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Character A-Choose your first character Compare OR Con- Character B-Choose your second char-

and write the name below: trast? acter and write the name below:
_____________________ Find the traits of ______________________
heroism that both
characters share. Ei-
ther compare them
or show how one
character is more
heroic than another
through a particular
trait. You only need
three traits for the
These boxes will stretch as you write. essay, but you have These boxes will stretch as you write.
extra room here to
explore before com-
posing your thesis

(In-text citation here) (In-text citation here)

Write the quote below: Write the quote below:
Add any other notes below: Add any other notes below:

(In-text citation here) (In-text citation here)

Write the quote below: Write the quote below:
Add any other notes below: Add any other notes below:

(In-text citation here) (In-text citation here)

Write the quote below: Write the quote below:
Add any other notes below: Add any other notes below:

(In-text citation here) (In-text citation here)

Write the quote below: Write the quote below:
Add any other notes below: Add any other notes below:

(In-text citation here) (In-text citation here)

Write the quote below: Write the quote below:
Add any other notes below: Add any other notes below:

©2019 Kristy Massie. Revised 2022

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