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TM Forum Specification

Product Offering

September 2022

Release: TBD Status: TBD

Version: 5.0.0 IPR Mode: RAND

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Product Offering Qualification

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Product Offering Qualification

Table of Contents
NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i  

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  

Sample Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  

Support of polymorphism and extension patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  

RESOURCE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  

Managed Entity and Task Resource Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  

QueryProductOfferingQualification resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  

CheckProductOfferingQualification resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  

Notification Resource Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  

Query Product Offering Qualification State Change Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  

Query Product Offering Qualification Create Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  

Query Product Offering Qualification Delete Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  

Query Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  

Check Product Offering Qualification Create Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  

Check Product Offering Qualification State Change Event. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  

Check Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24  

Check Product Offering Qualification Delete Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27  

API OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  

Operations on QueryProductOfferingQualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  

List or find QueryProductOfferingQualification objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  

Retrieves a QueryProductOfferingQualification by ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32  

Creates a QueryProductOfferingQualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36  

Updates partially a QueryProductOfferingQualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  

Deletes a QueryProductOfferingQualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  

Operations on CheckProductOfferingQualification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  

List or find CheckProductOfferingQualification objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  

Retrieves a CheckProductOfferingQualification by ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48  

Creates a CheckProductOfferingQualification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52  

Updates partially a CheckProductOfferingQualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56  

Deletes a CheckProductOfferingQualification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61  

API NOTIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62  

Register listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62  

Unregister listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63  

Publish Event to listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63  

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65  

Release History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65  

Contributors to Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65  

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page ii

Product Offering Qualification

The following document is the user guide of the REST API for Any management. It includes the model
definition as well as all available operations.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 1

Product Offering Qualification

Sample Use Cases

Reader will find example of use cases using Usage API in “Open Digital Business Scenarios and Use
Cases” document.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 2

Product Offering Qualification

Support of polymorphism and extension

Support of polymorphic collections and types and schema based extension is provided by means of a
list of generic meta-attributes that we describe below. Polymorphism in collections occurs when
entities inherit from base entities, for instance a BillingAccount and SettlementAccount inheriting
properties from the abstract Account entity.

Generic support of polymorphism and pattern extensions is described in the TMF API Guidelines v3.0
Part 2 document.

The @type attribute provides a way to represent the actual class type of an entity. For example,
within a list of Account instances some may be instances of BillingAccount where other could be
instances of SettlementAccount. The @type gives this information. All resources and sub-resources
of this API have a @type attributes that can be provided when this is useful.

The @referredType can be used within reference entities (like for instance an AccountRef object) to
explicitly denote the actual entity type of the referred class. Notice that in reference entities the
@type, when used, denotes the class type of the reference itself, such as BillingAccountRef or
SettlementAccountRef, and not the class type of the referred object. However since reference
classes are rarely sub-classed, @type is generally not useful in reference objects.

The @schemaLocation property can be used in resources to allow specifying user-defined properties
of an Entity or to specify the expected characteristics of an entity.

The @baseType attribute gives a way to provide explicitly the base of class of a given resource that
has been extended.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 3

Product Offering Qualification

Managed Entity and Task Resource Models

QueryProductOfferingQualification resource

QueryProductOfferingQualification is used to perform a commercial eligibility. It allows client side to

pass a list of criteria (search criteria to provide the context of the qualification) and in the response
the seller send (if any) a list of product offering qualified.

Resource model

Figure 1 - QueryProductOfferingQualification

Field descriptions

QueryProductOfferingQualification fields

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 4

Product Offering Qualification

category A CategoryRef.

channel A ChannelRef.

creationDate A DateTime. Date and time when the

QueryProductOfferingQualification was created.

description A String. Description of the QueryProductOfferingQualification.

effectiveQualificationDate A DateTime. Effective date to QueryProductOfferingQualification


expectedQualificationCompletionDat A DateTime. Expected date rom the server to provide an answer for
e the query qualification request.

expirationDate A DateTime. Date the qualification response expires.

