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The GREEN LEADERS PROJECT is designed against a background of limited meaningful participation and
involvement of young people at Universities in Climate Action programs and the general Climate Crisis
awareness campaign. This is clearly an underutilization of not only their enormous knowledge
development potential but also their transformative social-innovation capacity to mobilize large-scale
awareness, demand government action to tackle the climate crisis, start green businesses, run
educational programs, promote sustainable lifestyles, conserve nature, support renewable energy,
adopt environmentally sustainable practices, and implement adaptation and mitigation projects. ISLAND
OF HOPE UGANDA will respond by facilitating a; cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral self-directed
learning experience focused on the climate crisis for selected young leaders in Kyambogo and Makerere
Universities located in Kampala District. This project will target leaders of University Associations like
AIESEC in Uganda, Student Guild leadership, students at partner Faculties that are interested in having
Climate Action projects for their final year academic project requirements.

The GREEN LEADERS PROJECT will facilitate this integrated learning experience in a phased format with
specific stages of the project tackling particular dimensions of learning. The project is to stimulate the
competitive nature of young people with having a large number of participants in the first phase of the
project and finally a selected few outstanding GREEN LEADERS in the final phase whose project ideas
will stand a chance to be funded by partners.

The first phase will focus on the cognitive learning dimension through workshops, debates, awareness
campaigns and climaxed by a Climate Action concept pitching competition. The participants are to be
challenged intellectually to understand the climate change phenomenon, appreciate its far reaching
effects and most importantly activate their knowledge development potential to find solutions.

The second phase will be an International Volunteering experience in an East African country of choice
for selected leaders with the best project concepts. This learning experience will focus on the socio-
emotional dimension of learning by building core values and attitudes for sustainability, cultivating
empathy and compassion for other people and planet and stimulate their social innovation capacity.

The final phase of the project is to be an apprenticeship experience with Ugandan host organizations
for selected outstanding GREEN LEADERS. The experience will focus on the behavioral learning
dimension and enable them take practical action for sustainable transformation in the personal, societal
and political spheres. Their individual projects will also stand to be funded by their host organizations.

The first phase will have 1000 participants from the two Universities from which 500 will take part in the
climax concept pitching competition. 100 will be selected for the second phase and finally 50
outstanding Green leaders will participate in the final apprenticeship phase.



ISLAND OF HOPE UGANDA as an environmental nonprofit organization that has the following
organizational Strategic objectives:

1. Prioritization of Youth leadership development for effective and sustainable Environmental


2. Contribution to national and global policy development and implementation on sustainable

Agricultural systems.

3. Optimization of Regenerative Agriculture as a nature based solution for diverse Environmental issues
with specific focus on; Climate Change, Biodiversity loss and unsustainable food systems.

The GREEN LEADERS PROJECT is designed to accelerate the achievement of the high level targets set for
the Education for Sustainable development Program-(ESD). ESD is one of the core programs at Island
of Hope Uganda that embodies strategic Objective Number one-‘Prioritization of Youth Leadership
development for effective and Sustainable Environmental Governance.’

ESD is a lifelong learning process and an integral part of quality education that enhances the cognitive,
social emotional and behavioral dimensions of learning. It is holistic and transformational, and
encompasses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy and the learning environment. ESD is an
integral element of the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals-SDG’s more particularly SDG4-
Quality Education and specifically enables the achievement of SDG target 4.7 that states-
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable
development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable
lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global
citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development

ESD’s particular emphasis on competencies related to empathy, solidarity and action-taking can help
advance SDG-4 in building a future where education contributes not only to the success of individuals,
but also to the collective survival and prosperity of the global community. It will also help the global
education agenda move away from an exclusive focus on access to quality education measured mainly
in terms of learning outcomes, towards an increased emphasis on learning content and its contribution
to sustainability of people and the planet. In this way ESD connects SDG-4 to all other SDG’s.

The GREEN LEADERS PROJECT is an initiative that through implementation of ESD learning approaches
on students of institutions of higher learning will connect SDG4 to SDG13 and more particularly
accelerate the achievement of SDG TARGET 13.3 that states; ‘By 2030; improve education, awareness-
raising and human institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and
early warning.’

