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GOTR: FLIGHT WING & BRIEFINGS F-15C NORMAL OPERATION CHECKLISTS Thr ottles...eosesensese FULL BACK External Lights ALL OFF Cockpit Lights. AS REQUIRED Flaps Indicator..... os UP. Gear Lever... DOWN “THREE GREEN Gear Indicator. Weapon Control Panel (MPCD).. ChafffFlares Quantity. Weapons Stores VSD. Radar Master Caution Light.. Flight Instruments. Clock. CHECKED & SET ‘TEWS Display (RWS) FUNCTIONING ECM cassnssensentie ste OFF Fuel Quantity CHECKED Warning Panel CHECKED LGEN OUT, R GEN OUT; ALL OTHERS OFF Air Brake Indicator... CLOSED NG ae Na Lights crn sesenaoN Canopy CLOSED Right Throttle Right Engine Right Engine Instruments. Right Engine Running Stat Left ThrOttle onsen seeelDLE Left Engine. START Left Engine Instruments MONITOR Left Engine Running Stable sve CHECK Throttles ... IDLE Left & Right Engine... sw AUTO START ~ GOTO BEFORE TAXI WHILE MONITORING GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 20f8 Crea HUD .esssnsseni ON, COLOUR SET Master Mode NAV Trim CHECKED & RESET Flight Instruments... sesseenneen CHECKED Altimeter / Elevation.........SET & CROSSCHECKED HSI/ Standby Compass. CROSSCHECKED Taxi Clearance ECEIVED COMPLETED .COMPLETED Departure Briefing (pg. 4) Emergency Briefing (pg. 4).. Pager Ucelag Flaps DOWN Take-Off Trim .nnnsennnnnnsnnnennnAS REQUIRED Flight Controls.. -FULL & FREE MOVEMENT Speed Brakes. CLOSED Canopy CLOSED & LOCKED Engine Instruments. Warning Lights & Panel Scan For Traffi Bola Take-Off Clearance RECEIVED Landing Lights (far) ON HSI/ Runway Heading... (CROSSCHECKED Wheel Brakes -AS REQUIRED Take-Off Powe Airspeed Increasing Engine Instruments NOIR sag Gear Lever ..... -UP, NO LIGHTS Flaps... .UP, NO LIGHTS Climb Power. SET Cabin Pressure STABLE July 17, 2014 F-15C NORMAL OPERATION CHECKLISTS fea External Lights svseseeALL OFF Master Mode. AS REQUIRED Weapon Control Panel (MPCD). CHECKED Weapon Stores... os CHECKED Chaff/Flares Quantity. CHECKED Radar. ECM. .$ REQUIRED Fuel Quantity HECKED Cabin Pressure HECKED Warning Panel HECKED Joker- & Bingo-Fuel Briefing COMPLETED atolls Master Mode AS REQUIRED / NAV Nav Light8....:0sniennennnennennAS REQUIRED Weapon Control Panel (MPCD). CHECKED Weapon Stores CHECKED Chatf/Flares Quantity. (CHECKED \$ REQUIRED / OFF \S REQUIRED / OFF CHECKED HECKED HECKED Radar. ECM Fuel Quantity Cabin Pressure Warning Panel INSTT Ney Nav Lights... Master Mode ON IAV - ILSN 30f8 Throttles .... eee SET Flaps DOWN Gear Lever. DOWN Landing Lights (far) sesneeeeeeeneeON Air Brakes........... .AS REQUIRED ATC Final Clearance. RECEIVED Runway Clear CHECKED CoP Volt OPM a Waite) Cols] Go-Around Power. SET Air Brakes. see CLOSED Flaps .. SET / DOWN Engine Instruments. CHECKED Gear Lever .UP, NO LIGHTS Flaps. UP, NO LIGHTS Climb Power SET or ac) Take-Off Power. SET ‘Speed Brakes CLOSED FAS oeroeenn SET / DOWN Engine Instruments. CHECKED .UP, NO LIGHTS UP, NO LIGHTS SET Nae Dc} pater Orr Nose Wheel Steering..o:.ssssntstses suse CHECKED Taxi Lights ON Altimeter... seneannnnSET || éidseD Fuel Quantity - CHECKED Flaps. es uP Warning Panel CHECKED /ALL OFF || C0PS CONTINUOUS ‘Approach Briefing (pg. 5).. {COMPLETED || Taxi Clearance RECEIVED ATC -CONTACTED ILSN Targ CHECKED Beard HSI COURSE MATCHES RUNWAY || aircraft Stopped CHECKED CONTINUOUS |! Taxi Lights OFF Left Engine wsennesnnnnne SHUTDOWN Left Engine Instruments... MONITOR Right Engine. SHUTDOWN Right Engine