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

id A String. Unique identifier.

instantSyncQualification A Boolean. An indicator which when the value is "true" means that
requester expects to get qualifcation result immediately in the
response. If the indicator is true then the response code of 200
indicates the operation is successful otherwise a task is created with a
response 201.

note A Note. Free form text associated with the qualification request.

qualifiedProductOfferingItem A QueryProductOfferingQualificationItem. Qualification item for a

product or a category.

relatedParty A RelatedParty. Party playing a role for this qualification (as requester
for example).

requestedQualificationCompletionDa A DateTime. Deadline date when the requester expected a

te qualification answer.

searchCriteria A QueryProductOfferingQualificationItem.

state A TaskStateType. State of the QueryProductOfferingQualification :

described in the state-machine diagram.

CategoryRef sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

Note sub-resource fields

author A String. Author of the note.

date A DateTime. Date of the note.

id A String. Identifier of the note within its containing entity.

text A String. Text of the note.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 5

Product Offering Qualification

ProductOfferingQualificationItemRelationship sub-resource fields

id A String. Id of the related POQ item (must be in the same POQ).

relationshipType A String. Relationship type as relies on, bundles, etc…

ProductOfferingRef sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

PromotionRef sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

QueryProductOfferingQualificationItem sub-resource fields

id A String. Identifier of the ProductOfferingQualification item (generally

it is a sequence number 01, 02, 03, …).

product A ProductRefOrValue.

productOffering A ProductOfferingRef.

promotion A PromotionRef.

qualificationItemRelationship A ProductOfferingQualificationItemRelationship.

Reference sub-resource fields

id A String. Identifier of the referred entity.

name A String. Name of the referred entity.

@referredType A String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for

RelatedParty sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

id A String. Identifier of the referred entity.

name A String. Name of the referred entity.

role A String. Role played by the related party.

@referredType A String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for

SchemaContext sub-resource fields

@baseType A String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 6

Product Offering Qualification

@schemaLocation A String. A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes

and relationships.

@type A String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible


CheckProductOfferingQualification resource

CheckProductOfferingQualification is used to perform a commercial eligibility. It allows to request an

eligibility check for a list of productOfferings (one per item). The response will provide qualification
result depending on catalog rules and of the context of the interaction (defined be place, channel,
party, product).

Resource model

Figure 2 - CheckProductOfferingQualification

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 7

Product Offering Qualification

Figure 3 - CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem

Field descriptions

CheckProductOfferingQualification fields

channel A ChannelRef.

checkProductOfferingQualificationIte A CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem. Qualification item for a

m product or a category.

creationDate A DateTime. Date and time when the

CheckProductOfferingQualification was created.

description A String. Description of the CheckProductOfferingQualification.

effectiveQualificationDate A DateTime. Effective date to CheckProductOfferingQualification


expectedQualificationCompletionDat A DateTime. Expected Date from server side to provide an answer for
e the check qualification request.

expirationDate A DateTime. Date the qualification response expires.

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

id A String. Unique identifier.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 8

Product Offering Qualification

instantSyncQualification A Boolean. An indicator which when the value is "true" means that
requester expects to get qualifcation result immediately in the
response. If the indicator is true then the response code of 200
indicates the operation is successful otherwise a task is created with a
response 201.

note A Note. Free form text associated with the qualification request.

provideAlternative A Boolean. An indicator which when the value is "true" means that
alternative solutions should be provided.

provideOnlyAvailable A Boolean. An indicator which when the value is "true" means that
only available product offering must be listed in the response.

provideUnavailabilityReason A Boolean. An indicator which when the value is "true" means that
unavailability reason are expected for non available product offering.

qualificationResult A String. Result of the qualification (example: green, yellow, red).

relatedParty A RelatedParty. Party playing a role for this qualification (as requester
for example).

requestedQualificationCompletionDa A DateTime. Deadline date when the requester expected a

te qualification answer.

state A TaskStateType. State of the CheckProductOfferingQualification :

described in the state-machine diagram.