The Education system in Uganda is yet to recover from the Covid-19 Pandemic effects with timelines
disrupted and more virtual spaces replacing the traditional physical approaches for Institutions of higher
learning. The world has learnt to do things differently to make up for the lost time in lockdowns and
restrictions. This predicament has not only affected a specific generation’s learning and Education
timeline but made them more open to change unlike their predecessors. The generation (1997 to 2015)
commonly referred to as GEN-Z -‘Zoomers ’currently makes the majority of students in these institutions
of higher learning. The African Gen-Z members have a more cosmopolitan identity compared to the
millennial cohort since they are more open to many cultures with social media and internet having
enabled them to have access to information in a timely manner. This gives them political awareness at a
relatively young age and gets them more involved in issues like; gender equality and more importantly
climate change. This ‘TikTok’ generation as some people describe it has the unique power to spread
information at a mind-blowing speed and pressure her leaders for Action.

NGO’s, Development Agencies and Civil society organizations have previously focused Climate Change
programs and Education for Sustainable programs in primary and secondary levels of Education
especially due to the relatively uniform learning content for all students at those levels. Post the
Pandemic, most Development Agencies and NGO’s have recognized the latent potential that young
people especially Gen-Z members in institutions of higher learning have to accelerate Climate Action as
stated by UNESCO below.

Its today’s youth and following generations who will be left to face the consequences of unsustainable
development. It is their present and their future at stake. In return, it’s the young people who are
becoming increasingly vocal and active, demanding urgent and decisive change and holding word
leaders accountable, in particular to address the climate crisis. They have, and continue to envision, the
most creative and ingenious solutions to sustainability challenges. In addition, young people are an
important consumer group and the way their consumption patterns evolve will greatly influence the
sustainability trajectory of their countries, Empowering and mobilizing young people of all genders, is a
central part to ESD implementation. UNESCO

Scientists are observing changes across the whole climate system, according to the latest
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report. The report provides new estimates of
chances of crossing the global warming level of 1.5oc in the next decades and finds that unless there is;
immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to
1.5oc or even 2oc will be beyond reach.

2030 is the year most organizations have set for Climate Targets to be met and the Pandemic plus other
global crises like Inflation have not made achieving these targets any easier. It would be unwise for the
world to disregard the numerical advantage of this Gen-Z by not empowering them with learning
experiences that would activate their potential to accelerate climate Action. Uganda has an opportunity
to maximize the potential of this cosmopolitan Gen-Z currently at University and reach its Climate


Limited and insufficient spaces for young people in institutions of higher learning to express and grow
their latent potential to have meaningful participation in Climate Action


We are faced with a predicament where the generation of young people in institutions of higher
learning especially Universities are exposed to information through the internet and social media in
relation to global issues more particularly climate change and yet the existing learning environment,
content and opportunities for skills development in their institutions are static and to an extent unable
to harness the latent potential of these young people to create solutions to the climate crisis.


The GREEN LEADERS project is a global AIESEC project that is developed by young leaders and more
particularly the solutions proposed were raised through a survey presented to young people at a YOUTH
SPEAK FORUM held at Makerere University in 2022. This was followed by other participatory tools that
were used by ISLAND OF HOPE UGANDA to further understand the direct beneficiaries-Young people at
Universities and their capacity and capabilities to bring change.

ISLAND OF HOPE UGANDA being a youth led and youth run Environmental Organization has staff and a
leadership team with an average experience of 10 years in youth leadership and more importantly
participation in climate action projects organized by other organizations. The Education for Sustainable
Development Program under the organization has over the previous four years been a learning
experience for the organization to undergo cycles of reflection and action in regards to Climate Action
projects for young people and attained organization transformation that can contribute to effective
social change.

AIESEC as a core implementation partner is set to align its leadership development Model that it
implements through International internship and volunteering experiences to develop core qualities and
values in young people. These are; Self-awareness, Empowering others, World citizenship and Being
Solution oriented. The organization has a 70 year experience in developing world leaders and a 30 year
experience in developing Ugandan leaders. The core of this project is the 3rd phase of the project which
will focus on sparking the social innovation capacity and empathy of young people through an
international volunteering opportunity. These experiences will be run and facilitated by the direct
beneficiaries of the project.

