tweak 3)

When will you make these changes? 9
What updates and/or tasks will you DELEGATE to a web developer or assistant?

When will these tasks be completed?

Boom. You got this. J

Jane 10

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