Instruments. Nav Lights Canopy. Cockpit Lights. GolR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014 F-15C REFERENCE: BRIEFINGS 4of8 Daa Nc) Check gross weight (from payload screen) V; (rotation speed). Take-off trim, yes / no. Adjust “BEFORE TAKEOFF” checklist to match. Take-off power setting, mil / max. Flaps retraction point (speed and height AGL). Alternately, let lead pilot call “flaps” after takeoff, Runway direction and length. Wind. Departure Routing, (via VFR-Exit-Routing OR into traffic pattern OR IFR) Initial altitude. e.g. pattern altitude or acceleration altitude. 10. Speeds 11. Climb power settings. 12. Formation briefing 1. Flap setting 2. Power setting 3. Departure Interval 4. Ready Report SPNSHEORS EMERGENCY BRIEFING 1. Any failure on take-off run: a. Abort take-off. b. Discuss ramps to use for runway exit. 2. Any failure a. TAKE OFF b. Safe Climb Speed ©. Continue to safe altitude d. Failure management 3. If unable to maintain altitude: EJECT JOKER- & BINGO-FUEL BRIEFING Preferred/Primary airport. Secondary airport. Calculate fuel: a. Range of primary airport or secondary airport (whichever is farther) from combat area. b. At combat altitude, use fuel flow in pounds per hour at military thrust x 1.3. ©. Calculate required fuel in pounds to reach farthest airport to get BINGO FUEL. d. Multiply x 1.5 to get JOKER FUEL. ene WARNING: Multipliers assume high combat altitude of 20,000 ft or more. Adjust as appropriate for lower flight. GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014 F-15C REFERENCE: BRIEFINGS 5of8 INOS Nor ac) 1. Type of approach: a. VFR OR IFR i. if IFR, ILS yes/no b. via VFR-Entry-Routing OR Radar Vectors ©. Straight-in OR Run-and-Break d. Full Stop OR Touch-and-Go OR Low Approach Runway: Direction, Length (ft), and Elevation (ft) Wind Gross Weight (pounds) Approach Speeds (knots) Power settings Flaps settings Missed Approach a. Routing b. Altitude 9. Formation Briefing: a, Sequence b. Break Interval c. Runway Sides NORE GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014 F-15C REFERENCE: MISC 6of8 UGE eae aes ~ Identification - Number & Type of Aircraft ~ Position ~ Attitude > Intention - Request ~ Additional information BPG er Weck al Uae FORMAT: 1. Your Callsign 2. AWACS Callsign 3. “BRAA’: a. bearing of bandit or contact from you b. range of bandit or contact from you in nautical miles —-or-— 4. “bulls” / “bullseye” a. bearing of bandit or contact from bullseye b. range of bandit or contact from bullseye in nautical miles 5. altitude of bandit or contact in feet 6. aspect: hot (head-on), flanking (side-on), cold (tail-on) EXAMPLE: Uzi 1-1, Magic, contact bulls 050 for 40, at 25,000, hot This announces a contact at 50 degrees and 40nm away from bullseye, at 25,000 feet, heading toward you EXAMPLE: Uzi 1-1, Magic, BRAA, 150 for 35, at 20,000, cold This announces a contact at 150 degrees and 35nm away from you, at 20,000 feet, heading away from you “Pop-up group”: Means that the contact(s) has/have just appeared on radar; they are new. GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014 F-15C REFERENCE: MISC 7of8 CTE aes Ue SAL Lol Bc) Cera CT} DA eke oo OS Cun ac} GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014 F-15C REFERENCE: MISC Bof8 CTE aes Ue SAL Lol Bc) Cera CT} DA eke oo OS Cun ac} GotR F-15C Checklists (by Tvol) Version 1.3 July 17, 2014

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