The clear capacity and experience of these organizations in Youth leadership development and
engagement was leveraged to facilitate a participatory planning process in which young people at
Universities not only co-generated the solutions to the problem stated above but most importantly
participated in defining the problem itself.

If we facilitate a participatory 4 week cognitive learning experience on the climate crisis and its effects
for 1000 University students passionate about Climate action, followed by 100 selected outstanding
participants undertaking a facilitator role on a socio-emotional dimension learning experience through
an 8 week international volunteering opportunity, these beneficiaries will undergo a transformation as
they build their self-awareness, creativity and deeper connection to the values of love for people and
planet through reflective practice and thus this personal change ultimately translating into collective
development inform of acceleration of climate action as the final 50 distinctive GREEN LEADERS take on
a 12 week apprenticeship role in institutions, organizations and companies that have their focus or CSR
activities on mitigation and adaptation.


 Facilitating workshops EXPEREINECE THROUGH AN
 Climate Action Idea competition INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIP
 Debates
 Awareness campaigns #100 PARTICIPANTS FOR 8

Through; Knowledge creation,
research and design of new
climate solutions, increased
capabilities for large scale
climate campaigns, by the
empowered YOUTH –‘THE


Contribution to acceleration of climate Action by young people at Universities through; stimulation and
agitation for efficient governance systems and policy mechanisms in relation to climate Action,
behavioral change in terms of consumer choices due to effective mass campaigns and most importantly
knowledge creation through participatory research on mitigation solutions and design of adaptation
solutions for the raging effects of the climate crisis.


To develop young Climate Action Leaders at Universities by facilitating a transformational, self-

directed learning experience on the Climate crisis and its effects.


o To facilitate and manage a cognitive learning process on Climate Change and Climate Action
for 1000 University students and recent graduates from Makerere and Kyambogo

o To provide a platform for 500 University students from Kyambogo and Makerere Universities
to develop and pitch Climate Action project and Initiative concepts as part of their Academic

o To facilitate a socio-emotional learning experience through an international volunteering

opportunity (within East Africa) for 100 selected students with the best project or initiative

o To foster a behavioral learning experience for 50 students with outstanding Climate Action
Projects and initiatives through a local apprenticeship program

Project Outcomes Outputs Activities

1. Young leaders understand the 1.1.1. 1000 Young leaders have 1.1. Facilitating workshops on
Climate Change Phenomenon and participated in facilitated group the climate crisis at
have acquired the basic information conversations on the climate crisis Kyambogo and Makerere
at comprehension level of learning. inform of workshops, debates, Universities. The workshops
They have been challenged to roundtable discussions and novel are to take different
express their opinion on ongoing virtual self-directed learning formats and approaches to
climate Action programs and have spaces. enhance expression of
also learnt how to learn and are 1.1.2. 10 workshop sessions of 100 participants understanding
creative with a strong sense of self- participants each have been of the Climate Change
efficacy. facilitated with participants Phenomenon thus inducing
discussing general basic participation and collective
concepts on climate change learning.
phenomenon and its effects

1.2.1 1000 Young leaders have had 1.2. Conduct practical

physical practical sessions to demonstration sessions on
comprehend the basic scientific facts the greenhouse effect and
on the greenhouse effect. thus discuss and calculate
their individual carbon
1.2.2 10 practical demonstration
footprint and the butterfly
sessions with 100 participants each on effect.
the greenhouse effect have been
organized and delivered

1.2.3 1000 young leaders have

calculated their carbon footprint and
understand the butterfly effect
1.3.1 1000 Young Leaders have 1.3. Facilitate Workshops on the
participated in a facilitated discussion on Global Climate Agenda and
Global Climate targets and ongoing more particularly Uganda’s
mitigation and adaptation projects Climate Targets. These
spaces are to enable young
1.3.2 10 workshop sessions of 100
leaders get to speed with
participants each have been facilitated reality in regards to Climate
on the Global Climate Agenda and Action
Uganda’s climate targets.