AlternateProductOfferingProposal sub-resource fields

alternateActivationDate A DateTime. Alternate activation date in case seller is not able to meet
requested expected activation date.

alternateProduct A ProductRefOrValue.

alternateProductOffering A ProductOfferingRef.

id A String. Identifier of the AlternateProductOfferingProposal within its

containing entity.

promotion A PromotionRef.

CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem sub-resource fields

CheckProductOfferingQualificationIte A CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem. A structure to embed check

m qualification item within check qualification item.

action A String. Action to be performed on a ProductOffering or product in

order to be qualified(add, modify, remove, etc.).

alternateProductOfferingProposal An AlternateProductOfferingProposal.

eligibilityUnavailabilityReason An EligibilityUnavailabilityReason.

expectedActivationDate A DateTime. Date when the requester look for

productOfferingQualification activation.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 9

Product Offering Qualification

id A String. Identifier of the ProductOfferingQualification item (generally

it is a sequence number 01, 02, 03, …).

note A Note.

product A ProductRefOrValue.

productOffering A ProductOfferingRef.

promotion A PromotionRef.

qualificationItemRelationship A ProductOfferingQualificationItemRelationship.

qualificationItemResult A String. Qualification result for this productOfferingQualification item.

It could be qualified (request productOffering or productSpecification
are available), unqualified (requested not available and not alternate
available), alternate (requested not available but alternate proposal

state A String. State of the ProductOfferingQualification item : described in

the state machine diagram.

terminationError A TerminationError.

EligibilityUnavailabilityReason sub-resource fields

code A String. Unavailability reason code.

label A String. Unavailability Reason label.

Note sub-resource fields

author A String. Author of the note.

date A DateTime. Date of the note.

id A String. Identifier of the note within its containing entity.

text A String. Text of the note.

ProductOfferingQualificationItemRelationship sub-resource fields

id A String. Id of the related POQ item (must be in the same POQ).

relationshipType A String. Relationship type as relies on, bundles, etc…

ProductOfferingRef sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

PromotionRef sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

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Product Offering Qualification

Reference sub-resource fields

id A String. Identifier of the referred entity.

name A String. Name of the referred entity.

@referredType A String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for

RelatedParty sub-resource fields

href A String. Hyperlink reference.

id A String. Identifier of the referred entity.

name A String. Name of the referred entity.

role A String. Role played by the related party.

@referredType A String. The actual type of the target instance when needed for

SchemaContext sub-resource fields

@baseType A String. When sub-classing, this defines the super-class.

@schemaLocation A String. A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes

and relationships.

@type A String. When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible


Notification Resource Models

8 notifications are defined for this API.

Notifications related to QueryProductOfferingQualification:

• Query Product Offering Qualification State Change Event

• Query Product Offering Qualification Create Event
• Query Product Offering Qualification Delete Event
• Query Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event

Notifications related to CheckProductOfferingQualification:

• Check Product Offering Qualification Create Event

• Check Product Offering Qualification State Change Event
• Check Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event
• Check Product Offering Qualification Delete Event
© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 11
Product Offering Qualification

The notification structure for all notifications in this API follow the pattern depicted by the figure
below. A notification event resource (depicted by "SpecificEvent" placeholder) is a sub class of a
generic Event structure containing at least an id of the event occurrence (eventId), an event
timestamp (eventTime), and the name of the resource (eventType). This notification structure owns
an event payload structure ("SpecificEventPayload" placeholder) linked to the resource concerned
by the notification using the resource name as access field ("resourceName" placeholder).

