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Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

The problem of gun uses in USA

Doan Tu Viet Hai

Student ID: GCH210923 _ Class: GBH1113

University of Greenwich (Vietnam)

Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

There are many problems in the sale of goods in European countries, in which the sale of

guns is a matter of concern. The government is contemplating potential measures to reduce

gun violence and improve public safety. These policies include reducing gun violence by

restricting gun dealers from selling illegal firearms and reducing mass shootings in many

states. However, legal restrictions on firearms have actually made illicit gun trades more

feasible. According to the CDC, there were 26,328 gun-related suicides and 20,958

homicides in the United States in 2021 (The White House, 2023). In fact, the government

should cut down on gun crime by supporting my Safer America Plan, which includes a ban

on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, mandatory background checks for all gun

transactions, and storage regulations. Meanwhile, the administration will keep doing all

within its power to ensure the safety of neighborhoods (Pew Research Center, 2023). In

short, in the US gun trade, the government needs to take measures to prevent gun violence

from skyrocketing.

Keywords: Guns, US, gun violence, government

Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................3
II. Rationale of research ...................................................................................................................................3
III. American’s gun sales issue and causes, solution of the government ......................................................4
A. Problems ..................................................................................................................................................4
B. Causes......................................................................................................................................................4
C. Solution of the government .....................................................................................................................5
D. Evaluation................................................................................................................................................5
IV. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................6
References ...........................................................................................................................................................7

I. Introduction

There are many problems in the purchase and sale of goods in European countries

that need government intervention. More specifically, it is the gun trade in the United States.

According to the Washington Post, gun violence has killed nearly 20,000 Americans in 2020,

more than in at least the past 20 years. In addition, another 24,000 people died by suicide by

gun (Tiến, 2021). The following study discusses how gun sales in the United States have

caused many serious gun violence incidents. First, the study will address the problems of gun

sales in the United States, then the reasons why such accidents happen, and thirdly, the

government's solution. It is clear that the government has introduced solutions to gun laws,

but it is not enough to stop all gun violence in the country.

II. Rationale of research

The purpose of this research is to investigate the present state of gun sales in the

United States. Furthermore, investigate the root causes of gun violence in America. At the
Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

same time, this study will aid the US government in formulating practical plans to better its

citizens' daily lives.

III. American’s gun sales issue and causes, solution of the government

A. Problems

Every year, criminals unlawfully acquire thousands of guns. The shady networks that

provide criminals with firearms are not being effectively curtailed by current federal gun

trafficking legislation in the United States. These firearms might end up on the black market

via a variety of channels. Theft and loss from retailers, transport firms, private gun owners,

straw purchasers, illegal gun sellers, and dishonest licensed gun dealers are all part of the

problem. The criminal element in jurisdictions with tougher gun control measures sometimes

obtains guns from states with looser gun control regulations. almost the last five years, law

enforcement has confiscated almost 1.3 million illicit guns. Furthermore, 74% of weapons

traced to have crossed state borders originate in states without background check

requirements. In addition, the majority (78%) of weapons tracked from state to state

originate in jurisdictions without mandatory background check requirements (Everytown

Research & Policy, 2020).

B. Causes

The United States has seen an alarming rise in gun violence, which has several

causes. Nearly half of Americans attribute most gun violence to easy access to weapons,

which is the primary reason. A huge and widely available quantity of firearms in the United

States makes it difficult to reduce the prevalence of gun usage in crime and violence, a
Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

finding supported by 44% of poll respondents. Urban gangs were highlighted by 29% of

commenters, and 27% of respondents attributed it to psychological problems (Thắng, 2021).

C. Solution of the government

As a result, the United States government may implement more stringent gun trade

rules to curtail illegal gun sales. There will be new regulations for gun shops as a result. The

regulation of gun shops under legislation has not been updated since 1960. Complete reform

of the gun dealer industry should be passed by Congress. At long last, America has an

opportunity to strengthen gun safety regulations. A customized firearm is one that can be

unlocked using a specific method, such as a fingerprint scan or a smartphone password. To

demilitarize weapons that have been stolen. Widespread implementation throughout the

United States would have a substantial impact on reducing the availability of firearms to

criminals and minors (Everytown Research & Policy, 2020).

D. Evaluation

The United States government has succeeded in curbing gun violence to some extent,

but it has not been able to eliminate it entirely. Reducing major shootings in several areas,

the federal government of the United areas has prevented gun dealers from selling illegal

guns. In addition, the distribution of smart weapons eliminates the danger posed by

traditional firearms in the hands of criminals or minors. The United States has been able to

lessen the number of casualties due to government action. The United States government

may do more to curb gun violence if it restricts access to firearms and raises public

awareness about the dangers of gun usage.

Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

IV. Conclusion

In short, the United States is not alone in having a serious problem with gun violence

in Europe. Most firearms are produced and sold in this nation. A spike in gun violence in the

United States may be attributed to a number of factors, including changes in the legislation

and the prevalence of neurological illnesses. As a result, the United States government must

devote significant time and resources to the problem of gun violence if the nation is to see

any significant improvement.

Word count: 902 words and 4 pages

Running head: The problems of gun use in USA

Everytown Research & Policy (2020) ‘Gun Trafficking, Everytown for Gun Safety Support

Fund’, [online]. Available at: (Accessed April

19, 2023).

Gramlich, J. (2023) ‘What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.’, Pew Research Center, 26th

April, [online]. Available at:


Thắng, B. (2021) ‘Đâu là nguyên nhân dẫn tới các vụ bạo lực súng đạn tại Mỹ?’ VietnamPlus,

30th March, [online]. Available at:

bao-luc-sung-dan-tai-my/702211.vnp (Accessed April 19, 2023).

The White House (2023) ‘Executive Order on Reducing Gun Violence and Making Our

Communities Safer’, The White House, [online]. Available at:

reducing-gun-violence-and-making-our-communities-safer/ (Accessed April 26, 2023).

Tiến, Đ. (2021) ‘Kiểm soát súng đạn tại Mỹ: Câu chuyện chưa hồi kết, Báo Công an Nhân dân

điện tử’, 13th June, [online]. Available at:

tai-My-Cau-chuyen-chua-hoi-ket-i616456/ (Accessed April 19, 2023).

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