2. The participants can utilize the 2.1.1. 500 exceptional young leaders 2.1. Facilitate workshops on basic
information received to create new undergo training on ideation and research, ideation concept
knowledge on adaptation and concept pitching. pitching for interested
mitigation solutions leveraging on 2.1.2. 10 sessions of 50 participants participants to enable them
their academic status. They have each are delivered on Ideation formulate their Climate Action
been empowered to imagine a and concept pitching concepts and present them.
different world through learning and
reflective participatory practices. The
participants can also use others and
their own experiences and internal
processes such as reflection,
environmental scanning, and
2.2.1 500 participants present their 2.2. Organize and run a Climate
interaction with others to develop
climate Change Mitigation and Action ideas competition in
proactive as well as problem solving
Adaptation ideas Kyambogo and Makerere
2.2.2 10 presentation spaces are
prepared in Kyambogo and Makerere
Universities to host 50 participants

2.2.3 The panel of experts selects 100

outstanding participants to proceed to
the next phase of the project.
2.3.1. The 100 outstanding ideas are 2.3. Organize a winner’s
presented to a physical audience presentation climax event for
of 1000 people. both Universities where the
2.3.2. A Virtual Audience of 10,000 selected 100 exceptional
people is reached for awareness participants showcase their
creation concepts and some academic
2.3.3. 50 of the outstanding 100 research proposals to an
concepts are taken up as audience both virtually and
academic research projects for physically.
students at partner faculties.
2.3.4. The selected 100 participants are
awarded a volunteering
opportunity in an East African
country of their choice.
3. The Participants have developed 3.1.1 100 Participants undergo training 3.1 Organize and deliver facilitator
capacity to relate, analyze and on facilitation of Participatory Methods. training camps where the 100
synthesize how the Climate crisis participants are equipped with
affects real life experiences and how 3.1.2 2 sessions of 50 participants each knowledge and special skills on
different countries approach are prepared and delivered. Participatory Methods. These skills
mitigation and adaption. They are 3.1.3 2 Sessions of outgoing preparation are to enable them create
world citizens that are more self- seminars are organized and delivered for productive knowledge co-
aware, can empower others and 100 participants generation spaces with project
more solution oriented. They have beneficiaries in their respective
developed empathy for people and 3.1.4 100 participants participate in an host countries. These camps are to
planet and their socio-innovative outgoing preparation seminar, select their have Outgoing Preparation
capacity sparked through reflective host country, set their volunteering goals seminars to Introduce the AIESEC
practice. and are ready to travel for the experience. Leadership Development Model
and enable participants set goals
for their forthcoming Volunteering

3.2.1 100 participants attend Incoming 3.2 Organize and deliver incoming
Preparation seminars in their respective preparation seminars in the
host countries. respective host countries in
collaboration with AIESEC.
3.2.2 100 participants understand their Introduce the participants to their
respective Job descriptions and have host organizations, clarify Job
aligned their individual goals to host Descriptions and most importantly
organizations strategic objectives in understand the Climate effects and
regards to Climate Action. challenges to be solved.
3.3 Coordinate and manage the
International volunteering
3.3.1 100 young Ugandan leaders have experiences of the 100 participant
facilitated workshops with host by tracking and monitoring to
organizations in their host countries on ensure the preset learning
the climate Crisis. objectives are achieved. Focus to be
3.3.2 100 Ugandan young leaders have on the Leadership Qualities and
run social media campaigns with records their facilitation skills to enable
of their weekly experiences as they understanding of the climate crisis
implement Climate Action projects in their effects in their host countries, and
respective Host Countries in East Africa. most importantly enable co-
generation of knowledge with
3.3.2 50 volunteers have conducted respective beneficiaries to find
academic research on climate issues solutions to the diverse climate
alongside their volunteering experiences. related issues. The volunteers are
to use digital tools and social media
3.3.3 100 Ugandan young leaders have
to record their experiences, run
completed their 6 week volunteering
awareness campaigns, discuss
experiences in their respective host
Climate targets in their host
countries around East Africa and travel
countries, climate policy
back to Uganda with well documented
frameworks and governance
systems and influence their fellow
young people in their host
countries to accelerate Climate
3.4.1 100 young leaders have completed 3.4 Organize and manage the Re-
reintegration seminars upon return to Integration process of the returning
Uganda. volunteers through hosting
seminars for the returning 100
3.4.2 100 young leaders have completed a young leaders from their respective
Leadership assessment and evaluation by
volunteering experiences in host
AIESEC Uganda. countries.
3.4.3 50 final participants have been The individuals are to share
selected and allocated to particular learning experiences and take
Ugandan host organizations for an assessment tests in regards to the
apprenticeship opportunity. AIESEC leadership development
Model. The participants are to also
present findings in regards to
Climate Action approaches of their
different host countries and be
guided to reassess and improve
their previously presented Climate
Action concepts (In Phase 1) given
their newly acquired skills and

The participants will finally be

evaluated and the exceptional final
50 project participants selected for
the next phase of the project during
these seminars.