Figure 1 - Notification Pattern

Query Product Offering Qualification State Change Event

Json representation sample

Message example for QueryProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "qsd-ff",
"description": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "698",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 12

Product Offering Qualification

"eventType": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent",
"priority": "2",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent",
"event": {
"queryProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "11",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI89",
"name": "European Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI90",
"name": "European Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "2"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI91",
"name": "European Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "3"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 13

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "4"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "5"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI125",
"name": "International Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "6"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 14

Product Offering Qualification

Query Product Offering Qualification Create Event

Json representation sample

Message example for QueryProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "dft-652",
"description": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "256",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"eventType": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent",
"priority": "1",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent",
"event": {
"queryProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "11",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI89",
"name": "European Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI90",
"name": "European Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "2"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 15

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI91",
"name": "European Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "3"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "4"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "5"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI125",
"name": "International Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "6"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"state": "acknowledged",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "56d",
"role": "Issuer",
"@type": "RelatedParty",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 16

Product Offering Qualification

"@referredType": "Organization"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent"

Query Product Offering Qualification Delete Event

Json representation sample

Message example for QueryProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "fg-56h",
"description": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "753",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"eventType": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent",
"priority": "3",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-30T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent",
"event": {
"queryProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "14"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 17

Product Offering Qualification

Query Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event

Json representation sample

Message example for QueryProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "azer-55",
"description": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "467",
"eventTime": "2022-09-14T12:14:28.774Z",
"eventType": "ProductAttributeValueChangeEvent",
"priority": "3",
"timeOcurred": "2022-09-14T12:14:23.473Z",
"title": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent",
"event": {
"queryProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"description": "Example for an inProgress QueryProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "dfg-56d",
"version": "v2",
"name": "UNI specification"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "100BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 18

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "1"
"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pelletier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75006",
"country": "France" }
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"state": "inProgress",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:51:12.570Z"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "533",
"name": "APP-963",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "200",
"name": "APP-893",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent"

Check Product Offering Qualification Create Event

Json representation sample

Message example for CheckProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "126-54f",
"description": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "125",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"eventType": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent",
"priority": "1",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent",
"event": {
"checkProductOfferingQualification": {

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 19

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",
"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 20

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "56d",
"role": "Issuer",
"@type": "RelatedParty",
"@referredType": "Organization"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 21

Product Offering Qualification

"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationCreateEvent"

Check Product Offering Qualification State Change Event

Json representation sample

Message example for CheckProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "qsd-ff",
"description": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "698",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"eventType": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent",
"priority": "2",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent",
"event": {
"checkProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 22

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",
"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 23

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationStateChangeEvent"

Check Product Offering Qualification Attribute Value Change Event

Json representation sample

Message example for CheckProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "azer-55",
"description": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "467",
"eventTime": "2022-09-14T12:14:28.774Z",
"eventType": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent",
"priority": "3",
"timeOcurred": "2022-09-14T12:14:23.473Z",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 24

Product Offering Qualification

"title": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent",
"event": {
"checkProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 25

Product Offering Qualification

"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "533",
"name": "APP-963",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 26

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "200",
"name": "APP-893",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationAttributeValueChangeEvent"

Check Product Offering Qualification Delete Event

Json representation sample

Message example for CheckProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent event

Content-Type: application/json

"correlationId": "fg-56h",
"description": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent illustration",
"domain": "Commercial",
"eventId": "753",
"eventTime": "2021-09-27T07:43:59.059Z",
"eventType": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent",
"priority": "3",
"timeOcurred": "2021-09-30T07:43:59.059Z",
"title": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent",
"event": {
"CheckProductOfferingQualification": {
"id": "14"
"reportingSystem": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"source": {
"id": "123",
"name": "CRM app",
"@type": "ReportingResource",
"@referredType": "LogicalResource"
"@baseType": "Event",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationDeleteEvent"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 27

Product Offering Qualification

Remember the following Uniform Contract:

Operation on Entities Uniform API Operation Description

Query Entities GET Resource GET must be used to retrieve a

representation of a resource.

