Haunted by The Past

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Haunted by the Past

Name: Ahana Mazumdar

Word count: 1004 words

"JACK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The ocean looked endless as I got down on my knees, feeling the wet sand beneath me

crunch as the pace of my heart increased in volume and speed. My damp hair sprinkled

water on my face as I worried. My eyes wandered to the water, searching for Jack, my best

friend. My thoughts were whirling with all my emotions. What was I supposed to say to

Jack's family? What was going to happen to me? Would I go to jail? We were only kids. Jack

was dead because of me. And I will never forget it.

My engines growled as I drove into my parent's driveway. I could feel glances approaching

me and at my new Porsche. I stare at my mother's mansion that my dead father left to her.

The leafy vines were tangled around the stained, wine-red bricked walls. The intricate

marble designs on the white doorway greeted me with a welcome as I handed my coat and

keys to our family butler. 

"James, dear! How lovely to see you back again for your birthday!" said Mum, her eyes fixed

on her phone.

"Yes, Mum. I'm finally eighteen now! Do you have any presents for me?" I keenly said,

hoping to get a new boat this year, but I didn't think I would use it, not after three years


"Yes, James. Please be patient; your party's in the evening. I have to go shopping now; I'll be

back at seven, " replied Mum in a hurry.

I sat in the living room, opened Instagram, and watched all my university friends having

yacht parties and events. I flinched as I heard a clunk from the front post. I went to the door

and saw a red letter arrive on the doorstep. I looked out through the windows, but no one

was there. 

The smooth red letter had a sharp golden initial written " J.H.". I opened the envelope and

started shaking. 

Come over to the beach house and have a drink, just like old times. -Jack 

I glance back at the letter. Who could it be? No one was there when it happened except

him. It couldn't be him. He was dead. I opened the pasty green door and went out for a


The sun was setting; rain poured on top of me. I pulled my hood up to cover my face, getting

sweat and anger on the black wool. The darkness of the night started to engulf me until I

knew nothing of this world, and I began to float in my perplexing thoughts until I got back to


I needed to get some rest. I wrapped myself in a blanket and closed my eyes; I tried to sleep.

I couldn't. All I could do was think of Jack. I stayed like that all night, staring at the ceiling.

 As soon as I was dressed, I drove to Jack's house to investigate. The place looked tall and

caliginous, the same as it had twenty years ago, wrapped with roots from the past. There

were dry leaves everywhere, cobwebs consuming the whole place with dead organisms. As I

opened the mouldy black gate, I heard a cacophony of bats ringing and crows cawing. 

The house seemed impaired, looking as if it would fall apart. I froze. In front of me, there

was an empty bottle of cider.

Memories I had forsaken for so many years suddenly flooded back, drowning me in misery

and returning to the fateful night when my life took a turn for the worst.

My head felt heavy, and my legs were cold. I felt the sand devouring my feet as I walked

towards the deep, blue sea. I laughed loudly like I didn't have a care in the world. The dark

clouds threw water at us. I looked at Jack's dark wet hair, and he smirked. We cheered with

alcohol in our hands. I felt my feet moving towards the water. Jack shouted to stop me. I

stood there next to the water and smiled at him.

"Come on, Jack, let's go for a swim!" I chortled. 

"No, Aiden, we're drunk! We cannot! It's simply too dangerous…there might be sharks in

there!" Jack exclaimed while walking back at me. 

"Jack…are you scared?"

"No! I'm not!"

That was when Jack plunged into the cold water.

I open my eyes, grasping for breath and progress to the front door. 

The squeaky brown door opens. That was when I saw Jack.

He looked different, with deep, red scars everywhere, and his paleness matched the

ambiance with the whole room. His hair had crumbs, and his shirt looked filthy. I walk into

the living room. Everything is gone except one cramped chair in the centre. The odour of

burnt cigarettes fills my nose.

"Hey, Aiden, remember me?" he said as he started to walk around me.

"Jack. You're alive." I said, in shock. 

"We had wonderful times together! Remember that night, where I got these?" he replied as

he pointed at her face. He got a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at me. His smile widens.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up, Aiden! Just shut up! I don't believe in traitors! You convinced my parents, this

whole town, that I'm dead! I hate you! I just hate you! You just left me there. It's not fair!

You ruined my life!" he exclaims, fire in his eyes, glaring at me with hatred. He had tears in

his eyes as they fell on all the scars of our trauma.

Police sirens rang as I felt relieved and saved, but who had called them? Jack grinned and

walked towards me. He took the gun and pointed it at his head.

"Jack, please, don't! You still have a long life ahead of you!" I start to cry, panicking.

A gunshot resonates through the street.

As the police opened the door, he glanced at the blood on my hands.

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