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Diseases and Conditions / Skin Conditions / Body Odor

atural Deodorants for Men

RYN THOMPSON | Last Updated: Jan 09, 2014

Overview Efficacy
STEPS As awareness of “green” living choices
Determination of antiperspirant
efficacy for products
consumersto develop
symmetrical manner. Insertion and
removal of the weighed pads will be
a greater
applied to the underarm. The made by laboratory technicians. The
interest in using products that do not
protocol can also be extended to processing will be carried out at
include exercising during
contain the sweat
chemicals. Concernapproximately
regarding 15 second intervals as
stimulation period.
the technician moves from subject to
several ingredients found in subject
men's in the test chamber.

Test Panel antiperspirant/deodorant products,

Sex: Female Age:particularly aluminum
18 through 65 compounds,
Geometric mean amounts of sweat
have led to the developmentcollection
of more at baseline and after
applications for treated and
Baseline sweat natural men's products,
untreated axilla will be measured.
aluminum-free, organic andThe treated/untreated ratios of
These will be conducted on the first amount of sweat at each collection
day of the test.deodorants.
Subjects producing and also post application ratios
150 mg or more of sweat/20 minutes adjusted to baseline will be
1. Product Application /axilla will be inducted in the study.

Aluminum-Free Individual and summary of mean

Supervised washes
scores at baseline and 12 and 24
Deodorants hours after 2nd application for
Deodorants for Men Photo Credit Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty will be conducted prior to
Images treated and untreated axilla will also
Aluminum-based antiperspirants form
each test product application.
be tabulated. Alternatively, the
a temporary plug on sweat ducts that times may be amended to
Sweat Stimulation 24 and 48 hrs.

stops the sweating process,

Sweating willtemporarily
be inducedeliminating
by havingperspiration
the subjects sit in a constant Experimental Design
temperature andand the resultant odor. Some
F.D.A. Guidelines for the
test chamberresearchers
at 100oF
expressed Effectiveness
concern Testing of OTC
+/-2oF and 35% +/- 5% RH.
Antiperspirant Drug Products June
that aluminum may exert estrogen-like
Sweat Collections
effects, disrupting normal hormone
Cantor Research Laboratories
During the first as reported
40 minutes by the National
of the Operating Procedure Manual

sweat stimulation period, the References

Cancer Institute. Other researchers

subjects will hold unweighed pads
have expressed
of Webril (non-woven cottonconcern over a
Eurofins Dermatest Pty Ltd
n find aluminum-free alternatives at natural grocery stores and health- fabric) in their axillae. This 20 - 22 King St
potential link between aluminum
ores. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images preliminary warm up period will be Rockdale, NSW, Australia
followed by two successive
exposure 20
and Alzheimer’s ph 61 2 9556 2601
2. Webrilcircumstantial,
gh evidence remains Pads minute collection periods, during
according to a public health statement released by the
Agency for
which the subjects will hold Webril
Substances and Disease Registry. pads in the axillae. These pads will
be weighed in zip-lock storage
baggies before and after use. During
ome men's deodorants include aluminum compounds, the sweat
which stimulation and an
primarily serve collection
periods, the subjects will be required
on. To determine whether a deodorant contains aluminum, carefully read the ingredient list.
to sit in an erect position with both
monly occurring aluminum compounds include aluminum feet flat chlorohydrate,
on the floor and with theiraluminum sulfate
arms resting against their sides in a
1 Antiperspirant Efficacy !

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