Create Entity POST Resource POST must be used to create a new


Partial Update of an Entity PATCH Resource PATCH must be used to partially

update a resource

Remove an Entity DELETE Resource DELETE must be used to remove a


Execute an Action on an Entity POST on TASK Resource POST must be used to execute Task

Other Request Methods POST on TASK Resource GET and POST must not be used to
tunnel other request methods.

Filtering and attribute selection rules are described in the TMF REST Design Guidelines.

Notifications are also described in a subsequent section.

Operations on QueryProductOfferingQualification

List or find QueryProductOfferingQualification objects

GET /queryProductOfferingQualification


This operation list QueryProductOfferingQualification entities. Attribute selection is enabled for all
first level attributes. Filtering may be available depending on the compliance level supported by an

Usage samples

Retrieve a list of QueryProductOfferingQualification(s).


GET /queryProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json


© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 28

Product Offering Qualification


"id": "11",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI89",
"name": "European Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI90",
"name": "European Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "2"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI91",
"name": "European Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "3"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 29

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "4"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "5"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI125",
"name": "International Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "6"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"
"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"description": "Example for an inProgress QueryProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "dfg-56d",
"version": "v2",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 30

Product Offering Qualification

"name": "UNI specification"

"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "10BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256
"id": "1"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pellisier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75004",
"country": "France" }
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"state": "inProgress",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:51:12.570Z"

Retrieve a list of QueryProductOfferingQualification(s).


GET /queryProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 31

Product Offering Qualification



"id": "11",
"state" : "qualified",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T11:33:54.172Z",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "12",
"state" : "qualified",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T14:25:54.172Z",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "32",
"state" : "qualified",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-02T15:25:54.172Z",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "47",
"state" : "qualified",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification"

Retrieves a QueryProductOfferingQualification by ID
GET /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation retrieves a QueryProductOfferingQualification entity. Attribute selection is enabled

for all first level attributes. Filtering may be available depending on the compliance level supported
by an implementation.

Usage samples

Retrieve a QueryProductOfferingQualification from its identifier

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 32

Product Offering Qualification


GET /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json



"id": "11",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI89",
"name": "European Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI90",
"name": "European Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "2"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI91",
"name": "European Data Plan - 100 GB",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 33

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "3"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "4"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "5"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI125",
"name": "International Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "6"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"

Retrieve a QueryProductOfferingQualification from its identifier


© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 34

Product Offering Qualification

GET /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json



"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"description": "Example for an inProgress QueryProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "dfg-56d",
"version": "v2",
"name": "UNI specification"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "10BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256
"id": "1"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 35

Product Offering Qualification

"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pellisier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75004",
"country": "France" }
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"state": "inProgress",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:51:12.570Z"

Creates a QueryProductOfferingQualification
POST /queryProductOfferingQualification


This operation creates a QueryProductOfferingQualification entity.

Mandatory Attributes

Mandatory Attributes Rule

Usage samples

Creation of a new QueryProductOfferingQualification with POST operation


© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 36

Product Offering Qualification

POST /queryProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json

"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"



"id": "11",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"category": {
"id": "24",
"name": "International Data plan",
"href": "https://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v5/category/24",
"@type": "CategoryRef"
"description": "Example for a QueryProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 37

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "DPI89",
"name": "European Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI90",
"name": "European Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "2"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI91",
"name": "European Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "3"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "4"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "5"
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI125",
"name": "International Data Plan - 100 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "6"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 38

Product Offering Qualification

"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:25:54.172Z"

Updates partially a QueryProductOfferingQualification

PATCH /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation allows partial updates of a QueryProductOfferingQualification entity. Support of

json/merge ( is mandatory, support of json/patch
( is optiona. Note: If the update operation yields to the creation of
sub-resources or relationships, the same rules concerning mandatory sub-resource attributes and
default value settings in the POST operation applies to the PATCH operation. Hence these tables are
not repeated here.

