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Makati District Pathfinder Club

BSTC Examination
1. What is the goal of Pathfinder?

2. Who is the current General Conference Pathfinder Director?

3. Club staff needs to check for the following:
a. S_______________ O_______________
b. A_______________
c. H_______________ c_______________
d. R_______________ t_______________ d_______________
e. U_______________ C_______________’s Table
f. Making Members W_______________
g. P_______________ Friends T_______________
h. Reviewing the C_______________ Work
i. Planning a b_______________ P_______________
j. Developing Unit C_______________
k. Pathfinder M_______________ p_______________
l. E_______________
m. C_______________ E_______________
n. T_______________ M_______________

4. Prevention of Discipline Problem

a. Plan an e_______________ program of a_______________.

b. Never go to m_______________ u_______________.
c. Be f_______________, caring, and a_______________ at all times.
d. Cultivate a s_______________ of h_______________
e. Don’t use s_______________ or _______________.
f. Don’t be a “f_______________”.
g. Be f_______________ and i_______________ –don’t have favorites.
h. Show s_______-c________ and be p_______________, even under pressure.
i. Watch the use of your v________–speak clearly and with a_______________, but don’t
j. Give c_______________, p_______________ instructions and c_______________.
k. Watch m_______________ that could lead to r_______________, and avoid

5. Method of Discipline

 P_______________ C_______________
 Use G_______________ J_______________
 Take care of I_______________ D_______________
 E_______________ if necessary
 P_______________ in A_______________
 Use t_______________ and w_______________ that can’t be carried out.
 Force a_______________ Public
 D_______________ after club meeting
 A_______________ extra task
 “Dunce-Cap” Discipline
 Use c_______________ P_______________

6.   Qualities of a Pathfinder Leader

a. Live a C___________________-C_______________________ Life

b. Love b______ and g_________
c. Be o__________________ and e_________________________
d. Has a v_____________________ (knows WHY they’re involved)
e. Has a m______________________(knows HOW they’re doing
f. Be a m________________ of his/her own e___________________
g. Enjoy the o____________ of d___________________
h. Maintain p______________ r___________________ with fellow workers
i. Have a c__________________ personality
j. Have a s________________ of H_______________________
k. Be r___________________ and c___________________
l. Enlist c___________________________
m. Be able to delegate r___________________ and a__________________
n. Has I________________________ (keeps commitments)
o. Understand the C__________________ of Junior Youth
p. Master D________________ skills
q. Know how to o____________________

7. Steps in Organizing a Pathfinder Club

a. Counsel with the ___________ __________________ _____________ __________

b. Meet with your ______________ and ____________ _____________ ____________
c. Present your plan to the ____________ _______________
d. ___________ the congregation during the ___________ ____________
e. Call a _________ _______________ (_________________________)
f. Teach the ______________ OF ___________________
g. Elect an __________________ and _____________ _______________
h. Choose _________________ and _____________________
i. Plan a ______________________ _______________________________
j. Build the program ________ WEEKS in advance!
k. Send out letters to families ________ WEEKS before enrolment
l. ___________________ your program!
m. _____________ and _________________staff before enrolment night.
n. ____________________________ night
o. Home _________________________ (show that you care)
p. _____________________ Program 3 weeks later
q. ______________________ nights
r. Develop ________________________________
s. ________________________________________
8. List of staff in the Pathfinder Club
a. D_____________________
b. D________________ D_____________________
c. S_____________________
d. T_____________________
e. C_____________________
f. U__________ C_____________________
g. I_____________________
h. U__________C_____________________
i. U_______ S_____________________
j. A____________________ D_____________________
k. A_______ C______________________
9. Camp Planning
a. Go for a r_____________________
b. T_____________________
c. T_____________________
d. General g_____________________
e. F__________-a_____ Kit (First aider)
f. Camp p_____________________
g. F_____________________
h. Plan meetings around a t_________
i. Campsite i__________________ prior to arrival
j. Secure p_____________________ from landowner
k. H__________
l. S___________
m. Notification of p_________________.

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