4. The final participants have been 4.1.1 50 participants have completed the 4.1 Organize and manage the
transformed into competent leaders orientation process and have clear apprenticeship experience for the
of change with a realistic and feasible objectives for personal development as 50 participants by setting up
approach to mitigation and well as their organizational tasks. Orientation and introduction
adaptation Actions. They understand sessions for the respective
the bottlenecks in existing NGO 4.1.2 50 participants have effectively participants with their respective
programs, Green Businesses and completed their host organizational tasks organizations and creating and
most importantly governance and have positively contributed to implementing a weekly evaluation
systems and policy mechanisms that evolution of their host organizational system for their apprenticeship
require systemic changes or agitation processes in regards to Climate Action experience. The participants are to
and pressure from young people for projects. be evaluated in terms of level of
National Climate goals to be timely 4.1.3 Beneficiaries in Climate Action understanding of their respective
achieved. These final Green Leaders projects run by host organizations are host organizational strategic
will not only have understood the objectives and climate Action
reality in Climate Action programs empowered by the Participatory process programs. Participatory Learning
but will have opened up realms of with their opinion is valued. and action is to be the focus
the possible in personal, societal and process of the daily experiences as
political spheres. the 50 apprentices execute their
work in the respective host
organizations. These participatory
processes that the apprentices
were introduced to in their
previous international volunteering
experiences should enable them
facilitate a process that improves
host organization’s Climate Action
project implementation and
ultimately the host organizations
evolve as well.

4.2.1 A weekly Twitter discussion is run 4.2 Coordinate, create platforms

on pertinent issues on Climate change and enable participants to
effects and government policy in relation maximize the information
to the Climate crisis with a 1000 people technology trends and social media
virtual audience and the 50 apprentices to communicate and create
sharing real-time experiences in Climate awareness on the Climate Crisis
Action projects. through sharing their
apprenticeship experiences.
4.2.2 A weekly Linked-In discussion is run
where the apprentices share their work Twitter discussions on climate
experience in Climate Action Projects in a change effects and effectiveness of
move to promote Green careers existing government and civil
society adaptation and mitigation
4.2.3 500 videos are uploaded by the 50 programs, Linked In discussions on
apprentices on diverse matters concerning green jobs and Climate action
Climate Action depending on the activities experience sharing of participants,
run by their host organization. These are YouTube visual and contextual
to enable showcasing of the real local evidence presentation that
effects of the crisis and ingenious challenges existing assumptions on
solutions young people have created. Climate Change effects and
4.2.4 10 Facebook groups and pages that showcases young people’s
coordinate 1000 Climate action young contribution to Climate Action,
people and create spaces for the Network fostering and connection
community to share knowledge and building through Facebook posts
and creation of Climate Action
experiences. virtual communities

4.3.1 25 academic research projects on 4.3 Facilitate useful research and

Climate Action are commenced and Analysis in the area of Climate
completed by the participants from Action by the participants under
partner university faculties. the guidance of expert
professionals that work for their
4.3.2 25 Climate Action projects are host organizations. The apprentices
presented by the apprentices to partners
are to re-evaluate their climate
for funding. Action concepts presented in
earlier stages of the project and
either improve them or pick up new
issues to focus on that stand a
chance to be funded by partners.

The Objective of this research and

analysis is to be focused on Policy
effectiveness and knowledge
creation in terms of understanding
the climate crisis in the Ugandan
context and local finding solutions
to local climate related issues.

The Green Leaders are to harness

information technology and social
media as participatory research
tools to collect information from
people affected by the crisis
especially marginalized and
disenfranchised communities. The
apprentice’s previous international
volunteering experience is to be
leveraged on to enhance creation
of transnational knowledge
networks given that the climate
crisis is a global crisis whose effects
cross national boundaries and thus
demand new ways of creating,
sharing and using knowledge

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