Patchable and Non Patchable Attributes

Non Patchable Attributes Rule




Patchable Attributes Rule








© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 39

Product Offering Qualification

Patchable Attributes Rule










Usage samples

Update a QueryProductOfferingQualification using json-patch


PATCH /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"value": "100BASE-T"
"path": "/place/postcode?role=INSTALL_LOCATION",
"value": "75005"



"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"description": "Example for an inProgress QueryProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 40
Product Offering Qualification

"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "dfg-56d",
"version": "v2",
"name": "UNI specification"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "100BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256
"id": "1"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pellisier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75005",
"country": "France" }
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"state": "inProgress",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:51:12.570Z"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 41

Product Offering Qualification

Update a QueryProductOfferingQualification using merge-patch


PATCH /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json

"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"id": "1",
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "100BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256
"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pellisier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75005",
"country": "France"




© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 42

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "14",
"@type": "QueryProductOfferingQualification",
"description": "Example for an inProgress QueryProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"qualifiedProductOfferingItem": [
"@type": "QualifiedProductOfferingItem",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "dfg-56d",
"version": "v2",
"name": "UNI specification"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "UNI_Characteristic",
"name": "UNI order configuration",
"valueType": "UNISpec JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "UNIJsonSpecification",
"physicalLayer": "100BASE-T",
"synchronousModeEnabled": true,
"numberOfLinks": 1,
"tokenShareEnabled": true,
"uniResiliency": "NONE",
"maxServiceFrameSize": 1256
"id": "1"
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"place": [
"@type": "GeographicAddress",
"streetType": "rue",
"streetName": "Pellisier",
"streetNr": "14",
"city": "Paris",
"postcode": "75005",
"country": "France" }
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-06T15:51:12.570Z",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 43

Product Offering Qualification

"state": "inProgress",
"creationDate": "2021-08-31T15:51:12.570Z"

Deletes a QueryProductOfferingQualification
DELETE /queryProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation deletes a QueryProductOfferingQualification entity.

Operations on CheckProductOfferingQualification

List or find CheckProductOfferingQualification objects

GET /checkProductOfferingQualification


This operation list CheckProductOfferingQualification entities. Attribute selection is enabled for all
first level attributes. Filtering may be available depending on the compliance level supported by an

Usage samples

Retrieve a list of CheckProductOfferingQualification(s)


GET /checkProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json



"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 44
Product Offering Qualification

"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",
"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 45

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"
"id": "101",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for an acknowledged CheckProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-05T07:11:53.167Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.167Z",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "77",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 46

Product Offering Qualification

"name": "NEST for enhanced MobileBroadband with IMS support"

"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "Slice5G_Characteristic",
"name": "Slice 5G POQ configuration",
"valueType": "Slice5G JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "5GSliceJsonSpecification",
"availability": 99.999,
"MMTel_Support": 1,
"Session _Service_Continuity_support": 1,
"Slice_Quality_Of_Service": [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
"place": [
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "France",
"id": "FRA",
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"state": "acknowledged"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z",
"state": "acknowledged",
"creationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z"

Retrieve a list of CheckProductOfferingQualification(s) with filter selection


GET /checkProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 47

Product Offering Qualification



"id": "9",
"state" : "done",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T11:33:54.172Z",
"qualificationResult": "green",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "19",
"state" : "done",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T14:25:54.172Z",
"qualificationResult": "red",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "31",
"state" : "done",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-02T15:25:54.172Z",
"qualificationResult": "green",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"id": "547",
"state" : "done",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-03T15:25:54.172Z",
"qualificationResult": "green",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification"

Retrieves a CheckProductOfferingQualification by ID
GET /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation retrieves a CheckProductOfferingQualification entity. Attribute selection is enabled

for all first level attributes. Filtering may be available depending on the compliance level supported
by an implementation.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 48

Product Offering Qualification

Usage samples

Retrieve a CheckProductOfferingQualification from its identifier


GET /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json



"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 49

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",
"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 50

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"

Retrieve a CheckProductOfferingQualification from its identifier


GET /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json



"id": "101",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for an acknowledged CheckProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-05T07:11:53.167Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.167Z",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "77",
"name": "NEST for enhanced MobileBroadband with IMS support"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "Slice5G_Characteristic",
"name": "Slice 5G POQ configuration",
"valueType": "Slice5G JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "5GSliceJsonSpecification",
"availability": 99.999,
"MMTel_Support": 1,

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 51

Product Offering Qualification

"Session _Service_Continuity_support": 1,
"Slice_Quality_Of_Service": [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
"place": [
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "France",
"id": "FRA",
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"state": "acknowledged"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z",
"state": "acknowledged",
"creationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z"

Creates a CheckProductOfferingQualification
POST /checkProductOfferingQualification


This operation creates a CheckProductOfferingQualification entity.

Mandatory Attributes

Mandatory Attributes Rule


Usage samples

Creation of a new CheckProductOfferingQualification with POST operation

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 52

Product Offering Qualification


POST /checkProductOfferingQualification
Content-Type: application/json

"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "2"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 53

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"



"id": "99",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for a CheckProductOfferingQualification resource",
"effectiveQualificationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"expirationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"instantSyncQualification": true,
"note": [
"@type": "Note",
"author": "Mr. N. Bene",
"date": "2020-11-20T08:00:00Z",
"id": "1",
"text": "Not for a CheckProductOfferingQualification"
"checkProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 20 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"qualificationItemResult": "green",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 54

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore available but similar offer
"code": "TE45A"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI123",
"name": "International Data Plan - 40 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"alternateProductOfferingProposal": [
"@type": "AlternateProductOfferingProposal",
"alternateActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.353Z",
"alternateProductOffering": {
"id": "DPI124",
"name": "International Data Plan - 50 GB",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"id": "1"
"action": "add",
"id": "2",
"qualificationItemResult": "orange",
"state": "done"
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.352Z",
"eligibilityUnavailabilityReason": [
"@type": "EligibilityUnavailabilityReason",
"label": "This offering is not anymore open to new customer",
"code": "TE45"
"productOffering": {
"id": "DPI128",
"name": "France Voice Plan - 3 hours",
"@type": "ProductOfferingRef"
"action": "add",
"id": "3",
"qualificationItemResult": "red",
"state": "done"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 55

Product Offering Qualification

"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z",
"state": "done",
"creationDate": "2021-09-01T14:21:03.354Z"

Updates partially a CheckProductOfferingQualification

PATCH /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation allows partial updates of a CheckProductOfferingQualification entity. Support of

json/merge ( is mandatory, support of json/patch
( is optiona. Note: If the update operation yields to the creation of
sub-resources or relationships, the same rules concerning mandatory sub-resource attributes and
default value settings in the POST operation applies to the PATCH operation. Hence these tables are
not repeated here.

Patchable and Non Patchable Attributes

Non Patchable Attributes Rule




Patchable Attributes Rule











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Product Offering Qualification

Patchable Attributes Rule









Usage samples

Update a CheckProductOfferingQualification using json-patch


PATCH /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"value": {
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "Belgium",
"id": "BEL",



"id": "101",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 57
Product Offering Qualification

"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for an acknowledged CheckProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-05T07:11:53.167Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.167Z",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "77",
"name": "NEST for enhanced MobileBroadband with IMS support"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "Slice5G_Characteristic",
"name": "Slice 5G POQ configuration",
"valueType": "Slice5G JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "5GSliceJsonSpecification",
"availability": 99.999,
"MMTel_Support": 1,
"Session _Service_Continuity_support": 1,
"Slice_Quality_Of_Service": [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
"place": [
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "France",
"id": "FRA",
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "Belgium",
"id": "BEL",
"action": "add",
"id": "1",
"state": "acknowledged"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 58

Product Offering Qualification

"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z",
"state": "acknowledged",
"creationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z"

Update a CheckProductOfferingQualification using merge-patch


PATCH /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json

"id": "101",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"place": [
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "France",
"id": "FRA",
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "Belgium",
"id": "BEL",
"id": "1"



© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 59

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "101",
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualification",
"channel": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Web"
"description": "Example for an acknowledged CheckProductOfferingQualification
"expectedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-05T07:11:53.167Z",
"instantSyncQualification": false,
"CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem": [
"@type": "CheckProductOfferingQualificationItem",
"expectedActivationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.167Z",
"product": {
"@type": "ProductValue",
"productSpecification": {
"id": "77",
"name": "NEST for enhanced MobileBroadband with IMS support"
"productCharacteristic": [
"@type": "ObjectCharacteristic",
"id": "Slice5G_Characteristic",
"name": "Slice 5G POQ configuration",
"valueType": "Slice5G JSON descriptor",
"value": {
"@valueSchemaLocation": "",
"@type": "5GSliceJsonSpecification",
"availability": 99.999,
"MMTel_Support": 1,
"Session _Service_Continuity_support": 1,
"Slice_Quality_Of_Service": [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
"place": [
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "France",
"id": "FRA",
"role": "Coverage",
"@type": "PlaceRef",
"@referredType": "GeographicLocation",
"name": "Belgium",
"id": "BEL",
"action": "add",

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 60

Product Offering Qualification

"id": "1",
"state": "acknowledged"
"provideAlternative": true,
"provideUnavailabilityReason": true,
"relatedParty": [
"id": "45hj-999",
"href": "https://host:port/partyManagement/v5/individual/45hj-9999",
"name": "Louise",
"role": "requester",
"@type": "@relatedParty",
"@referredType": "Individual"
"requestedQualificationCompletionDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z",
"state": "acknowledged",
"creationDate": "2021-09-02T07:11:53.168Z"

Deletes a CheckProductOfferingQualification
DELETE /checkProductOfferingQualification/{id}?fields=…&{filtering}


This operation deletes a CheckProductOfferingQualification entity.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 61

Product Offering Qualification

For every single of operation on the entities use the following templates and provide sample REST
notification POST calls.

It is assumed that the Pub/Sub uses the Register and UnRegister mechanisms described in the REST
Guidelines reproduced below.

Register listener
POST /hub


Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must use to deliver information
about its health state, execution state, failures and metrics. Subsequent POST calls will be rejected
by the service if it does not support multiple listeners. In this case DELETE /api/hub/{id} must be
called before an endpoint can be created again.


Returns HTTP/1.1 status code 204 if the request was successful.

Returns HTTP/1.1 status code 409 if request is not successful.

Usage Samples

Here’s an example of a request for registering a listener.


POST /api/hub

Accept: application/json

"callback": ""


© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 62

Product Offering Qualification


Content-Type: application/json

Location: /api/hub/42

"callback": "",

Unregister listener
DELETE /hub/{id}


Clears the communication endpoint address that was set by creating the Hub..


Returns HTTP/1.1 status code 204 if the request was successful.

Returns HTTP/1.1 status code 404 if the resource is not found.

Usage Samples

Here’s an example of a request for un-registering a listener.


DELETE /api/hub/42

Accept: application/json



Publish Event to listener

POST /client/listener


Clears the communication endpoint address that was set by creating the Hub.

© TM Forum 2022. All Rights Reserved. Page 63

Product Offering Qualification

Provides to a registered listener the description of the event that was raised. The /client/listener url
is the callback url passed when registering the listener.


Returns HTTP/1.1 status code 201 if the service is able to set the configuration.

Usage Samples

Here’s an example of a notification received by the listener. In this example “EVENT TYPE” should be
replaced by one of the notification types supported by this API (see Notification resources Models
section) and EVENT BODY refers to the data structure of the given notification type.


POST /client/listener

Accept: application/json

"event": {
"eventType": "EVENT_TYPE"



For detailed examples on the general TM Forum notification mechanism, see the TMF REST Design

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Product Offering Qualification

Release History
Release Date Release led by: Description

Contributors to Document

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